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Annette Foster
From the 70s horror flick among other movies Happy Birthday
- Annette Foster (4 years ago)
Happy 60th birthday to linda blair she really does age what a difference ^_^
- starbrightqueen (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Linda Blair born on January 22, 1959. She is an American actress and activist. She played Regan MacN
- BostonJeff60 (11 months ago)
Eric Hayden
Happy belated Birthday to Linda Blair. Hell Night is one of my favorite films she was in.
Hell Night
- Eric Hayden (11 months ago)
Rob Phillips
Happy Birthday to the Exorcist star Linda Blair! Heads are still turning for you! Us horror fans st
- Rob Phillips (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Linda Blair! He are some of our favorites roles of hers. Listed from top right to bottom left.
- Frightmares (11 months ago)
El Stryker
Happy Birthday Linda Blair
- El Stryker (11 months ago)
Blair is also a dedicated animal rights activist and has been a spokesperson for several animal welfare organizatio
- NYX TV (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Linda Blair
- SalemsCellar (11 months ago)
Lena Theresa moody
Happy birthday Linda Blair that movie scared the shit out of me.
- Lena Theresa moody (11 months ago)
Night of the Living Dad
Happy Birthday, Linda Blair
- Night of the Living Dad (11 months ago)
Repost from Happy 64th Birthday to Linda Blair!
- DEXTER HALL (11 months ago)
Richard D. Lewis
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA BLAIR the icon turns 64 today! Linda is best known for playing Regan MacNeil in The
- Richard D. Lewis (11 months ago)
Happy birthday, I\'m a fan of her as Regan MacNeil in the 1971 film \"The Exorcist\"! ( ) Co
- Mariah (11 months ago)
Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Linda Blair!
- Robert P Coronado (11 months ago)
Ariel Hand
Linda Blair is 64 today! I watched \"The Exorcist\" and was sleepless for 3 days, I was scared to death Happy birth
- Ariel Hand (11 months ago)
Happy birthday, Linda Blair!
- MyDarkSong (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Linda Blair
- djalienspagan (11 months ago)
The Tomb of Dracula
Happy Birthday Linda Blair!
- The Tomb of Dracula (11 months ago)
Allen Marshall
January 22nd
Happy Birthday to Linda Blair, Steve Perry, Sam Cooke, Rosa Ponselle, and Malcolm McLaren!
- Allen Marshall (11 months ago)
Vanessa Garcia
Happy Birthday Linda Blair!
- Vanessa Garcia (11 months ago)
Katy LeStrange
Happy Birthday to the beautiful Linda Blair!
- Katy LeStrange (11 months ago)
milk emoji
- milk emoji (11 months ago)
Deadite Jason
A big happy birthday to Exorcist star Linda Blair!
- Deadite Jason (11 months ago)
The Arrow
Happy 64th birthday to the first lady of cinematic terror, Linda Blair! You scared the bejesus out of us in the \'70
- The Arrow (11 months ago)
Crazy Joe Davola
Happy Birthday to Linda Blair
- Crazy Joe Davola (11 months ago)
All \'80s Movies Podcast
Happy Birthday to Linda Blair and Diane Lane!
- All \'80s Movies Podcast (11 months ago)
Killer 80s
Happy birthday to American actress and activist Linda Blair, born January 22, 1959. Well known for her role as Rega
- Killer 80s (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Linda Blair!
- unicronicron (11 months ago)
Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Diane Lane, Linda Blair, Piper Laurie, Christopher Masterson,
- Jennifer Long ☮️ (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Beverley Mitchell, Diane Lane, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Guy Fieri, Jim Jarmusch, John Hurt, Linda Blair, Lo
- NotYourAverageMovieBuff (11 months ago)
Pop Culture Now
Happy Birthday to Singer Steve Perry (Journey) 74, Former Pro Wrestlers Tully Blanchard 69, Actress Linda Blair 64, DJ DJ Jazzy Jeff 58
- Pop Culture Now (11 months ago)
Linda Blair celebrates her 64th birthday today. Happy Birthday!!!
- CRIZZIER (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Linda Blair
- nightmarekristy (11 months ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Linda Blair
- Solo Juan (11 months ago) Original Movie Posters for Sale
Happy Birthday, Linda Blair!
- Original Movie Posters for Sale (11 months ago)
Barlow\'s Boutique
Happy birthday Linda Blair!
- Barlow\'s Boutique (11 months ago)
Hoje comemoramos o aniversário da Possuída Regan haha
Hoje completando mais um ano de vida, seus 64 anos! Happy
- TERROR NA TV (11 months ago)
Brian Blumenreich
Happy 64th Birthday to Exorcist Actress Linda Blair!!!
- Brian Blumenreich (11 months ago)
Happy birthday
- Rivr (11 months ago)
Mental Floss
Happy birthday to Linda Blair. Enjoy some pea soup in her honor.
- Mental Floss (11 months ago)
Lurking Fear
Fellow Creatures! To begin the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of seminal, Satanic shocker & perennial favour
- Lurking Fear (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Linda Blair
- videovampir (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Olivia d\'Abo, O.T.Fagbenie, Raquel Cassidy, Andrew Roachford, Linda
- BRMGradio (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Linda Blair Exorcist 2 is my favorite movie
- Phoebe (11 months ago)
I\'ve met her twice. Happy birthday, Linda Blair!
- Sebastian2 (11 months ago)
Purple Radio Athens
Happy Birthday to Linda Blair
(January 22, 1959)
- Purple Radio Athens (11 months ago)
Red Hot Views
Linda Blair
Katie Finneran
Raquel Cassidy
Sami Gayle
- Red Hot Views (11 months ago)
Ron Baumann
Happy birthday to anyone celebrating today. You share the day with Ivan the Great, Lord Byron, Sam Cooke, Piper Lau
- Ron Baumann (11 months ago)
David Chan
Seventies celebratie birthday. Happy birthday Linda Blair
- David Chan (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Linda Blair will celebrate her 66 years old birthday in 27 days! Send your greetings to her now!