Welcome to Kelly Jones's Birthday Celebration Page
Kelly Jones got 239 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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I know it s short notice but it s my managers 50th birthday Friday and she is a Kelly Jones / Sterop - OutdoorGirl (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lily Moayeri لی لی
Happy album birthday to I spoke to all band members Kelly Jones and - Lily Moayeri لی لی (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

The star dedicated a song to his much missed bandmate on the anniversary of his death while appeari - Nation.Cymru (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Kelly Jones! Still rocking out at 49, you\'re an inspiration to us all See my homepage plz - Thuy.Nieto (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kelly Jones is a true rockstar who\'s aged like fine wine! Happy 49th birthday to the iconic - ChelsieTorres (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jeremy P. Goldstein
Also want to wish happy birthday to Stereophonics Kelly Jones! - Jeremy P. Goldstein (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Dude
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones! Welsh singer/songwriter/guitar/piano best known as lead vocalist of the band - The Dude (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Matthew M
So Happy Birthday, Mr Kelly Jones: \"Have a Nice Day\"! - Matthew M (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sound Overdose
Wishing a happy 49th birthday to Stereophonics\' frontman - Kelly Jones! . - Sound Overdose (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Luna Love♊
Happy Birthday, Kelly Jones Stereophonics - Right Place Right Time (Official Video) - Luna Love♊ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tommy Sprague
Happy birthday to you my cosmic twin, Tess. Me, you and Kelly Jones from the Stereophonics. What a crew. - Tommy Sprague (9 months ago)
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Jonathan Hutchinson
Happy birthday to Kelly Jones, the lead singer of my all-time favourite band and Can - Jonathan Hutchinson (9 months ago)
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Julie Lindley
Happy Birthday to the legend that is Kelly Jones Looking forward to seeing him on Monday - Julie Lindley (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Phoenix Radio LZ
Happy birthday Kelly Jones, 49 today vocals, guitar, from Welsh rock band, Stereophonics, who had the 2001 UK No.5 - Phoenix Radio LZ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Graham James
Happy birthday Kelly Jones, 49 today vocals, guitar, from Welsh rock band, Stereophonics, who had the 2001 UK No.5 - Graham James (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Happy Birthday Dr Kelly Jones! - LadyInTheStudio (10 months ago)
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Aron Smith
The Winner of this week s Happy Birthday to Kelly Jones of Have a safe & enjoyable w - Aron Smith (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Raylene - Undercover Indie ®
Please join me here at in wishing Kelly Jones (Welsh Guitarist/Pianist/Vocalist/Songwriter; Associa - Raylene - Undercover Indie ® (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ashley - Undercover Indie ®
Please join me here at in wishing Kelly Jones (Welsh Guitarist/Pianist/Vocalist/Songwriter; Associa - Ashley - Undercover Indie ® (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Kelly jones .hope you have a belter! - D (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Kelly Jones. Sketching in the park in the sun - Rockfaceart (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rock Chat With Trace
Happening today 3 June 1974 Stereophonics Kelly Jones. Happy Birthday - Rock Chat With Trace (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Luna Love
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones of Stereophonics Stereophonics - \'Do Ya Feel My Love?\' (Official Video) - Luna Love (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Music Nation
Happy Birthday to Kelly Jones of - The Music Nation (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Absolute Radio 00s
Happy birthday to Kelly Jones! - Absolute Radio 00s (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Rock Singer Kelly Jones! Words alone are not enough to express how happy I am you are celebrating an - AllFamous.org (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 48th birthday to our main man Kelly Jones! Have a great day butty. - Keepthepodcastalive (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

V roce 1974, 3. ervna se narodil Kelly Jones. Zp vák a kytarista skupiny Stereophonics. Happy Birthday. - Mális (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Purple Radio Athens
Happy birthday to Kelly Jones of Stereophonics (3 June 1974). - Purple Radio Athens (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Come and join us LIVE for the Sanders Park Jubilee celebration - BRMGradio (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

レコード屋 だるまや
Happy birthday ! Kelly Jones (Stereophonics) , /CD - レコード屋 だるまや (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

cRazy D. Dog (きいちゃん★)
( ) ... \\(- -;) (6 3 ) (Kelly Jones) 48 Hap - cRazy D. Dog (きいちゃん★) (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

⚡ Joe RK Jr. ⚡
Happy birthday to Kelly Jones - one of the best voices in rock music. Ages like fine wine! - ⚡ Joe RK Jr. ⚡ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Classic Media Moments
very talented singer of legend group , Happy Birthday Kelly Jones. Kelly Interviewed abou - Classic Media Moments (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Kelly Jones. Fave song by Stereophonics - Ashlea (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones - Solo Juan (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Kelly Jones - topstarbirthdays (9 months ago)
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Primal Astrology (Official)
Happy Birthday to Kelly Jones whose Primal Astrology sign is the Chimpanzee! - Primal Astrology (Official) (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Stars and Cars
We never need an excuse to post a red Mustang, but here s a good one. Happy Birthday to Mr Kelly Jones, born - Stars and Cars (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 47th Birthday to Kelly Jones of the Stereophonics! - Stream43 (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lorraine Sheppard
Happy birthday Kelly Jones missed your shows & thanks to for playing your tunes x - Lorraine Sheppard (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Undercover Indie ®
Please join me here at in wishing the one and only Kelly Jones (Welsh Guitarist/Vocalist; Stereopho - Undercover Indie ® (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy bday kelly jones (Stereophonics) Born : june 3, 1974 - dickymiftah (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bazooka Joe
Happy birthday to Welsh singer-songwriter Kelly Jones, born June 3, 1974, lead singer and lead guitarist of the roc - Bazooka Joe (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

