This man provided the soundtrack to our youth, Happy Birthday 71st birthday Kenny Loggins, your music lives forever
- LandOfThe80\'s (2 months ago)
Happy birthday, Kenny Loggins. 71 years young, ladies and gentlemen.
- Libby (2 months ago)
Lord o`Dance, Said He
And Happy Birthday to Nicholas Cage, Katie Couric, Jeremy Renner, Rand Paul, Kenny Loggins & many others!
- Lord o`Dance, Said He (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Kenny Loggins
- Younger1989 (2 months ago)
Happy birthday to me, Screech from Saved By The Bell, Kenny Loggins and Nicolas Cage. All the greats.
- Rozzy (2 months ago)
Alec Behan
Happy 71st Birthday to Kenny Loggins! The singer who performed the song, Danger Zone from Top Gun.
- Alec Behan (2 months ago)
The Cape 94.9
Happy Birthday Kenny Loggins (born January 7, 1948) - The Cape 94.9
- The Cape 94.9 (2 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
Happy birthday today to
Ian La Frenais
Hunter Davies
Kenny Loggins
Erin Gray
Helen Worth
David Caruso
Linda Kozlows
- Celebrity Birthdays (2 months ago)
Kenny Loggins - Back To Avalon
¡Hoy cumple años mi artista favorito! Happy birthday,
- Marc (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday to singer, songwriter Kenny Loggins. Some of his hit songs include Footloose, Danger
- LITE (2 months ago)
OttO fm RadioTv
07/01::::::Happy Birthday KENNY LOGGINS
- OttO fm RadioTv (2 months ago)
January 7th Happy Birthday to Paul Revere (1938), Danny Williams (1937), Mike McGear - The Scaffold (1944), Dave C
- TodayinMusicHistory (2 months ago)
Melanie VaughanSmith
Happy birthday today to Mike McCartney (75), Kenny Loggins (71), Erin Gray (69), Sandra Bernhard (64), David Caruso
- Melanie VaughanSmith (2 months ago)
Sarah Jean
Happy 71st Birthday Poll: What\'s Your Favorite Ke
- Sarah Jean (2 months ago)
Kracker Jones
Happy birthday Nicolas Cage(55)Kenny Loggins(71) Katie Couric(62)David Caruso(63)Donna Rice(61)Shirley Ross(1913-19
- Kracker Jones (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Kenny Loggins, singer, songwriter, (one half of Loggins & Messina 1971-76), 1984 US No.1 & UK No.
- td1radio (2 months ago)
07/01::::::Happy Birthday KENNY LOGGINS
- 8 FM TV (2 months ago)