Happy Birthday Kevin Sorbo...
- President-Elect Doctor LoneEagle ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ (5 months ago)
Russell Hershberger
That time of year again that I get to brag about sharing a birthday with my brother Bruce & Kevin Sorbo.
Happy Birthday gentlemen
- Russell Hershberger (5 months ago)
Lorne Malkiewich
Happy birthday, Kevin Sorbo.
- Lorne Malkiewich (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Kevin Sorbo, may it be blessed.
- apoeticsong (5 months ago)
john slotkin
Happy birthday
Lou Dobbs 77
Joe Greene 77
Gordon Clapp 74
Kevin Sorbo 64
Nia Vardalos 60
Ben Platt 29
- john slotkin (5 months ago)
Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Phil Hartman ( Jessica Lucas ( Kevin Sorbo ( and Spencer Treat
- Dvd Daddy (5 months ago)
Happy birthday
- Rivr (5 months ago)
Happy birthday TV Actor Kevin Sorbo! Words alone are not enough to express how happy I am you are celebrating anoth
- AllFamous.org (5 months ago)
Mel Vaughan Smith
1/2 Happy birthday today to director Brad Bird (65), Kevin Sorbo (64), Steve Whitmire (Kermit)(63), Jack Dee (60) a
- Mel Vaughan Smith (5 months ago)
Happy birthday,kevin sorbo!
- Люба (5 months ago)
Nicole Grant
Happy Birthday Jackie Sandler, Stephanie McMahon, Stella Banderas, Phil Hartman, Kevin Sorbo, Jessica Lucas, Nia Va
- Nicole Grant (5 months ago)
Prayer List For Rock stars
Happy Birthday Kevin Sorbo
- Prayer List For Rock stars (5 months ago)
\"Hi, this is Kevin Sorbo. My career started spiraling before you were born, and now reputable industry peop
- Sentionaut (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Kevin Sorbo
September 24, 1958 (63)
- Space-reporter-news (5 months ago)
I, not so quietly anymore, just unfollowed someone because they wished Kevin Sorbo Happy Birthday . Am I the asshole?
- Judson (5 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEPTEMBER 24...Musician Shawn Crahan,52;Novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald(1896-1940) \"125\";Business Josep
- BRONX POET (5 months ago)
Kathy G
Happy Birthday Mr Kevin Sorbo have a great Birthday
- Kathy G (5 months ago)
I m Proud to share the same Birthday with Hercules! Happy birthday Kevin Sorbo
- Danielle (5 months ago)
Hoy cumple años el actor Kevin Sorbo (63). Happy Birthday ! Aquí mi Ranking:
- titorube (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to a man of faith and a patriot. Kevin Sorbo.
- Bob4USA (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Phil Hartman, Sven-Ole Thorsen, Nia Vardalos, Megan Ward, Kevin Sorbo, Tanit Phoenix, and Jim Hen
- Happy Birthday (5 months ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Kevin Sorbo
- Solo Juan (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Kevin Sorbo!!
- Arky208 (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Kevin Sorbo
- topstarbirthdays (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Kevin Sorbo
Nia Vardalos
Ben Platt
Stephanie McMahon
- CelebCritics.com (5 months ago)
Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans
Happy Birthday Kevin Sorbo, who played Hercules in several TV movies, &
- Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans (5 months ago)
Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Kevin Sorbo!
- Mrs. Anne (5 months ago)
Isabel Boss
hello Kevin Sorbo I wish you a happy birthday and may God bless you, may he guide you.
- Isabel Boss (5 months ago)
Happy birthday Kevin Sorbo
- PEKING DUCK (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Kevin Sorbo! Für mich bist du der einzige wahre Herkules
- Kopfschüttelfraktion (5 months ago)
David Michael Lopez
Happy birthday to (59) and (KEVIN SORBO, 63).
- David Michael Lopez (5 months ago)
I know it\'s a little late, but Happy Birthday, and great NC Video today. Would you beleve Kevin Sorb
- moviegeek (6 months ago)
Career years: 1984 - present
American actor. He had starring roles in two tele
- Spacereporternews (5 months ago)
Dennis Dixon
Happy Birthday, Kevin Sorbo. I love Jim Henson too, man. Thanks bro!
- Dennis Dixon (5 months ago)
Happy 62nd birthday to HERCULES star Kevin Sorbo!
If you haven\'t seen it, NEVER CRY WEREWOLF is a pretty fun FRIG
- PopHorror (5 months ago)
Boys\' Bible Study
Happy birthday to Kevin Sorbo , a genius actor and filmmaker responsible for some of my favorite media ever
- Boys\' Bible Study (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to American actor Kevin Sorbo, born today in 1958. Sorbo had starring roles in two television series
- Vault0 (5 months ago)
Regretta Morose
Happy Birthday to Jim Henson, Mark Sandman, Phil Hartman, Kevin Sorbo, and ME!
- Regretta Morose (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday
film television actor
Kevin Sorbo
- Jack (5 months ago)
I share a birthday with the following people: Phil Hartman, Jim Henson, Stephanie McMahon, and Kevin Sorbo. Ughhh
- Bear (5 months ago)
Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy Birthday Kevin Sorbo, born September 24, 1958.
- Jim Kirkwood Jr (5 months ago)
Healthy Celeb
Happy Birthday to Kevin Sorbo ( May God bless you with all the happiness.
- Healthy Celeb (5 months ago)
Kevin Sorbo
Kevin Sorbo, bekannt aus vielen Serien, wie z.B. Hercules oder Andromeda,
- FILMTOAST (5 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Mohinder Amarnath, John Kessel, Harriet Walter, Douglas Kmiec, Dieter Hochheimer, Mark Sandman (d
- Teewhy Nyema (5 months ago)
Triforce Treasure
Also I discovered that today Kevin Sorbo (Kull the Conqueror and Hercules from \"Hercules: The Legendary Journeys\" t
- Triforce Treasure (5 months ago)
Suzanne Noa
Happy Birthday actor Kevin Sorbo
- Suzanne Noa (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to \"Hercules\" actor Kevin Sorbo!
- keyn1037 (5 months ago)
David Pipe
Happy Birthday Kevin Sorbo. Yes, I know \"Hercules\" but this kept me staring at the haunted fishtank.
- David Pipe (5 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Kevin Sorbo will celebrate his 67 years old birthday in 6 months and 20 days! Send your greetings to him now!