55 years old (Born on November 03, 1969)
Brazilian, TV Personality; She is famous from Mother of Mick Jagger`s son Lucas.
She was the Queen of Battery from the School of Samba "Academicos do Grande Rio" in the years of 2002 and 2003. Ex-stepdaughter of actor Jece Valadu00e3o. Sister of Marco Antu00f4nio Gimenez. Daughter of Jou00e3o Alberto Morad and actress Vera Gimenez. Second son, Lorenzo Gabriel Carvalho, was born on February 24th 2011 in New York.Luciana Gimenez's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Luciana Gimenez
She was a model in New York City where she met Mick Jagger. Luciana is the mother of Jagger's youngest son, Lucas [b. 1999].