32 years old (Born on March 14, 1992)
American, Actress; She is famous from The Bold and The Beautiful.
Has a Pomeranian named Simba. Starred in a series of 5 Honda commercials directed by Ethan Coen and Joel Coen. Her twin sister Keaton Tyndall also appeared in the commercial. Was originally cast with her sister, Keaton Tyndall, in the role of young Matilda for the 1996 movie Matilda (1996), but had to turn down the role the day before filming due to high fevers and flu. Good friends with Darcy Rose Byrnes, Rachel Rogers, Frankie Ryan Manriquez and Jasmine Jessica Anthony. Was born 1 month premature. Stayed in an incubator for 3 weeks.Kylie Tyndall's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Kylie Tyndall
Kylie is 1 minute younger than Keaton.
Kylie and Keaton are identical mirror twins. Kylie is left handed, Keaton is right handed.
Worked first job when she was 9 months old.
Friends with Paul Walker.
Does English Riding (Hunter/Jumper) and wants to one day open a horse rescue/shelter.
Made a series commercials with Trevor Einhorn when she was 4. Worked with him again 8 years later on "Joan of Arcadia" (2003).
Sibings: Jennifer, Jessica, Jason and Keaton Tyndall.
First job was playing Baby Robert Downey Jr. in Heart and Souls (1993).