Welcome to Martin Tyler's Birthday Celebration Page
Martin Tyler got 52 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Dartford FC
A BIG Happy Birthday to Martin Tyler! Enjoy your day Martin! - Dartford FC (6 months ago)
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English Football Commentator, Martin Tyler, is 77 years old today. Happy Birthday Kindly Like, Ret - EveryEvery (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Sportscaster Martin Tyler! Your birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey. Be the shining - AllFamous.org (6 months ago)
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The Notorious OBIG
Happy 45th Birthday to Swagger Supreme... Vavavoom... and in the words of Martin Tyler... \"The Great Man\"... Thier - The Notorious OBIG (7 months ago)
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Mark Watson
Happy Birthday Martin Tyler. - Mark Watson (6 months ago)
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It s Martin Tyler s birthday today . Happy birthday but an absolute shite commentator . - christhered (6 months ago)
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Darren Lim
martin tyler, happy birthday - Darren Lim (6 months ago)
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Theo Delaney
Martin Tyler is 76 today. Most can t remember pre-Tyler football. What an inspiration. When we did the Finalé at Wh - Theo Delaney (6 months ago)
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No Nonsense Football
Happy Birthday to Martin Tyler One of the greatest commentators ever. What are your favourite Martin Tyler momen - No Nonsense Football (6 months ago)
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The Road to Wembley (FA Cup Finals 1923 - 2000)
Happy 62nd birthday to former West Ham United player Ray Stewart. Stewart won the with the Hammers in 1980 - The Road to Wembley (FA Cup Finals 1923 - 2000) (6 months ago)
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Cal 〽️
Happy 75th birthday to Martin Tyler He s been a great commentator for 30 years, but he s ran out of energy, he s - Cal 〽️ (6 months ago)
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Jogoo la Shamba Mjini
HAPPY 75th Martin Tyler!!!!!! Happy birthday to biased fan who produced one of the most iconic moments in - Jogoo la Shamba Mjini (6 months ago)
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Happy 75th birthday to Martin Tyler. Still as sharp, accurate and as brilliant a commentator as he always has been. And He s Alive. - #WalkTheTalk (6 months ago)
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Gary Lineker
Happy 75th birthday to Martin Tyler. Still as sharp, accurate and as brilliant a commentator as he always has been. And He s Alive. - Gary Lineker (6 months ago)
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Adam Hurrey
Happy birthday, Martin Tyler. One can only speculate what the midwife exclaimed as he took his first earthly breath - Adam Hurrey (6 months ago)
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David Mowlam
Hope someone wishes Martin Tyler a Happy Birthday tonight! - David Mowlam (6 months ago)
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Iain Gordon
Happy 75th Birthday to Martin Tyler He s mumbling & rambling away as usual with the soporific Alan Smi - Iain Gordon (6 months ago)
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Superb Footy Pics
Happy Birthday To Martin Tyler 75 Today - Superb Footy Pics (6 months ago)
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Martin Tyler my man happy birthday your a hero - alfie (6 months ago)
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Keane Thomas Norman Redman Webster
75 today and still no Happy Birthday post to the legend that is Mr.Martin Tyler (the voice of football). Come on - Keane Thomas Norman Redman Webster (6 months ago)
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Football Tweet
If it\'s your birthday today you share it with: Ethan Ampadu Douglas Costa Dominic Solanke - Football Tweet (6 months ago)
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The Overnight Crowd
Happy Birthday to UK sports broadcasting legend Martin Tyler and former Australian and South African cricketer Kepl - The Overnight Crowd (6 months ago)
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Dimi M
My fav Reyes goal. Martin Tyler just made it epic. This game had it all. Happy 37th Birthday my brother. May you RI - Dimi M (6 months ago)
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The Sack Race
Happy 74th Birthday to Woking assistant manager and legendary commentator, Martin Tyler... - The Sack Race (6 months ago)
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Woking Football Club
| Happy Birthday to our very own Martin Tyler! - Woking Football Club (6 months ago)
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The Cardinal Tales
Happy Birthday to Woking fan, Sky Sports commentator and Woking Assistant Manager Martin Tyler, born on this day in - The Cardinal Tales (6 months ago)
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josh protocol
Happy birthday to the legend Martin Tyler .. Winning the FSF BEST COMMENTATOR award for five years running..We b - josh protocol (6 months ago)
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Melanie VaughanSmith
Happy birthday today to Walter Koenig (82), Martin Tyler (73), Sam Neill (71) and Andrew Lincoln (45). Also bor - Melanie VaughanSmith (6 months ago)
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North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Joey Heatherton, Gunter Netzer, Martin Tyler, Pete Agnew, Jim Angle, Wolfgang Suhnholz, Jon Bauman and Sam Neill. - North Trenton (6 months ago)
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Football Commentary
commentator and loyal man Martin Tyler turns 72 today. A very happy birthday Martin! - Football Commentary (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to English sportscaster/journalist Martin Tyler (September 14, 1945), author of Story of Football (1976) et al. - Book_Addict (6 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Ashley Roberts, Andrew Lincoln, Katie Lee, Martin Tyler, Jessica Brown Findlay & Roger Lyons - maddie (6 months ago)
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Happy 72nd birthday Martin Tyler What is his most iconic commentary moment? For us it has to be Aguerooooooo - SportQuake (6 months ago)
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Commentary Services
commentator Martin Tyler turns 72 today. A very happy birthday Martin! - Commentary Services (6 months ago)
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Happy birthday! Martin Tyler 7 1 Ray Wilkins 6 0 Ivica Olic 3 8 Steven Naismith 3 1 - Unibet (6 months ago)
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Ian Abrahams (Moose)
Happy Birthday to my good friend \"The Voice\" Martin Tyler, have a really great day Martin - Ian Abrahams (Moose) (6 months ago)
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First commentary gig: 28 Dec, 1974 Career highlight: 2011/12 EPL final round World Cup finals: Six Happ - bet365_aus (6 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the voice of football, Martin Tyler! - BigFootball (6 months ago)
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Fiona May
Happy 72nd birthday to Martin Tyler, IMO the best football commentator there is, even if he sometimes does my head - Fiona May (6 months ago)
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Dream Team
Happy birthday, Martin Tyler! - Dream Team (6 months ago)
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1980s Football
Happy 70th birthday to Martin Tyler. - 1980s Football (6 months ago)
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Happy birthday to British sportscaster/journalist Martin Tyler (September 14, 1945), author of Story of Football (1976) et al. - Book_Addict (6 months ago)
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Richard Marshall
Happy 70th birthday Martin Tyler / For his commentaries, football stat compiler. - Richard Marshall (6 months ago)
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Matt Barker
Happy Birthday Martin Tyler,iconic commentator.Aguerooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo/Collymoreeee Liverpool lead in stoppage tiiiimee - Matt Barker (6 months ago)
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ron weastly
Happy 70th birthday to the legend that is Martin Tyler - ron weastly (6 months ago)
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Arjun Kannan
Whilst Messi\'s hip dance to floor Boateng was Jaw Dropping on its own, you commentary made it Awwdorable. Happy Birthday, Martin Tyler! - Arjun Kannan (6 months ago)
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Samson McMuffin
Happy Birthday Martin Tyler. 70 today. - Samson McMuffin (6 months ago)
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michael nturo
Happy Birthday to football\'s greates commentator of all time Martin Tyler. He turns 70 today - michael nturo (6 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Martin Tyler, the magic voice! - Carlson (6 months ago)
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Lombe B Ng\'andu
Happy Birthday to Martin Tyler (born September 14, 1945). - Lombe B Ng\'andu (6 months ago)

