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Dufour patrick
Lynda Carter ·
Happy Birthday Megan Rapinoe!
- Dufour patrick (8 months ago)
Happy belated birthday what a gift from Lynda Carter x
- ⚡️Diana⚡️ (6 months ago)
Diana (Wonder Woman)
I d just like to thank everyone for all their wonderful Birthday Wishes yesterday!!! I truly have surrounded myself
- Diana (Wonder Woman) (6 months ago)
Shelly L.
Happy Birthday Lynda Carter then and now
- Shelly L. (7 months ago)
Fashion Advice
Happy Birthday to Lynda Carter and Jennifer Lopez
- Fashion Advice (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Lynda Carter
- Cody (7 months ago)
Happy birthday, Lynda Carter, and thank you for always standing up for people!
- Murray (7 months ago)
Giorgio. El Trinador.
- Giorgio. El Trinador. (7 months ago)
Joe Rocco
Happy Birthday, Lynda Carter!
- Joe Rocco (7 months ago)
Keith Dill
Happy 24th birthday Lynda Carter! You\'re still as stunning as you ever were and even more talented
- Keith Dill (7 months ago)
chris faulkner
Happy birthday Lynda carter
- chris faulkner (7 months ago)
brian knows too much
Happy Birthday to the ever beautiful Lynda Carter. My first childhood crush. Figures I would go on and marry a brun
- brian knows too much (7 months ago)
kathleen petri
Happy birthday Lynda carter
- kathleen petri (7 months ago)
Andrew Wilbury Smith
Happy Birthday to the Brilliant \"Lynda Carter\"
The One and Only \"Wonder Woman\"
- Andrew Wilbury Smith (7 months ago)
- NordicRomulan (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday to my wife\'s favourite superhero, Lynda Carter
- Ben* (7 months ago)
Cheri Armstrong
A belated Happy Birthday to you, Lynda Carter!
- Cheri Armstrong (7 months ago)
roni Lombardi
Happy Birthday, Lynda Carter, and God Bless you
- roni Lombardi (7 months ago)
Altruistic Tom
Thought you were Lynda Carter for just a second then realized you look half her age. Happy Birthday
- Altruistic Tom (7 months ago)