Happy Birthday to Kenneth Welsh!
- Joe Anthony (11 months ago)
Universo David Lynch
Kenneth Welsh, the evil Windom Earle of Twin Peaks, turns 80. Happy birthday Kenneth!
- Universo David Lynch (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Kenneth Welsh (Windom Earle)! Here\'s one of my favorite moments from the final in
- AlOverdrive (11 months ago)
Phil Dyess-Nugent
Happy birthday, Kenneth Welsh
- Phil Dyess-Nugent (11 months ago)
Mar 30 Happy Birthday part 1: Peter Marshall, John Astin, Jay W Macintosh, Warren Beatty, Dana Gillespie, Kenneth W
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (11 months ago)
Today In Star Trek History
30 March: Happy birthday
RICK PASQUALONE, 1966, Toral (The Sword of Kahless, DS9)
DENI TYLER, Tyran technician (The
- Today In Star Trek History (11 months ago)
Russell Shaw
Happy Birthday to the master of disguise Twin Peaks Windom Earle, Film star Kenneth Welsh.
- Russell Shaw (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Canadian film and television actor Kenneth Welsh, born today in 1942. Welsh is known as the multi
- Vault0 (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Kenneth Welsh! Enjoy this great interview carried out at the last year as he tal
- 25YL: All Your Obsessions In One Place (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Norman Gifford, Jerry Lucas, Hans Ragnemalm (d. 2016), Graeme Edge, Ron Johnston, Wasim Sajjad, B
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Kenneth Welsh!
- Amanda (11 months ago)
Twin Peaks ☡.
Happy birthday to Kenneth Welsh!
Shown here behind the scenes of as photographed by Richard Beymer.
- Twin Peaks ☡. (11 months ago)
Visit Twin Peaks
Happy birthday to Kenneth Welsh aka Windom Earle -
- Visit Twin Peaks (11 months ago)
Black Lodge Cult
Happy birthday to the great Kenneth Welsh!
- Black Lodge Cult (11 months ago)
This is the water, and this is the well.
Happy birthday Kenneth Welsh!
- This is the water, and this is the well. (11 months ago)
Today In History
March 30 - Happy bday: Warren Beatty 82, Graeme Edge[Moody Blues] 78, Kenneth Welsh 77, Eric Clapton 74, Robbie Col
- Today In History (11 months ago)
Happy birthday, Kenneth Welsh! Photo by Richard Beymer.
- Twin Peaks (11 months ago)
Deputy Ben
It is Windom Earle / Doc from Miracle\'s Birthday today. Happy Birthday Kenneth Welsh, thanks for playing two of my favorite characters.
- Deputy Ben (11 months ago)
Twin Peaks Festival
Happy Birthday wishes to Kenneth Welsh
- Twin Peaks Festival (11 months ago)