IMDb. September 21st. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Rob Benedict, Larry Hagman, Paulo Costanzo, Nicole Ritchie, Scott Evans, Jerry Bruckheimer.
- GSmith (3 months ago)
Team Linda Gray
Remembering Larry Hagman born 84 years ago today. Happy bday Larry! \"Don\'t worry, be happy, feel good\"
- Team Linda Gray (3 months ago)
.Happy birthday to the late, legendary Larry Hagman.
- Boomerocity (3 months ago)
My 60s Love Affair
Happy 84th Birthday to Larry Hagman, star of \'I Dream of Jeannie\'. Rest in Peace.
- My 60s Love Affair (3 months ago)
Josh fp_Switzerland
Happy Birthday Larry Hagman
- Josh fp_Switzerland (3 months ago)
pam christman
Happy Birthday Larry Hagman, you will forever be in my hearts.
- pam christman (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday 2day 2 Leonard Cohen 81,Stephen King 68,Bill Murray 65,Dave Coulier 56 &L8Gr8 Larry Hagman, H.G. Wells
- (3 months ago)
Karen Logan✨
Happy Birthday Hagman We all miss you xxx
- Karen Logan✨ (3 months ago)
kim latrice
Virgos of the Day- Happy Birthday to all these Virgos. Larry Hagman, Nicole Richie, Alphonso Rebeiro, Momma Dee,...
- kim latrice (3 months ago)
Dr Dalma Kalogjera
Remember JR Ewing (Dallas) Actor LARRY HAGMAN has a BIRTHDAY Sept 21! Let s wish JR many happy returns!
- Dr Dalma Kalogjera (4 months ago)
Angela AKA Spices
Larry Hagman would have been 83 years young today. Happy Birthday. We remember...
- Angela AKA Spices (3 months ago)
Lanie B.
And Will Smith, Christopher Reeve, Michael Douglas, Larry Hagman, Catherine Zeta Jones, and ME! Happy Birthday!
- Lanie B. (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Steven King. Same day w Orsen Wells, Bill Murray, Abby Miller, Faith Hill, Larry Hagman, Leo Cohen n me!
- KellyAnnPritchard (3 months ago)