Happy birthday! TIL I share a birthday with Keith Baker!
- Memes Be Dreams (he/him) (6 months ago)
318 Sports
Happy Birthday Green Oaks QB Keith Baker!
- 318 Sports (5 months ago)
So announces it\'s thing tomorrow. Any guesses? At first I thought it was something run by Keith Baker
- Ben (5 months ago)
David White
I had a sudden and inexplicable craving for all things today. I didn t know why. And then I find out it s
- David White (6 months ago)
Twogether Studios
Happy Birthday Keith Baker!
You fill the world with more magic and fun!
- Twogether Studios (6 months ago)
happy bday authors♪♫
Happy birthday Keith Baker! American writer and game designer
- happy bday authors♪♫ (6 months ago)
Angela M. Webber
Seriously though, happy birthday to Keith Baker, who makes amazing games, and cookies, and other foods, and friendship.
- Angela M. Webber (6 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Keith Baker will celebrate his 56 years old birthday in 6 months and 2 days! Send your greetings to him now!
A fantasy novelist and game designer, he is best known for creating the Eberron setting for the popular Dungeons & Dragons game. He is also the author of the Dreaming Dark and Thorn of Breland fantasy trilogies.