Welcome to Lee Pace's Birthday Celebration Page
Lee Pace got 1011 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

happy bday Lee Pace, our Elvenking, Joe MacMillan, The Piemaker, The Red Bandit.... - Dana (5 years ago)
birthday balloon

Jeane Hansen
Happy Birthday! My granddaughter turned 9 on your 38th birthday! - Jeane Hansen (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

very stable genius (parody)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE PACE - very stable genius (parody) (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Mark Anthony Manalo
PJ\'s The Hobbit trilogy gave me the version of King Thranduil that instantly became one of my favourites. Happy B - Mark Anthony Manalo (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Cali ☀️ Girl ⚔️
Happy birthday Lee Pace - Cali ☀️ Girl ⚔️ (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Also happy birthday to Elton John, Laz Alonso, Lee Pace and Mikey Madison. I just think it\'s pretty neat I share a birthday with em. - AstroZacro (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to my close personal friend Lee Pace who is 6 5 - elyse (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday lee pace - abs (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday lee pace!!! to celebrate here s a drawing i did at the start of the year and never posted anywhere - holly (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Lee Pace, I m always surprised you re American - asha (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Fellowship of Fans
Happy Birthday to the regal King Thranduil himself Lee Pace - Fellowship of Fans (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

emme (hader era)
Happy birthday to my bf lee pace - emme (hader era) (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to bi king lee pace!!!!!you should all think of watching the fall (2006) in celebration today - thoroughfare.mp3 (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Bjørn \"Taylor\'s Version\" Larssen
Some days of the year are just magical. Today marks the birthdays of: Lee Pace, Vladimir Klitschko, Cathy Dennis, S - Bjørn \"Taylor\'s Version\" Larssen (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

atlas / jace
In honor of lee pace s birthday , i decided to make a small edit of thranduil :,) again happy birthday to lee and i - atlas / jace (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday lee pace I LOVE YOU - shin (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Lee Pace! Hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true! - GAWBY.com (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

not mid
Happy birthday to Hollywood actor and my close personal friend, Lee Pace. - not mid (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace! Pushing Daisies! - Robert P Coronado (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Lee Pace! - unicronicron (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Orlando Bloom movies
Happy birthday to Lee Pace, the greatest Elven King! - Orlando Bloom movies (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

the hobbit comfort
Happy birthday to the man, the myth, the legend - lee pace, our thranduil - the hobbit comfort (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Film Daze
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace! (He is 6 5) - Film Daze (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday lee pace - frankie (6 days ago)
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may ☆
Happy birthday lee pace literally nobody could have played thranduil like you did icon - may ☆ (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to my mother and also lee pace - Wendell (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

bbq dad
Happy birthday lee pace - bbq dad (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Films to Films
Happy birthday to Lee Pace! - Films to Films (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

OBRIGADA DEUS PELA EXISTÊNCIA DE LEE PACE NO UNIVERSO!!! happy birthday to this legend - mandalori(ana) (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Aly Michalka, Aretha Franklin, Big Sean, Edgar Ramírez, Elton John, Gloria Steinem, Jeff Healey, - NotYourAverageMovieBuff (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Oklahoma Pop Culture
Happy birthday to actor and Chickasha, native Lee Pace - Oklahoma Pop Culture (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday aries king Lee Pace - grant⚡️ (6 days ago)
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Happy birthday lee pace (dois metros de altura - ☭ (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Lee Pace (6 5 ) - ahmad (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

zukerberg .
happy birthday lee pace i hope u have the most wonderful scrumptious scrumdilly yum yum birthday - zukerberg . (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Lee Pace - Meech (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

happy birthday Lee Pace - mabee (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Everyone say happy birthday lee pace on the count of three!!! - gabe (6 days ago)
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Gerdien de Galan
Goedemorgen! Plus: happy birthday Lee Pace! - Gerdien de Galan (6 days ago)
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Kornél Va
March 25 - Happy birthday to Lee Pace (actor) ! - Kornél Va (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Lee Pace!!! - Bindawernoch (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Casey. My gift to you, as always, is a Lee Pace gif. - Abbi (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCH 25th; Actress Katharine McPhee,38; Actress Aly Michalka,33; Actor Lee Pace,43; Actor Justin Pr - BRONX POET (12 months ago)
birthday balloon

