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Happy birthday John Zorn! To think the guy I first encountered doing the outest skronk ever could transmute such go
- Paisleeyore (6 months ago)
Al Neri
September 2
It\'s their birthday, Happy Birthday to them! 1928 June 18, 2014, Horace Silver
- Al Neri (6 months ago)
Phav Nosnibor
Happy 69th birthday, John Zorn! Long may you continue to honk and squawk with the best of them.
- Phav Nosnibor (6 months ago)
Ojirna Olec
Happy Birthday to my favorite musician John Zorn. I still think Naked City is the most important stable in avant-ga
- Ojirna Olec (6 months ago)
Michael Schell
Another batch of John Zorn Bagatelles, from volumes 5 8, was featured on Flotation Device in Dec. 2021. Featuring
- Michael Schell (6 months ago)
Locus Solus John Zorn 1983 Happy Birthday John Zorn
- まーさん (6 months ago)
The Hi-Fi Hillbillies
Happy Friday, September 2nd. Today is National Food Bank Day.
Happy Birthday: Hugo Montenegro, Sam Gooden (Impress
- The Hi-Fi Hillbillies (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday John Zorn
- 帰ってきたパンク (6 months ago)
Taint Team
Happy Birthday John Zorn
- Taint Team (6 months ago)
Deny Fear
Happy birthday John Zorn Rita Barros, 1990
\"He built a singularly influential career on his own terms, acting a
- Deny Fear (6 months ago)
A happy 68th birthday to John Zorn:
- Bowiesongs (6 months ago)
james capatch
Happy birthday John Zorn!!
- james capatch (6 months ago)
Dave Douglas
Horace Silver, John Zorn and Birthdays today! Nice! Happy Birthday. & Let the astrologists figure this one out.
- Dave Douglas (6 months ago)
Mike Stevens
Happy Birthday
John Zorn (composer, conductor, saxophone)
That\'s Marc Ribot killing it on guitar.
- Mike Stevens (6 months ago)
9 2 VA Happy birthday! John Zorn!
- TurnItOnAgain@Inneson (6 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY is an American harpist, she solo recordings and recorded or performed with Björk, John
- RUI M S CARVALHO (5 months ago)
DMG News for September 4th, 2020: Happy Birthday John Zorn! New Things: Conference Call! Tomeka Reid / Joe Morris!
- DowntownMusicGallery (6 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Rosanna DeSoto, Michael Rother, Yuen Wah, Jim DeMint, Mark Harmon, Mik Kaminski, Jimmy Connors, K
- North Trenton (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to John Zorn!
np: The Gift, \"Snake Catcher\"
- jwelsh8 (6 months ago)
گل بی گلدون
Happy Birthday John Zorn
- گل بی گلدون (6 months ago)
Sir Nose
Happy Birthday John Zorn
- Sir Nose (6 months ago)
Bad Guy Zero
Happy birthday, John Zorn!
- Bad Guy Zero (6 months ago)
Lisa Bielawa
Happy birthday, John Zorn! I loved recording \'Madgrials\' in 2016.
- Lisa Bielawa (6 months ago)
Psychedelic Jukebox
Happy 67th Birthday John Zorn! composer, arranger, record producer, saxophonist, and multi-instrumentalist with hu
- Psychedelic Jukebox (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday John Zorn!
- Fumu (6 months ago)
burning ambulance
A clip from the first John Zorn show I ever saw (at CBGB w/Keiji Haino, December 1991) is on YouTube. This does *no
- burning ambulance (6 months ago)
Jazz Standard
Happy Birthday to saxophonist and industry leader John Zorn born in 1953. He founded the Tzadik record l
- Jazz Standard (6 months ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come! John Zorn (Saxophonist), 67 years old.
May you be gif
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (6 months ago)
Brad Farberman
Happy birthday, John Zorn! One time at a record store, I found a copy of Frank Lowe s Lowe and Behold. Zorn s first
- Brad Farberman (6 months ago)
Petra Haden
Happy Birthday, John Zorn!
- Petra Haden (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday John Zorn! ´94 WAVE John Zor
- ワールド・ディスク (6 months ago)
Action Friend
Happy Birthday John Zorn!
Still inspiring after all these years...
- Action Friend (6 months ago)
Black Metal & Brews
Today, on John Zorn\'s birthday, I learned that he and Steve Albini are basically happy/grim versions of the same pe
- Black Metal & Brews (6 months ago)
Janine Bennett
John Zorn - Gevurah via Happy 67th Birthday John Zorn!
- Janine Bennett (6 months ago)
Jackson Garland
Happy 67th birthday to downtown legend and alum John Zorn, perhaps my all-time favorite musician. Nobo
- Jackson Garland (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Keanu Reeves, Lennox Lewis, John Zorn, MC Chris. Kat Williams, Terry Bradshaw, Selma Hayek, Mark
- LoafSkull (6 months ago)
I ve been looking all day, and NO ONE that I ve seen has wished John Zorn a very Happy Birthday! Thank you so much
- Nathan Holaway (6 months ago)
Yellow Shark Music
Happy birthday to the master John Zorn
- Yellow Shark Music (6 months ago)
Gerosa Records
Happy Birthday
John Zorn
Think I need to copy this idea for a profile picture! @ Gerosa Records
- Gerosa Records (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday, John | Geboren am 02.09.1953 | US-amerikanischer Komponist | Empfehlung: Vier Werke von i
- NaxosMusicLibraryDe (6 months ago)
In 2008 it was re-issued on Tzadik Records, and composer/label boss John Zorn hailed it as one of the most intense
- ahleuchatistas (6 months ago)
Tim K.
John Zorn | Pat Metheny Tap: Book of Angels Volume 20 [Full Album] via Happy Bi
- Tim K. (7 months ago)
Fig Bat Digger Nick
Happy birthday John Zorn
- Fig Bat Digger Nick (6 months ago)
Ars Nova Workshop
Happy 65th birthday to the great John Zorn! Here he is with three stellar Philadelphians Brian Marsalla, Christian
- Ars Nova Workshop (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to John Zorn. (September 2, 1953) He is a , , , , a
- InsideRock.News (6 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Rosanna DeSoto, Michael Rother, Yuen Wah, Jim DeMint, Mark Harmon, Mik Kaminski, Jimmy Connors, K
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (6 months ago)
Somehow sixty-fucking-five years old!?! Truly a genius, if the word has any meaning at all, & probably the person w
- neddyo (6 months ago)
M A S T /\\\\\\
Excited to head up to the bay to celebrate one of my favorite composers 65th Bday! So happy for my brot
- M A S T /\\\\\\ (6 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
John Zorn will celebrate his 72 years old birthday in 5 months and 22 days! Send your greetings to him now!