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I know i\'m late but Happy Birthday Jonathan Frakes!!
- Maartje2K (6 months ago)
Jeanette Pruka
Happy Birthday Jonathan Frakes!! Hope you have an amazing day!!!!
- Jeanette Pruka (6 months ago)
Tamara Fisher
Happy Late Birthday To You Mr Jonathan Frakes!
- Tamara Fisher (6 months ago)
Oops I\'m I got that wrong. Happy birthday Jonathan Frakes
- bree (6 months ago)
Kieran Rafferty
Happy birthday Jonathan Frakes.
- Kieran Rafferty (6 months ago)
A belated happy birthday to Jonathan Frakes. Love the Picasso vibe!
- LadiesWhoTrek (6 months ago)
Peter Brome
Happy Birthday Jonathan Frakes!
He Was Great On Star Trek Next Generation and In Their
- Peter Brome (6 months ago)
Lisa Heseltine
Happy birthday Jonathan frakes have a lovely day x
- Lisa Heseltine (6 months ago)
Professor Chronotis (retired)
So: Happy birthday to - Anthony Ainley, Amy Adams, Jonathan Frak
- Professor Chronotis (retired) (6 months ago)
elena paulina
Happy Birthday Jonathan Frakes! You were an awesome host at San Jose Comic Con - this wa
- elena paulina (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to Jonathan Frakes may you have many more, And Happy birthday Gene Roddenberry your
- ShowMe2 (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Jonathan Frakes!
- Venk-Man (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the well-seasoned Jonathan Frakes
- Jim (6 months ago)
Awesome picture, Jay, and a very happy birthday to Jonathan Frakes !!
- Elaine (6 months ago)
Follow Your Curiosity podcast
Okay, I will admit I sporfled at this. Happy birthday to Jonathan Frakes!
- Follow Your Curiosity podcast (6 months ago)
Jonathon T Todd
A pic I took a for You Jon.
Happy birthday to:
Jonathan Frakes... A Great Man.
- Jonathon T Todd (6 months ago)
Star Trek Explorer
Happy Birthday, Jonathan Frakes!
- Star Trek Explorer (6 months ago)
Happy birthday Jonathan Frakes !
Look forward to more of your directing Star Trek !
- Graceinla (6 months ago)
steve mitchell
I\'m so glad pizza guy jonathan frakes is still with us and happy birthday. make him a pizza. seems fitting.
- steve mitchell (6 months ago)
Jean-Pierre Dorléac
Happy Birthday to great guy, Jonathan Frakes whom I\'ve known for years and worked with on the 30s series for AMC, \"
- Jean-Pierre Dorléac (6 months ago)
Happy birthday, Jonathan Frakes.
- shona (6 months ago)
Matthew Coburn
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction. Fact, Have A Happy Birthday To Jonathan Frakes.
- Matthew Coburn (6 months ago)
Pooja Cat
Putangina when I saw Jonathan Frakes was trending on message.
whew! Happy Birthday!
- Pooja Cat (6 months ago)
Alex White
Happy birthday Jonathan Frakes have a wonderful day
- Alex White (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the mighty Jonathan Frakes 70 years - and still rockin\'
- AndyAndorian (6 months ago)
Cathy Haynes
Happy birthday, Jonathan Frakes!!!
- Cathy Haynes (6 months ago)
Clay Keller
Happy birthday to STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT director Jonathan Frakes!
- Clay Keller (6 months ago)
Not me just realizing he s 70 happy birthday to the lovely Jonathan Frakes
- That_Girl_Mitchy (6 months ago)
The CJ Holden!?!
Y\'all have no idea what a popculture staple BEYOND BELIEF: FACT OR FICTION is in Germany. Happy birthday, Jonathan Frakes.
- The CJ Holden!?! (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to director and actor, Jonathan Frakes / Captain Riker
- STAR TREK: PHOENIX (6 months ago)
Robert WEISS
Happy Birthday Jonathan Frakes. New Age 70. My best Wishes for you
- Robert WEISS (6 months ago)
Happy birthday Jonathan Frakes and take the time to really enjoy your day.
- cwr32 (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to actor and director, Jonathan Frakes!! I absolutely love Star Trek Picard that he guest star
- Janelle (6 months ago)
tini / elnor / mav
I m TERRIFIED to @ jonathan frakes to this post so it s just a happy bday post for will JEBEJDB
- tini / elnor / mav (6 months ago)
Ben Guilfoy
Happy birthday to Jonathan Frakes. Sorry Thomas got out through the ringer
- Ben Guilfoy (6 months ago)
Dylan Roth
It s Jonathan Frakes birthday; everyone celebrate by singing Happy Birthday, receiving a few thoughtful notes, s
- Dylan Roth (6 months ago)
Cats on a toboggan
Happy birthday Jonathan Frakes. You\'re invited to all the Pakled parties.
- Cats on a toboggan (6 months ago)
Geek Freaks
Happy Birthday Jonathan Frakes!
- Geek Freaks (6 months ago)
Truffle Butter
Happy Birthday Jonathan Frakes may you have many more
- Truffle Butter (6 months ago)
Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Jonathan Frakes!
- Mrs. Anne (6 months ago)
Adamas Nemesis
Wow. Happy Birthday, Jonathan Frakes! And Gene Roddenberry!
- Adamas Nemesis (6 months ago)
Ken Holtzhouser
Happy Birthday to writer, actor and hero Jonathan Frakes!!
This one s FACT, not fiction
- Ken Holtzhouser (6 months ago)
Mike ♈
Happy birthday Jonathan Frakes.
- Mike ♈ (6 months ago)
Tran Khuong
Happy 70th Birthday Jonathan Frakes - Commander William Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Tran Khuong (6 months ago)
She-Peter: Melnick at Law
Happy Jonathan Frakes Birthday Day.
- She-Peter: Melnick at Law (6 months ago)
Rick Lupton
Happy Birthday to Jonathan Frakes actor and director from
- Rick Lupton (6 months ago)
Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Kyra Sedgwick ( Kevin Dillon ( Jonathan Frakes (
- Dvd Daddy (6 months ago)
The Science Fiction Art Of Roberto Q Garza
Happy Birthday Jonathan Frakes. William T. Riker from Star Trek the Next Generation and one hell of a director!
- The Science Fiction Art Of Roberto Q Garza (6 months ago)
TrekZone Network
Happy Birthday
- TrekZone Network (6 months ago)
Happy birthday TV Actor Jonathan Frakes! Wow, it s the 70th anniversary of your birth. How does it feel to be old
- (6 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Jonathan Frakes will celebrate his 73 years old birthday in 5 months and 9 days! Send your greetings to him now!