Belated Happy Birthday, Lee Pace! - di (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to CEO of hot men Lee Pace The Hobbit, Lincoln, The Twilight, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain - emu (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

We in uk got 1 last night (25/03/22) - we got Part 1 of The Hobbit... 1st for long time . Sadly no LOTR any more. - Owlladycal (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Anna Müller
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace! Greetings from Germany - Anna Müller (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Okayyy lee pace is sexy happy birthday king - ravvers (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Dave Hollingsworth
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace! - Dave Hollingsworth (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

GaySayHello We\'re wishing a happy birthday to our 6 5 king today! - GaySayHello (6 days ago)

46 years old (Born on March 25, 1979)

Happy Birthday, Lee Pace! From captivating audiences as the charming Ned in "Pushing Daisies," to your powerful portrayal in "Soldier's Girl," you've consistently dazzled us with your incredible range and undeniable charisma. Whether you're an elf king gracefully ruling Middle-earth or a cosmic villain shaking up the Marvel Universe, you always leave us wanting more.

Recently, your compelling performance in "Foundation" reminded everyone why you're one of Hollywood's most versatile talents. May this birthday bring you as much joy as you've given fans worldwide—and may your eyebrows continue to steal scenes for many years to come! Cheers to another fantastic year ahead!

Lee Pace's Best Moments

Happy birthday Lee Pace. 

Thank you for... well, everything.
Happy Birthday to the regal King Thranduil himself Lee Pace
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace. Respectfully.
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace! (He is 6 5)
Happy birthday to Lee Pace!

The star of   and more turns 42 today.
Happy birthday Lee Pace (6 5 )
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
HAPPY 36TH BIRTHDAY, Lee Pace! Thanks 4 being so devoted 2 your work & fans, so full of kindness and great humour!
Happy birthday to America s boyfriend, Lee Pace
Happy birthday Lee Pace!

Muchos deseos desde Mexico!

Happy birthday to Lee Pace!
Happy birthday lee pace literally nobody could have played thranduil like you did icon
Happy 41st birthday to everyone s favourite pie-maker, Lee Pace
Happy 38h birthday, Lee Pace!
Happy birthday to Lee Pace - he is 6 5.
Happy birthday to the man, the myth, the legend - lee pace, our thranduil
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace!
Happy birthday to lee pace who is 6 5
Happy Birthday to Elton John, Sarah Jessica Parker, Danica Patrick and Lee Pace!
  Happy birthday Lee Pace!!!!!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace
Happy 41st birthday to my 6\5\" king lee pace
Happy birthday to Lee Pace, the greatest Elven King!
 Happy Birthday Lee Pace...
Happy birthday,
Happy birthday Lee Pace! We love you!!!
Happy birthday to the most precious human being ever, Lee Pace. To celebrate, a quick gif thread
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
Happy birthday lee pace
   Happy 36th birthday to our sweetest Mr. Lee Pace
Happy birthday to . who turns 36 today! Let\s have some pie!
         ,            !!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the wonderfully talented Lee Pace. One of my fave vampires (aside from the Cullen\s of course)
... cheers ...
happy birthday lee pace
Happy birthday lee pace
Happy birthday to actor and  Chickasha, native Lee Pace
Happy birthday lee pace I LOVE YOU
Wishing you a very special Birthday Happy Birthday, Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace
I cannot do anything except say IT
Happy Birthday Lee pace
Happy birthday lee pace!! :-)
Wish you a very happy and blessed birthday, Mr. Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday!
   Happy birthday to you.       -from Lee Pace TH-
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
 Lee Pace was born on this day 41 years ago. Happy Birthday! What\s the movie? 5 min to answer!
 Lee Pace  happy birthday
Happy Birthday Lee Pace
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace, a.k.a. Brother Day, a.k.a. Ronan!
Everyone say happy birthday lee pace on the count of three!!!
\" Happy Birthday!!!     have a lovely day!!!\"

