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Donald Trump
im not totally sure who this Justin guy is
I hear he thinks he's running a country or something
he looks more like a ski instructor to me
or a substitute teacher maybe..but running anything? NOPE!
- Donald Trump (4 years ago)
ISIS fighter #3
Justin is so kind and loving he gives me millions of dollars in
stupid Canadian tax payer money
he let many of my friends into Canada to form
a caliphate and gives them money for
planning and organization
happy birthday to Justin allah loves you
- ISIS fighter #3 (4 years ago)
xi jin ping
Justin is such a good friend he give me all of
the natural resources of the Canada
he let in many communist spies into country
he commit many treason against country
- xi jin ping (4 years ago)
Rainbow Carin\'
I was today years old when I found out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau\'s birthday is December 25. Christmas Day.
- Rainbow Carin\' (3 weeks ago)
Justin Trudeau is the biggest fraud in Canadian history.
Look at the question he cherry picked from 35,000 comment
- Anti-Grifter (3 weeks ago)
Born On Christmas Day ! Merry CHRISTmas & Happy Birthday ! From Jesus To Justin Trudeau Canadian PM
- (4 weeks ago)
Actually on Christmas day it is Happy Birthday Justin Trudeau. As usual conservatives are always just half right.
- Rednirus (4 weeks ago)
Brenda Hagen
Happy belated birthday wishing you all the tidings of the season and may your birth br
- Brenda Hagen (4 weeks ago)
Robin O\'Brien
Happy Birthday Justin Trudeau!!
- Robin O\'Brien (4 weeks ago)
Simon St. Laurent
That reminds me of September of last year when I noted that I would be voting for my M
- Simon St. Laurent (4 weeks ago)
Happy A Phabet Day
Also, today is a birthday
No, not HIS, HE wasn\'t really born on this date, but these folks were,
- Kedge Dragon: Never Ending Battle (1 month ago)
Happy birthday !
- Worldcrunch (1 month ago)
Happy birthday Jesus Christ our savior....oops I mean Justin Trudeau our savior!
- Andrew (1 month ago)
Annie Koutrakis
Je voudrais souhaiter un très joyeux anniversaire à notre Premier ministre, !
I would like to wis
- Annie Koutrakis (1 month ago)
Sanjay Mehra
Many happy returns of the day Happy Birthday to Justin Trudeau. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
- Sanjay Mehra (1 month ago)
Ashlei Bettie
Happy Birthday to the other son of God, Justin Trudeau!!
- Ashlei Bettie (1 month ago)
Happy birthday Justin Trudeau. Wishing you lots of happiness
- LaVieEstDouce (1 month ago)
Al Maple
I wish a happy birthday to the elected democratically Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau What a funny
- Al Maple (1 month ago)
The Band on the Titanic
Never forget that on this day, a man was born who would perform miracles, heal the sick, and feed the hungry.
- The Band on the Titanic (1 month ago)
Knut Svanholm ∞/21M
Long ago, on this day, a mother that some think was a virgin gave birth to a boy
He grew up to be a leader many we
- Knut Svanholm ∞/21M (1 month ago)
Craig Baird - Canadian History Ehx
Happy birthday to Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada, born today in 1971.
The son of Prime Minister Pierre Tr
- Craig Baird - Canadian History Ehx (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Prime Minister Justin Trudeau!
- Jolene (1 month ago)
Professeur Pierre
Happy birthday, and Merry Christmas Mr Trudeau.
- Professeur Pierre (1 month ago)
Ana Alichia Rolle-Ambrister
Justin Trudeau
Justin Pierre James Trudeau born December 25, 1971) is a Canadian politician who has served as the
- Ana Alichia Rolle-Ambrister (1 month ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Justin Trudeau will celebrate his 54 years old birthday in 11 months and 1 day! Send your greetings to him now!