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Dimas Pramana Putra
Happy birthday Kevin Parker!
- Dimas Pramana Putra (6 days ago)
Happy birthday Kevin parker
- Abaaay (6 days ago)
cass //
Happy birthday kevin parker i love you so much
- cass // (6 days ago)
Happy birthday to a wonderful god, Kevin Parker of I love you so much Kevin
- Alejandra (6 days ago)
yali friend ship
Happy birthday to Kevin Parker. A visionary and a scholar if there ever was one. Rest in piece kev
- yali friend ship (6 days ago)
Sai Serpas Yee
Happy bday Kevin Parker, you beautiful, talented and inspiring human being. :)
- Sai Serpas Yee (6 days ago)
Happy Birthday Kevin Parker
- fernanda (6 days ago)
Vegas M. Martino
Happy Birthday to Kevin Parker, 20 January 1986 - 2015. All the rock n roll wishes for you. Keep rocking and floating on the sounds!
- Vegas M. Martino (1 week ago)
✖️lucy jane✖️
Wish kevin parker happy birthday since we\'re FB friends or nah
- ✖️lucy jane✖️ (2 weeks ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Kevin Parker just celebrated his 39 years old birthday 6 days ago. It's still not too late to say happy bday. Send your greetings to him now!
Indie and psychedelic rock musician known as the lead singer and songwriter for the group Tame Impala. He plays the guitar, drums, bass, synthesizer, and piano among others.