Thranduil Tuesday! Happy Birthday Lee Pace! (What a coincidence)
Happy Birthday Lee Pace
 Happy birthday to dear Lee Pace (^o^) Best wishes of you!!!!
Happy birthday Lee Pace
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace!
Happy birthday Lee Pace       love you
Happy birthday to our perfect Thranduil, Lee Pace!
\" Happy Birthday Lee Pace, you beautiful man!
Want to bring back a beloved show that had so much more to say? Bring back Pushing Daisies. Happy birthday LEE PACE!
Happy birthday Lee Pace
Happy birthday Lee pace
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!!!!
  Happy Birthday to the absolutely fantastic Lee Pace, thank you for being amazing
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
  ( \ \ )    +  HAPPY BIRTHDAY  +    ( \ \ )Lee Pace
Happy Birthday Lee Pace
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
Happy belated birthday to the loml lee pace!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace! -
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace !! 
love him soooo much
  Happy Birthday,Mr. Lee Pace
And a very happy birthday to the amazing and ridiculously talented Mr. Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace <3 Our beloved Elven King <3
. Happy Birthday to King Thranduil (aka Lee Pace)!! Hope your day is awesome!!
Happy birthday Lee Pace ! Thank you for giving us amazing performances of iconic characters
Happy birthday Lee Pace
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace!
Happy birthday to my fave actor, lee pace!
Happy birthday Lee Pace actor etc. Love from Avril and pets.
Good morning to lee pace only if you are not lee pace then go wish his old ass happy birthday <3
Happy Birthday Lee Pace  (I need to watch \"The Fall\" one of this days)
Happy birthday to the beautiful and talented Lee Pace!
Happy birthday to the wonder that is lee pace, you will live in my head rent free forever <<3
Happy Birthday to actors Édgar Ramírez, Bonnie Bedelia, Lee Pace, and Sarah Jessica Parker.
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace!
I wish Mr.Lee pace March 25th happy birthday in advance
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace
March 25.......meow
Happy birthday pace# u r amazing! Looking forward you  come to hk!
Happy Birthday {in thailand} Lee Pace.and I love youuuuu. I love youu .
Happy birthday,Lee Pace.I love you so much.
Lee pace~~~~ happy birthday     ( ´ ` )*  *umm it\s24:00 in China.
Happy birthday Lee Pace        Pace
 Happy Birthday Mr Lee Pace, hope you have a great one!
Happy Birthday!!Lee Pace !! All the best, happiness, good health and of course the nerve! We love you!!
 Pace Happy birthday
                     Happy Birthday Lee Pace
Happy birthday !!! pace
Happy birthday to my dear elfking Lee Pace   I am waiting for you in NZ    Have a nice trip in Shanghai
       !!Happy birthday to Lee Pace!!Welcome to China!!
Happy birthday Lee Pace !!!!    Have an amazing day Love u
Ronan: You dare oppose me? 

