Happy birthday Journalist Juan Williams! This birthday, I wish you abundant happiness and love. May all your dreams
- AllFamous.org (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to Juan Williams
- al (8 months ago)
Karen Kellye Irwin
Happy Birthday Juan Williams!!!! Even though I think you are to critical of President Trump , I th
- Karen Kellye Irwin (8 months ago)
Wayne-o 3924
that s nice to wish Juan Williams a happy birthday and call him your mentor please don t turn into a
- Wayne-o 3924 (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Juan Williams. Doing what you do must take a lot of patience. I don\'t know how you do it but tha
- kennyspissed (8 months ago)
Donald E. Bowers
Happy BDay Juan Williams even if you are a liberal!
- Donald E. Bowers (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Kimberly --- miss seeing you on TV, but know what you are doing now is more important,
- sal (9 months ago)
I m not a Juan Williams fan but his song selection was the best Happy Birthday!!
- denise (8 months ago)
william alexander
Can\'t believe I share the same birthday (today, April 10) as Juan Williams. Anyway, Happy Bday Juan.
- william alexander (8 months ago)
laurence ilardo
\"Juan Happy Birthday to Juan Williams!
- laurence ilardo (8 months ago)
Texas MAGA Man
Juan Williams Happy birthday now go away!
- Texas MAGA Man (8 months ago)
Julie Salomone
, oh my gosh! Excellent music from Juan Williams. Happy Birthday to him! .
- Julie Salomone (8 months ago)
Generations United
Happy 65th Birthday to Generations United\'s strategic advisor We remember his powerful piece on h
- Generations United (8 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Ken Griffey Sr, Eddie Hazel (d. 1992), David Helvarg, Narayan Rane, Masashi Sada, Steven Seagal,
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (8 months ago)
Robert Henderson
Author, Democratic Pundint, a man of great intellect, class, poise and integrity. Happy Birthda
- Robert Henderson (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Juan Williams
- johnscrewedpublic (8 months ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today, April 10, 1954 Juan Williams, Panamanian-American journalist and author was...
- Jamie Roxx (8 months ago)
Jon Stephenson
Yer still lovely as ever, MK,Happy Birthday! I do miss your sparring with Juan Williams. Hope you come ba
- Jon Stephenson (8 months ago)
David Boyd
Happy birthday mr. Juan Williams
- David Boyd (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Mr Juan Williams may you have 50 more
- getoverit (8 months ago)
roberta trew
Happy Birthday to Juan Williams, a classy guy I don\'t agree with on politics,but like & respect him. (Keep Juan, dump Beckel)
- roberta trew (8 months ago)
Cameron Byrd
Happy Birthday Juan Williams!
- Cameron Byrd (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday I dont care what anyone says I like Juan Williams!
- Ziplok (8 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to David A. Adler, Ken Griffey Sr., Masashi Sada, Steven Seagal, Pamela Wallin, Juan Williams and Peter MacNicol.
- North Trenton (8 months ago)
Tracy Kilgore
I love Juan Williams even though he is a democrat. He is my favorite on Fox the 5. Happy Birthday Juan! We U!!
- Tracy Kilgore (8 months ago)
A birthday present for Juan Williams! Happy Birthday, Juan!
- -Bob (8 months ago)
Ricky Wright
- Ricky Wright (8 months ago)
Rose Rossi
In light of today\'s good news for Justice Gorsuch I will be benevolent & wish Juan Williams an early \"Happy Birthday\"
- Rose Rossi (8 months ago)
Yogi Barrow
Screamin a big \"HAPPY BIRTHDAY\", to my little grandson, Juan Williams. Mawmaw love you, getting
- Yogi Barrow (8 months ago)