100% Brit Rock Indie
Happy Birthday - Kelly Jones Born: 3 June 1974 - 100% Brit Rock Indie (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Emma Ashcroft
Happy birthday Kelly Jones - Emma Ashcroft (9 months ago)
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Talk Tonight HQ
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones! Traffic-Live in Dakota. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. - Talk Tonight HQ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Esta foi a primeira música da banda que ouvi. Passados mais de 20 anos, continua a fazer parte da lista de bandas q - Olavo (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Max
3rd June, 1974 Happy Birthday Kelly Jones, from Stereophonics, who had the 2001 UK No.5 single \'Have A Nice Day\'. - The Max (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

who\'s Laughing??
Happy birthday Kelly Jones 2yrs ago today we sang happy to you - who\'s Laughing?? (9 months ago)

50 years old (Born on June 03, 1974)

Happy Birthday, Kelly Jones! When you strum your guitar and belt out those iconic tunes, it's clear you're one of a kind. With every lyric you've penned over the years, audiences worldwide have rocked along to your timeless classics. From electrifying shows to passionate storytelling on stage and beyond—your music remains effortlessly cool.

Most recently with your continued success as a gifted singer-songwriter leading Stereophonics from strength to strength—you've proved creativity only gets better with age. Cheers for giving us countless memorable moments through song; may this birthday bring even greater inspiration (and fewer broken guitar strings) in the year ahead!

Kelly Jones's Best Moments

Happy Birthday Kelly Jones!
Happy Birthday,Kelly Jones
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones!

Traffic-Live in Dakota. 

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
Happy 41st Birthday Kelly Jones
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones! What is your favourite Stereophonics song?
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones! What\s your favourite 90s Stereophonics song?
Happy birthday to Kelly Jones of Here they were rockin\ our stage back in 2011!
Happy Birthday to this man, Mr Kelly Jones, 43 today... Legend
Happy birthday to the legend Kelly Jones
Happy birthday Kelly Jones from See them live at this summer:
 Happy Birthday Kelly Jones one of the best gigs of my life x
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones Born: 3 June 1974
Happy birthday Kelly Jones who is 45.
Happy birthday Kelly Jones 2yrs ago today we sang happy to you
Happy bday kelly jones (Stereophonics)
Born : june 3, 1974
 Happy Birthday Kelly Jones
Happy birthday to Kelly Jones!
Happy Birthday!! Kelly Jones \"Stereophonics - Indian Summer\"
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones!
Happy Birthday to Kelly Jones Celebrating in style C\est La Vie Thanks for a great tune love it! xx
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones (Vocalist of )
 Happy birthday Kelly Jones
June 3, wish Happy Birthday to Welsh singer-songwriter and lead singer of the band Stereophonics, Kelly Jones.
How is this man is 41 today? It scares me, what a cutiepie. Happy birthday Kelly Jones
Feliz cumpleaños a Kelly Jones // Happy birthday to Kelly Jones
                 Kelly Jones           41... Happy birthday
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones of 43 today!
Happy Birthday wishes to my absolute FAVE singer/songwriter, Kelly Jones.
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones
Happy birthday to one of my favourite musicians ever. The great Kelly Jones.
 Happy birthday to the one and only Mr Kelly Jones!   You re a legend!  Keep on rocking!
Happy birthday to the gorgeous Kelly Jones of
Happy Birthday to Kelly Jones. I hope he has a nice day.
Happy 45th birthday to the main man... Mr Kelly Jones have a good\un buddy
Happy birthday to our wonderful friend, Kelly Jones from
Happy Birthday Kelly Jones!       \Battling Mental Health Through The Power of Music\....
Happy birthday to the main man, Kelly Jones
Happy 46th birthday Kelly Jones!
Happy Birthday, Kelly Jones,
Happy birthday to one of my musical heroes, the legend that is Kelly Jones
Happy birthday Kelly Jones!
Happy bday n°46, Wales rocker       & Stereophonics frontman, KELLY JONES!
Kelly Jones cumple 46 años hoy, el mismo día que cumpleaños tú!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to one of the amazings UK vocalist Kelly Jones, who was born on 3 June 1974.
Happy 47th Birthday to Kelly Jones of the Stereophonics!
Happy Birthday to Kelly Jones
Happy birthday to Kelly Jones of Stereophonics 
(3 June 1974).
Happy 48th birthday to our main man Kelly Jones! Have a great day butty.
Happy Birthday to Kelly Jones of
Wishing a happy 49th birthday to Stereophonics\ frontman - Kelly Jones!
Also want to wish happy birthday to Stereophonics Kelly Jones!
kelly jones kctv5 0
kelly jones art 1
kelly jones kctv 2
Kelly Jones new pic 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Kelly, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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