For a birthday dance-off? Yes we do Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday my King pace
Happy birthday to Lee Pace!This is a mini version of you lol
  Happy birthday to Lee Pace
Happy birthday my love  Pace
Happy birthday Lee Pace, tbh I really want your hair (aka Thranduil wig).
 I must say thank you to Charlotte because she brought an angle Lee Pace to us. Happy Birthday.
 Happy birthday lee pace! I love you! From china!welcome to weibo
 Pace Happy Birthday# Dear,happy birthday! I bought some cakes for you. See you in Shanghai!
 Lee Pace Happy birthday &happy everyday we love you  birthday LeePace           # Happy  *   Birthday
Happy birthday,Lee Pace!! Wish you have a special day!( ^  ^ )y
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace !! We love you Best wish from China!
  birthday to Lee Pace
 happy birthday             _ -zzzzzz   Lee Pace
    Happy Birthday to Mr. Lee Pace                 SLPJ
 happy birthday Lee Pace!I love you!we all love you!welcome to China!
It\s my friend\s birthday today and Lee Pace\s! Wish you all the best and a very happy birthday to you both!
Happy Birthday! Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday to Ned Ronan Thranduil Garrett Roy Joe and  Lee Pace       Love U
Ronan: You dare oppose me? 

For a birthday dance-off? Yes we do Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
Lee Pace ,Happy Birthday!
 Happy Birthday Lee Pace wish all the best and :)
Happy Birthday to my favourite King of elves and awesome and perfect Lee Pace
Lee Pace Happy Birthday!!
 i love you Birthday Lee Pace
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace!
 Lee Pace    ! Happy Birthday!
Happy 36th Birthday to most amazing actor in the world - LEE PACE. Enjoy every second
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace.. My favourite eyebrow king
 happy birthday Lee Pace have a great year! ^^ . //
Happy birthday to you Lee Pace~I love you soooo~much
Happy Birthday Thranduil!
Happy birthday!Lee pace
Happy 36th Birthday Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace, have a great day!!!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace
 Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to dear Lee Pace! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday Mr. Lee Pace!!! 
 Happy birthday to Lee pace
 happy birthday our sweetie Lee Pace<3
Happy birthday Pace
Omfg happy birthday Lee Pace you beautiful representation of Thranduil
Happy birthday Lee Pace
  Happy Birthday Lee Pace!!
 I painted a watercolor portrait of you. I hope you like it. Happy Birthday Lee Pace
These blessings from the China fans Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday! The eyebrows of Lee Pace. Pls grow up healthy and happily in the coming days, I love u : )
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!!
\" Thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes. Let\s do this again next year. X HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE PACE :D
Happy 36th birthday Lee Pace! pace\s birthday
Happy happy happy Birthday Pace  I love u           We are your army
Happy birthday Lee Pace, thanks for exist and delight everyone in their interpretations, Congratulations
Happy birthday       Lee pace
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE PACE! I drew this for you
Happy Birthday to you! Lee pace!
  Happy 36th birthday, Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
A very happy 36th birthday to our Ronan the Accuser: Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace, My Elven King!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace
Lee Pace Valin nosta! Inye tye-méla (In face i can\t speak or write these in Elvish)    Happy Birthday
 Happy birthday Lee Pace
Happy birthday lee pace you majestic motherfucker
Happy Birthday to Lee Pace!!!!! <3
Happy Birthday dear Lee Pace!!! I wish you long life, cool friends and sunny mood!)))
Happy birthday lee pace, what a guy
 Happy birthday, Lee Pace!!                     orz         (   ) i love you !!!
 to ~_~
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace!!
Happy birthday Lee Pace
Happy Birthday Lee Pace! One of my recent Customs : King Thranduil!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!
 own would like to wish Lee Pace a happy birthday!  Thank you, Piemaker!
Happy Birthday, Lee Pace!
Happy birthday to lee pace!
Happy Birthday to the precious sweetheart called Lee Pace!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!!
Happy Birthday Lee Pace
Happy Birthday Lee Pace!!! I hope you had a great day.
 I was late. Happy birthday Lee Pace, I love you.
Happy 39th Birthday Lee Pace!!
One Line Sunday- Happy Bday Dad/
Happy 40 Birthday wishes to Actor Lee Pace.
lee pace the hobbit 0
lee pace thranduil 1
lee pace girlfriend 2
Lee Pace dating 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Lee, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


Your Name
Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.