79 years old (Born on September 14, 1945)

Football Association Premier League Commentator of the Decade award winner who was the default commentator for all FIFA video games from 2006 until 2012.

Martin Tyler's Best Moments

 A BIG Happy Birthday to Martin Tyler! Enjoy your day Martin!
 | Happy Birthday to our very own Martin Tyler!
Happy Birthday To Martin Tyler
75 Today
Happy 74th Birthday to Woking assistant manager and legendary commentator, Martin Tyler...
Happy Birthday to the voice of football, Martin Tyler!
Happy birthday, Martin Tyler!
Happy Birthday to my good friend \"The Voice\" Martin Tyler, have a really great day Martin
 Happy Birthday to football\s greates commentator of all time Martin Tyler. He turns 70 today
Happy Birthday Martin Tyler. 70 today.
Happy 70th birthday to Martin Tyler.
 commentator Martin Tyler turns 72 today. A very happy birthday Martin!
Happy Birthday Ashley Roberts, Andrew Lincoln, Katie Lee, Martin Tyler, Jessica Brown Findlay & Roger Lyons
 commentator and loyal man Martin Tyler turns 72 today. A very happy birthday Martin!
Martin Tyler sexy 0
Martin Tyler new pic 1
Martin Tyler dating 2
Martin Tyler body 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Martin, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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