55 years old (Born on March 28, 1969)
Scottish, Actress; She is famous from Eastenders.
Ranked #93 in the 100 Greatest "EastEnders" (1985) Characters of All Time for her performance as Jane Beale (2010). Her favourite film is There's Something About Mary (1998). Was in a relationship with musician Dave Evans for six years (2001-2007). Travelled around Mexico and Central America as a dancer and magician's assistant with the Circo Magico Italiano (1986-1987). Studied at the London Studio Centre.Laurie Brett's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Laurie Brett
Was in attendance at the funeral of her former "EastEnders" (1985) co-star Wendy Richard (9 March 2009).
Is fluent in Spanish.
Was in attendance at the wedding of her "EastEnders" (1985) co-star Samantha Womack to Mark Womack (17 May 2009).
Announced that she and partner John Milroy are expecting their first child together (9 January 2011).