Happy 70th Birthday Lemmy Kilmister!!
- MFB King Panda (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday to Lemmy Kilmister!! December 24, 1945 (age 70) --Gin
- KMSROX (1 month ago)
Rock N\' Roll Theatre
Happy Birthday Lemmy Kilmister
- Rock N\' Roll Theatre (1 month ago)
The Rocking Bull
Happy Birthday Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead Official Motörhead
Wij sluiten den boel, en gaan der eene op drinken.....
- The Rocking Bull (1 month ago)
Onkel Fritz
Happy Birthday Lemmy Kilmister - 70 years and still Motörhead \\m/
- Onkel Fritz (1 month ago)
Merry Christmas World! And a very happy birthday to Lemmy Kilmister!
- Anja (1 month ago)
Rubén Acosta
Happy 70th Birthday to the one and only Mr. Ian \"Lemmy\" Kilmister of
- Rubén Acosta (1 month ago)
Frohe Weihnachten und Happy Birthday an Jesus, Lemmy Kilmister, Michael Butler und alle, die heute auch Geburtstag haben :)
- GanonKirby89 (1 month ago)
Jöakim Ace Ander⚡⚡on
Merry Xmas, but most importantly, happy birthday, Lemmy Kilmister!
- Jöakim Ace Ander⚡⚡on (1 month ago)
Żorż Ponimirski
Happy birthday !!! Lemmy_Kilmister - Stand By Me przez
- Żorż Ponimirski (1 month ago)
Naomi HeadCase
Happy 70th birthday Lemmy Kilmister You Rock!! Metallica & Lemmy Kilmister - Damage Case Too Late Too Late
- Naomi HeadCase (1 month ago)
Pete Piper
Happy 70th birthday to Lemmy Kilmister Motörhead
- Pete Piper (1 month ago)
Jari Lehtosaari
Kaikkihan tietävät että miksi me jouluaattoa juhlimme. Hyvää syntymäpäivää Lemmy Kilmister, 70-v. Happy 70th Birthday Lemmy!
- Jari Lehtosaari (1 month ago)
Thomas Gille
Happy birthday to the chosen one lemmy_kilmister_ of
- Thomas Gille (1 month ago)
UK Metal News
Happy birthday to MOTORHEADs Ian Fraser \"Lemmy\" Kilmister, born in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire in 1945
- UK Metal News (1 month ago)
Milo Mulholland
Happy 70th Birthday to Lemmy Kilmister of Motörhead!
- Milo Mulholland (1 month ago)
B O W ⚡ E
Happy birthday Lemmy Kilmister
- B O W ⚡ E (1 month ago)
Dark Lord of Barnet
Happy Birthday to Mr Lemmy Kilmister - see you back playing in London with Motörhead in a month or so.
- Dark Lord of Barnet (1 month ago)
Happy 70th Birthday to Ian \'Lemmy\' Kilmister :-)
- Jackie (1 month ago)
- Happy Birthday to the Legend.
Ian Fraser \"Lemmy\" Kilmister (born 24 December 1945) is an...
- ForThoseAboutToRock (1 month ago)