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I can’t decide between YOU and Dukat.
- Schatzi (2 years ago)
For Cardassia
Happy Birthday, Mr. Alaimo! I wish you good health and many happy returns. Thank you for your amazing acting and stage presence. Thank you for attending cons, giving interviews, and being patient and gracious to the fans. Thank you for Gul Dukat and the fact that you never betrayed him and always wanted the best for your character. Have a great party!
- For Cardassia (4 years ago)
Make this misbetogotten universe great again! Happy Birthday to Marc Alaimo!
- (5 years ago)
“A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge your greatness.” Gul Dukat.
Live long and conquer, Mr. Alaimo. Happy Birthday!
- (6 years ago)
All Cardassian fans love you! You rock, you are the hero!
- (7 years ago)
Wishing a very happy birthday to Marc Alaimo Gul Dukat on STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE!
- (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to a legend. Love all his stuff,watched things I otherwise wouldn t have because of his inclusion.
- Bareilmaxxing (9 months ago)
Barlow\'s Boutique
Happy birthday Marc Alaimo!
- Barlow\'s Boutique (9 months ago)
Moving Pictures
May 5 Happy Birthday part 1: Will Hutchins, Michael Murphy, Jerzy Skolimowski, Lance Henrikson, Marc Alaimo, Micha
- Moving Pictures (9 months ago)
James Smithson
Happy Birthday to Marc! I was at a convention a decade or two back where one of the guests, forgot their
- James Smithson (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Marc Alaimo! I swear, that dude was an impeccable villain on DS9, because I teetered bet
- BlackCat! (9 months ago)
Sushi Fysh
I was raised with the understanding that a really good actor is one that can make you absolutely despise
- Sushi Fysh (9 months ago)
Gary Gorn
Happy Birthday Marc Alaimo Michael Joseph Alaimo, known professionally as Marc Alaimo (born 5 May 1942) is an
- Gary Gorn (9 months ago)
Josh Hild
Holy crap, I didn/t know it was Marc Alaimo\'s birthday. Happy Birthday, Gul Dukat, you were a worthy adversary.
- Josh Hild (9 months ago)
Victor Thomas
Happy Birthday to Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat) (via
- Victor Thomas (9 months ago)
Andrew Toone
Absolutely amazing actor and Dukat was a likeable villain with a great vocabulary to help him along.
- Andrew Toone (9 months ago)
Dennis Koch
Happy Birthday to one of the best DS9 villains Marc Alaimo
- Dennis Koch (9 months ago)
happy birthday to Marc Alaimo truly the only man who could portray gul dukat
- NA (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Marc Alaimo
- Logan (9 months ago)
Pamela Mukasa (Krystallah Christos)
What if the reptilians have also evolved into humanoids. Somehow I don\'t think it is just mammals. Makes for a diff
- Pamela Mukasa (Krystallah Christos) (9 months ago)
Brian Ortiz - Big Hero Succs
Happy birthday marc alaimo did gul dukat reopen his butthole when he turned bajoran
- Brian Ortiz - Big Hero Succs (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Marc Alaimo who played two of my four favorite Cardassians.
- CHRISTY KING (9 months ago)
No one else could have been a better Gul Dukat! Happy Birthday Marc Alaimo!
- Carrie (9 months ago)
Ray Loewe
Gul Dukat was easily one of the best characters in the Trek universe, and it is the talent of Marc Alaim
- Ray Loewe (9 months ago)
May 5 Happy Birthday part 1: Pat Carroll, Will Hutchins, Michael Murphy, Marc Alaimo, Michael Palin
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (9 months ago)
Spaceteam VR
Just one day after and we\'re ready to shine a light on another legend from
- Spaceteam VR (9 months ago)
Ewout Klei
Happy birthday Marc Alaimo!
- Ewout Klei (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Marc Alaimo, born today in 1942. Alaimo is an American actor, known for his villainous roles. He
- Vault0 (9 months ago)
Deep Space 90210
Happy birthday, Marc Alaimo
- Deep Space 90210 (9 months ago)
TV\'s Other Worlds
Happy Birthday to one of the best DS9 villains Marc Alaimo
- TV\'s Other Worlds (9 months ago)
It\'s Cinco de Marco! Happy 79th Birthday to the wonderful & talented actor, Marc Alaimo!
In honor of today, I will
- Elisa (9 months ago)
Anastasia Tillman
Happy Birthday to the one and only Marc Alaimo!!! Here is my pencil drawing, that I created, of him as Gul Dukat!!
- Anastasia Tillman (9 months ago)
USS Susquehannock
Happy Birthday Marc Alaimo- he\'s had more different guest star looks than Janeway had hairstyles
- USS Susquehannock (9 months ago)
Mr. Marc Alaimo, Happy Birthday!
- ひろし・カーミット (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to the man who somehow managed to make a genocidal, sociopathic war criminal charming, fil
- Kafkaesque (9 months ago)
USS King Edward
Happy Birthday to 3 amazing actors: Marc Alaimo ( on ), John Rhys-Davis ( on
- USS King Edward (9 months ago)
They Might Be Geeks (aka: Mr. Warp Bubble)
Happy Birthday to Marc Alaimo, AKA Star Trek\'s greatest villain (yes, I will die on that hill!) Gul Dukat. Like all
- They Might Be Geeks (aka: Mr. Warp Bubble) (9 months ago)
Feliz cumpleaños!
Don\'t forget about Mr Marc Alaimo too, our dear Dukat deserves a Happy Birthday!
- Nixkey (9 months ago)
Miller\'s Trilby
Happy Birthday Marc Alaimo.
- Miller\'s Trilby (9 months ago)
Elizabet Zimina
Happy Birthday Marc Alaimo!
- Elizabet Zimina (9 months ago)
Star Trek News Today
5 May 1942: Happy birthday Marc Alaimo. most famous to Trek fans as Gul across the entire run of
- Star Trek News Today (9 months ago)
So, you and Marc Alaimo share a birthday? Happy birthday, by the way!
- Insilence (9 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
Born Michael Joseph Alaimo, American actor, known for his villainous roles
- spacewoman reporter (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to the Great Gul Dukat and Marc Alaimo !! Without your fantastic acting, DS9 wouldn t have been the
- Val CAADI (9 months ago)
Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans
Happy Birthday Marc Alaimo, who played Gul Dukat / Officer Ryan in Frederick LaRougue / Gul Macet /
- Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans (9 months ago)
What the Shot?
Marc Alaimo turns 77 today, happy birthday! What movie is it? 5 min to answer!
- What the Shot? (9 months ago)
Today In Star Trek History
5 May 1942: Happy birthday Marc Alaimo. He played several roles in Badar N\'D\'D, Lonely Among Us; Tebok, The N
- Today In Star Trek History (9 months ago)
Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy birthday Marc Alaimo, born May 5, 1942.
- Jim Kirkwood Jr (9 months ago)
Anjata Gabriel Lorca
ooh wow 77th
Happy Birthday to Marc Alaimo
- Anjata Gabriel Lorca (9 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Marc Alaimo will celebrate his 83 years old birthday in 3 months and 2 days! Send your greetings to him now!