Happy birthday to two major saxophone icons... Kenny Garrett who turns 60 today as well as the great Yusef Lateef w
- Cleveland Time Records (4 months ago)
Corcoran Holt
Wishing one of my main musical mentors the great Kenny Garrett a very happy 60th Bday! Thanks KG for the continued
- Corcoran Holt (4 months ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
Wishing you many more candles to blow out! Kenny Garrett (Saxophonist), 60 years old.
You look younger than ever! H
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (4 months ago)
PitchBite News
\"Happy 60th birthday to Kenny Garrett! Revisit last year\'s interview with the generational
- PitchBite News (4 months ago)
Happy 60th birthday to Kenny Garrett! Revisit last year\'s interview with the generational alto saxophonist.
- JAZZ.FM91 (4 months ago)
Jiří Gacka
edesáté narozeniny dnes slaví Kenny Garrett 1960 - americký jazzový saxofonista a kapelník, hrál mimo jiné s lidmi
- Jiří Gacka (4 months ago)
Ronnie Scott\'s Jazz Club
Happy birthday to a club favourite, the multi-talented saxophonist Kenny Garrett! We can\'t wait to welcome him back
- Ronnie Scott\'s Jazz Club (4 months ago)
Happy 60th Birthday to the mightily versatile saxophonist - Kenny Garrett The Detroit-born saxophon
- larryjohnpage (4 months ago)
Jazz FM
Happy 60th Birthday to the mightily versatile saxophonist - Kenny Garrett The Detroit-born saxophonist has made
- Jazz FM (4 months ago)
Prof. Robert Stewart
CLICK LINK to see (8:36) one of the GREATEST D
- Prof. Robert Stewart (3 months ago)
Gerald A Johnson
Happy birthday Oscar winner Director Steve McQueen-\"12 Years a Slave\", Singer Nona Hendryx of LaBelle,
- Gerald A Johnson (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Kenny Garrett who was born in Detroit, Michigan on October 9, 1960
- maxxmyrick (4 months ago)
Marijke Anthonissen
Happy Birthday Kenny Garrett! Kenny Garrett Quartet feat. Kenny Kirkland Jazz Baltica via
- Marijke Anthonissen (4 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Kenny Garrett, Julian Bailey, Kurt Neumann, Ellen Wheeler, Jorge Burruchaga, Paul Radisich, Hugh
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (4 months ago)
Jazz Empowers
Happy Birthday Kenny Garrett! Born Oct 9 1960, Garret gained prominence as a bandleader in the \'80s after playing i
- Jazz Empowers (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Kenny Garrett
- The Tuned In Academy (4 months ago)
Marcus Baylor
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mentor and brother Kenny Garrett the real KG!
- Marcus Baylor (4 months ago)
The Jazz Session
Happy birthday Kenny Garrett!
The Jazz Session (2008)
- The Jazz Session (4 months ago)
Todd Barkan
TO SING A SONG OF SONG. Happy 58th Birthday to one of the premier singers of the saxophone, our wonderful jazz mes
- Todd Barkan (4 months ago)
Eric Wyatt
Happy Birthday to Master saxophonist The Real Kenny Garrett.Truly inspirational every bandstand
- Eric Wyatt (4 months ago)
RVM [Radio.Video.Music]
Mr.Kenny Garrett is 59. Happy Birthday Sir. >>HIS BEST OF >>
- RVM [Radio.Video.Music] (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to both Chucho Valdes and Kenny Garrett.
- HKIJF (4 months ago)
We wish Happy Birthday to the American Jazz musician, the winner of Grammy Awards - Kenny Garrett!
Image source:
- MUSICABINET (4 months ago)
Raul Zakar
I wish Happy Birthday to the American Jazz musician, the winner of Grammy Awards - Kenny Garrett!
Image source:
- Raul Zakar (4 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Kenny Garrett, Julian Bailey, Kurt Neumann, Ellen Wheeler, Jorge Burruchaga, Paul Radisich and Hugh Robertson.
- North Trenton (4 months ago)