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Muh.Husni Wardana
Happy birthday leggenda , best striker ever . Auguri Marco Van Basten
- Muh.Husni Wardana (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to one of the greatest players to ever play football and one of my favorites, Marco Van Basten.
- Fatima (3 months ago)
Tobby Raphael
__arsenalnews_ \"Happy birthday to one of the greatest strikers of all time, Marco van Basten! The legend turns 51 today.\"
- Tobby Raphael (3 months ago)
Jah Son
Happy birthday to one of the greatest strikers of all time, Marco van Basten! The legend turns 51 today.
- Jah Son (3 months ago)
don sylver
Happy birthday to one of the greatest strikers of all time, Marco van Basten! The legend turns 51 today.
- don sylver (3 months ago)
Arsenal News
Happy birthday to one of the greatest strikers of all time, Marco van Basten! The legend turns 51 today.
- Arsenal News (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Marco Van Basten (51)
- Retroshirthaven (3 months ago)
John Andrews
Happy Halloween... Sorry ...51st birthday to Marco Van Basten
- John Andrews (3 months ago)
Happy 51st Birthday to Marco Van Basten !!
- ROSSONERO. . .❤️! (3 months ago)
AC Milan - NewsFlash
Happy birthday Marco Van Basten, my most favoured Milan player of all. Your legend lives on..... - via
- AC Milan - NewsFlash (3 months ago)
Noorman Subagja
Happy birthday marco van basten
- Noorman Subagja (3 months ago)
The Lads
Happy 51st Birthday to Marco Van Basten!!
- The Lads (3 months ago)
Maximillian Ani
Was fortunate to watch Marco van Basten in Grande Milan...Happy birthday Leggenda Rossoneri.
- Maximillian Ani (3 months ago)
Milan News (Deutsch)
Marco Van Basten feiert heute seinen 51. Geburtstag. Happy Birthday Marco!
- Milan News (Deutsch) (3 months ago)
Happy 51st Birthday Marco van Basten!
- 51.
- Golazolive (3 months ago)
Berita AC Milan
Happy birthday to Marco Van Basten!
- Berita AC Milan (3 months ago)
NOW TV Sport
Happy birthday, Marco van Basten!
Scorer of the best volley ever?
- NOW TV Sport (3 months ago)
bayu prastio
Happy birthday to our legend Marco van Basten we love you
- bayu prastio (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Marco van Basten! // Selamat ulang tahun Marco van Basten! Legenda timnas sepakbola Belanda.
- TOOOOORRRBEŇY!!! (3 months ago)
BTB Football Tipster
Happy 51st Birthday Marco van Basten!
- BTB Football Tipster (3 months ago)
Er gewann 2 Mal die und führte 1988 zum EM-Titel. Heute wird Marco van Basten 51, Happy Birthday!
- UEFA.com_DE (3 months ago)
Scot Munroe
Happy Birthday Marco Van Basten
- Scot Munroe (3 months ago)
A.C.Milan Persian
51 Happy Birthday legend Marco, Van Basten is 51 today...
- A.C.Milan Persian (3 months ago)
AC Milan SouthAfrica
Happy birthday Marco Van Basten .
- AC Milan SouthAfrica (3 months ago)
Bleacher Report UK on Instagram: Happy birthday, Marco Van Basten 51 today!
- touchlineui (3 months ago)
Jahidul Islam
FIFAcom : Happy birthday to Predrag Rajkovic (20), Marco Van Basten (51) & Dunga (52)
- Jahidul Islam (3 months ago)
Or Ravid אור רביד
to a of Dutch 51 today.
- Or Ravid אור רביד (3 months ago)
\" Happy birthday to Predrag Rajkovic (20), Marco Van Basten (51) & Dunga (52)
- Abiel_Césc (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to Predrag Rajkovic (20), Marco Van Basten (51) & Dunga (52)
- Geosupertv (3 months ago)
Ros Il Capitano
Il mio Happy Birthday ad uno dei più grandi di tutti i tempi Marco Van Basten
- Ros Il Capitano (3 months ago)
GG Intersport
Happy Birthday.. Marco VAN BASTEN
31 Oktober 1964
- GG Intersport (3 months ago)
Bridgette Parlma
Happy birthday to one of football\'s greatest....Marco Van Basten...gefeliciteerd!!!
- Bridgette Parlma (3 months ago)
Fendik Rahmanto
Buon Compleanno,Selamat Ulang Tahun,Happy Birthday \"Swan from Utrecht\" Marco van Basten yang ke 51 tahun
- Fendik Rahmanto (3 months ago)