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Marty from Arizona
Watched on the tube. Fell in love immediately; haven't fallen out of love!
- Marty from Arizona (2 years ago)
Killer Cosmonaut
Happy birthday to American film and television actress Mariette Hartley, born June 21, 1940, whose credits Peyton P
- Killer Cosmonaut (8 months ago)
Anthony Jobe
Happy Birthday Mariette Hartley
- Anthony Jobe (8 months ago)
Comic Book Cinephile
Happy birthday to Mariette Hartley, who earned a Primetime Emmy Award for her portrayal of Dr. Carolyn Fields, a ps
- Comic Book Cinephile (8 months ago)
Keener 13
Happy Birthday to:
1932 O.C. Smith (d. 2001)
1933 Bernie Kopell
1935 Monte Markham
1938 Ron Ely
1940 Mariette Hartl
- Keener 13 (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to:
1932 O.C. Smith (d. 2001)
1933 Bernie Kopell
1935 Monte Markham
1938 Ron Ely
1940 Mariette Hartl
- Scott Westerman (8 months ago)
June 21 Happy Birthday part 1: Bernie Kopell, Monte Markham, Ron Ely, Mariette Hartley, Lyman Ward, Joe Flaherty, C
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (8 months ago)
Dave Hollingsworth
Happy Birthday to Mariette Hartley, seen here with Randolph Scott on the set of RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY (1962).
- Dave Hollingsworth (8 months ago)
Happy birthday number 80 to the lovely Mariette Hartley
- Mashaholic (8 months ago)
Mary Loretta \"Mariette\" Hartley, American Emmy Award winning character
- spacewoman reporter (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Mariette Hartley who turns 79 today!
- SYED AMMAR ALAVI (8 months ago)
Photo Larry ®
Happy Birthday RIP Ernestine Jane Russell(1921 2011) Lois Maureen Stapleton(1925 2006) ; Bernard Kopell 86 Monty Ma
- Photo Larry ® (8 months ago)
The Tinseltown Twins
Happy Birthday to film and TV actress Mariette Hartley (June 21, 1940 - Present).
- The Tinseltown Twins (8 months ago)
Today In Star Trek History
21 June: Happy Birthday
1964: JIM ARGENBRIGHT, Romulan senator (NEM)
1978: JACK GUZMAN, crewman (Fight or Flight, e
- Today In Star Trek History (8 months ago)
Class. Movie Reviews
Happy 78 birthday to Mariette Hartley born 6/21/1940
- Class. Movie Reviews (8 months ago)
Happy 79th birthday, From The to she s been a familiar face for 55 yea
- getTV (8 months ago)
USS King Edward
Happy Birthday to the woman who thawed the heart of Mariette Hartley. She played in the
- USS King Edward (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Mariette Hartley!
- Popcornbytes (8 months ago)
The Rustic Apron
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mariette Hartley! American actress (Poloroid spokesperson, Marooned, Twilight Zone), born on this da
- The Rustic Apron (8 months ago)
Scott Owens
Happy Birthday to:
1932 O.C. Smith (d. 2001)
1933 Bernie Kopell
1935 Monte Markham
1938 Ron Ely
1940 Mariette Hartl
- Scott Owens (8 months ago)
Kracker Jones
Happy birthday Jane Russell(1921-2011)Meredith Baxter(72)Michael Gross(72)Bernie Kopell(86)Prince William (37)Marie
- Kracker Jones (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to MARIETTE HARTLEY (born June 21, 1940).
American Award winning character actress, nomin
- HOLLYWOOD\'S GOLDEN AGE (8 months ago)
Hollywood\'s Golden Age (HGA)
Happy Birthday to MARIETTE HARTLEY (born June 21, 1940).
American Award winning character actress, nomin
- Hollywood\'s Golden Age (HGA) (8 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Lalo Schifrin, Bernie Kopell, Eddie Adcock, Don Black, Mariette Hartley, Marjorie Margolies, Ray
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (8 months ago)
Kenneth Johnson
June 21 Happy Birthday part 1: Lalo Schifrin, Bernie Kopell, Monte Markham, Ron Ely, Mariette Hartley, Joe Flaherty
- Kenneth Johnson (8 months ago)
Filmedia News
June 21 in Twilight Zone History: Happy Birthday to actress Mariette Hartley (\'The Long Morrow\')
- Filmedia News (8 months ago)
Twilight Plaza
June 21 in Twilight Zone History: Happy Birthday to actress Mariette Hartley (\'The Long Morrow\') - Syfy Wire
- Twilight Plaza (8 months ago)
Chris Roe Management
We have two birthdays today! First up is the lovely MARIETTE HARTLEY. Happy birthday, Mariette!
- Chris Roe Management (8 months ago)