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Facebook Worshiper & Friend! I adore you Goddess you ARE MAGNIFICENT!
- Charles (6 years ago)
Anna Marlowe
Happy Birthday,Ray Anthony! Mamie Van Doren ,
ex-wife of Ray and mother of his son,used
- Anna Marlowe (2 weeks ago)
Steve Villanueva
Happy Birthday Mamie Van Doren! You re 92 Years Old Now!
- Steve Villanueva (1 month ago)
Happy birthday (yesterday) to Mamie Van Doren, the most beautiful actress to come out of my area. I found out a few
- Bigbrothergossip (1 month ago)
Bobby Jo Blackwell
Mamie Van Doren in The Beat Generation (1959) highlights via hey! M
- Bobby Jo Blackwell (1 month ago)
Before the day ends, a happy birthday to a most beautiful woman, Mamie Van Doren.
- zed35714 (1 month ago)
Ximena Soltera
Mamie Van Doren You Look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ximena Soltera (1 month ago)
Killer Cosmonaut
Happy birthday to American actress & singer Mamie Van Doren, born February 6, 1931, whose credits include Yankee Pa
- Killer Cosmonaut (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Mamie Van Doren
- PLISSTRONG_Ranch315 (1 month ago)
PLISSTRONG_Ranch315 Can I Be Your Valentine? ❤️
Happy Birthday Mamie Van Doren
- PLISSTRONG_Ranch315 Can I Be Your Valentine? ❤️ (1 month ago)
Peter Mascuch
Happy Birthday 92 to You, Mamie Van Doren!
- Peter Mascuch (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday, Mamie Van Doren!! Wishing you happiness and peace on your 92nd birthday!
- Jay (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Mamie Van Doren
- Hobonator (1 month ago)
Time For A Film
Wishing Mamie Van Doren a very Happy 92nd Birthday. Photographed by Loomis Dean.
- Time For A Film (1 month ago)
Brandon David Wilson
Happy 92nd birthday to Mamie Van Doren and to all of her reply guys on here who celebrate.
- Brandon David Wilson (1 month ago)
Harold’s Golden Age of Hollywood
February 6, 1931. Happy 92nd Birthday to Mamie Van Doren.
- Harold’s Golden Age of Hollywood (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday to the Fabulous Mamie Van Doren!
- JackieB (1 month ago)
Celluloid Days
Happy 92nd birthday to Joan Lucille Olander, better known as American actress, model, & singer, Mamie Van Doren. Ma
- Celluloid Days (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday to Mamie Van Doren
- videovampir (1 month ago)
What the Shot?
Mamie Van Doren turns 92 today, happy birthday! What movie is it? 5 min to answer!
- What the Shot? (1 month ago)
Leticia Lopez
Mamie Van Doren is an American actress, singer and sex symbol. She starred in \"bad girl movies,\" such Untamed Youth
- Leticia Lopez (1 month ago)
It\'s happy birthday to sex symbol Mamie Van Doren, Born in Feb 6, 1931, she\'s mostly known today for her roles in f
- . (1 month ago)
Chris Nichols
Happy 101st birthday to Ray Anthony, the best Bunny Hopper, the last big bandleader, and the ex-Mr. Mamie Van Doren.
- Chris Nichols (1 month ago)
Daniel Lismore
Mamie Van Doren is 91 today! Happy birthday Mamie!
- Daniel Lismore (1 month ago)
Jason Jordan
Happy Birthday to Mamie Van Doren, almost 50 years our lives have been entwined
- Jason Jordan (1 month ago)
Jeff Macauley
Happy Birthday to living legend and Hollywood Royalty, Miss Mamie Van Doren
- Jeff Macauley (1 month ago)
I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter
Happy birthday to \"Teacher\'s Pet,\" \"High School Confidential,\" \"The Beat Generation\" and \"The Big Operator\" star, t
- I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter (1 month ago)
Dave Mackey
I want to wish happy birthday to Mamie Van Doren but she doesn\'t appear to be on message these days.
- Dave Mackey (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Mamie van Doren
- AllyKeyoni (1 month ago)
Happy birthday Mamie Van Doren born February 6, 1931
- (1 month ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FEBRUARY 6th; Journalist Tom Brokaw,82; Singer Natalie Cole(1950-2015)\"72\"; Actress Mamie Van Doren,
- BRONX POET (1 month ago)