Happy Birthday to the National Treasure that is Sir LeVar Burton .
Thank you for your work Sir Burton
- Lindiwe Suttle Müller-Westernhagen (11 months ago)
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Today, LeVar Burton turns 65! Happy birthday,
- Corporation for Public Broadcasting (11 months ago)
M.A.T. Illustration (Morgan)
Happy Birthday to LeVar Burton! He s the reason I wanted to become an illustrator. He implores kids to read banned
- M.A.T. Illustration (Morgan) (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday LeVar Burton... here is his advice to kids:
LeVar Burton Urges Kids To Keeping Reading The Banned B
- [email protected] (11 months ago)
So Here’s A Cool Thing
Happy 65th Birthday To Levar Burton who has been doing cool shit for as long as I can remember
- So Here’s A Cool Thing (11 months ago)
Definitely worth a watch. Thank you Levar Burton. And Happy Birthday.
- Sue (11 months ago)
Michael M
Happy birthday to Levar Burton. Hope you have a fabulous day with your family and friends.
- Michael M (11 months ago)
Chaos PhD
Happy birthday! Between Star Trek and Reading Rainbow, you made a huge impact on my childhood and I ve
- Chaos PhD (11 months ago)
Purple Radio Athens
Happy Birthday to American actor, director, and children\'s television host, LeVar Burton (February 16, 1957).
- Purple Radio Athens (11 months ago)
Stream the Vote
Happy Birthday to the irreplaceable LeVar Burton. The man who inspired generations of us to read and to travel the
- Stream the Vote (11 months ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday LeVar Burton
- Solo Juan (11 months ago)
The Book Stall
We wish you a happy birthday Thank you for spreading the joy of reading to so many!
- The Book Stall (11 months ago)
Star Trek Timelines
Wishing LeVar Burton a very happy birthday Check out the Birthday behold pack available in the Time Portal.
- Star Trek Timelines (11 months ago)
Woodland Hills Library
Happy Birthday to actor, director and literacy activist Levar Burton. Burton made his acting debut when he was cas
- Woodland Hills Library (11 months ago)
will james
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LeVar Burton ! Hope you have a good one and keep on seeking the final Frontier
- will james (11 months ago)
Out of Frame
Happy 65th birthday to LeVar Burton!
- Out of Frame (11 months ago)
Happy birthday LeVar Burton, Jr.
- MaskWearingAsFan (11 months ago)
Tom Hartridge (Neurons to Nirvana Podcast)
Happy Birthday, LeVar Burton! Born on this day and known for his powerful roles in Roots - \"Kunta Kinte\"; Star Trek
- Tom Hartridge (Neurons to Nirvana Podcast) (11 months ago)
The Cochran Firm DC
A very Happy Birthday to LeVar Burton! LeVar Burton is an actor, director, and children s television host. He s wel
- The Cochran Firm DC (11 months ago)
Your Comic Muse
Happy Birthday to the great LeVar Burton. I grew up with him getting me to read. I would watch him on TV as a littl
- Your Comic Muse (11 months ago)
Michele D.
Reading is fundamental and just plain fun! You made learning and reading fun. Happy Birthday to a Nati
- Michele D. (11 months ago)
Andy Rash
Happy birthday, LeVar Burton!
- Andy Rash (11 months ago)