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Dartford FC
A BIG Happy Birthday to Martin Tyler! Enjoy your day Martin!
- Dartford FC (6 months ago)
English Football Commentator, Martin Tyler, is 77 years old today. Happy Birthday Kindly Like, Ret
- EveryEvery (6 months ago)
Happy birthday Sportscaster Martin Tyler! Your birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey. Be the shining
- (6 months ago)
The Notorious OBIG
Happy 45th Birthday to Swagger Supreme... Vavavoom... and in the words of Martin Tyler... \"The Great Man\"...
- The Notorious OBIG (7 months ago)
Mark Watson
Happy Birthday Martin Tyler.
- Mark Watson (6 months ago)
It s Martin Tyler s birthday today . Happy birthday but an absolute shite commentator .
- christhered (6 months ago)
Darren Lim
martin tyler, happy birthday
- Darren Lim (6 months ago)
Theo Delaney
Martin Tyler is 76 today. Most can t remember pre-Tyler football. What an inspiration. When we did the Finalé at Wh
- Theo Delaney (6 months ago)
No Nonsense Football
Happy Birthday to Martin Tyler
One of the greatest commentators ever.
What are your favourite Martin Tyler momen
- No Nonsense Football (6 months ago)
The Road to Wembley (FA Cup Finals 1923 - 2000)
Happy 62nd birthday to former West Ham United player Ray Stewart.
Stewart won the with the Hammers in 1980
- The Road to Wembley (FA Cup Finals 1923 - 2000) (6 months ago)
Cal 〽️
Happy 75th birthday to Martin Tyler
He s been a great commentator for 30 years, but he s ran out of energy, he s
- Cal 〽️ (6 months ago)
Jogoo la Shamba Mjini
HAPPY 75th Martin Tyler!!!!!!
Happy birthday to biased fan who produced one of the most iconic moments in
- Jogoo la Shamba Mjini (6 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday to Martin Tyler. Still as sharp, accurate and as brilliant a commentator as he always has been. And He s Alive.
- #WalkTheTalk (6 months ago)
Gary Lineker
Happy 75th birthday to Martin Tyler. Still as sharp, accurate and as brilliant a commentator as he always has been. And He s Alive.
- Gary Lineker (6 months ago)
Adam Hurrey
Happy birthday, Martin Tyler. One can only speculate what the midwife exclaimed as he took his first earthly breath
- Adam Hurrey (6 months ago)
David Mowlam
Hope someone wishes Martin Tyler a Happy Birthday tonight!
- David Mowlam (6 months ago)
Iain Gordon
Happy 75th Birthday to Martin Tyler He s mumbling & rambling away as usual with the soporific Alan Smi
- Iain Gordon (6 months ago)
Superb Footy Pics
Happy Birthday To Martin Tyler
75 Today
- Superb Footy Pics (6 months ago)
Martin Tyler my man happy birthday your a hero
- alfie (6 months ago)
Keane Thomas Norman Redman Webster
75 today and still no Happy Birthday post to the legend that is Mr.Martin Tyler (the voice of football). Come on
- Keane Thomas Norman Redman Webster (6 months ago)
Football Tweet
If it\'s your birthday today you share it with: Ethan Ampadu Douglas Costa Dominic Solanke
- Football Tweet (6 months ago)
The Overnight Crowd
Happy Birthday to UK sports broadcasting legend Martin Tyler and former Australian and South African cricketer Kepl
- The Overnight Crowd (6 months ago)
Dimi M
My fav Reyes goal. Martin Tyler just made it epic. This game had it all. Happy 37th Birthday my brother. May you RI
- Dimi M (6 months ago)
The Sack Race
Happy 74th Birthday to Woking assistant manager and legendary commentator, Martin Tyler...
- The Sack Race (6 months ago)
Woking Football Club
| Happy Birthday to our very own Martin Tyler!
- Woking Football Club (6 months ago)
The Cardinal Tales
Happy Birthday to Woking fan, Sky Sports commentator and Woking Assistant Manager Martin Tyler, born on this day in
- The Cardinal Tales (6 months ago)
josh protocol
Happy birthday to the legend Martin Tyler .. Winning the FSF BEST COMMENTATOR award for five years running..We b
- josh protocol (6 months ago)
Melanie VaughanSmith
Happy birthday today to Walter Koenig (82), Martin Tyler (73), Sam Neill (71) and Andrew Lincoln (45). Also bor
- Melanie VaughanSmith (6 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Joey Heatherton, Gunter Netzer, Martin Tyler, Pete Agnew, Jim Angle, Wolfgang Suhnholz, Jon Bauman and Sam Neill.
- North Trenton (6 months ago)
Football Commentary
commentator and loyal man Martin Tyler turns 72 today. A very happy birthday Martin!
- Football Commentary (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to English sportscaster/journalist Martin Tyler (September 14, 1945), author of Story of Football (1976) et al.
- Book_Addict (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Ashley Roberts, Andrew Lincoln, Katie Lee, Martin Tyler, Jessica Brown Findlay & Roger Lyons
- maddie (6 months ago)
Happy 72nd birthday Martin Tyler What is his most iconic commentary moment? For us it has to be Aguerooooooo
- SportQuake (6 months ago)
Commentary Services
commentator Martin Tyler turns 72 today. A very happy birthday Martin!
- Commentary Services (6 months ago)
Happy birthday! Martin Tyler 7 1 Ray Wilkins 6 0 Ivica Olic 3 8 Steven Naismith 3 1
- Unibet (6 months ago)
Ian Abrahams (Moose)
Happy Birthday to my good friend \"The Voice\" Martin Tyler, have a really great day Martin
- Ian Abrahams (Moose) (6 months ago)
First commentary gig: 28 Dec, 1974 Career highlight: 2011/12 EPL final round World Cup finals: Six Happ
- bet365_aus (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the voice of football, Martin Tyler!
- BigFootball (6 months ago)
Fiona May
Happy 72nd birthday to Martin Tyler, IMO the best football commentator there is, even if he sometimes does my head
- Fiona May (6 months ago)
Dream Team
Happy birthday, Martin Tyler!
- Dream Team (6 months ago)
1980s Football
Happy 70th birthday to Martin Tyler.
- 1980s Football (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to British sportscaster/journalist Martin Tyler (September 14, 1945), author of Story of Football (1976) et al.
- Book_Addict (6 months ago)
Richard Marshall
Happy 70th birthday Martin Tyler / For his commentaries, football stat compiler.
- Richard Marshall (6 months ago)
Matt Barker
Happy Birthday Martin Tyler,iconic commentator.Aguerooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo/Collymoreeee Liverpool lead in stoppage tiiiimee
- Matt Barker (6 months ago)
ron weastly
Happy 70th birthday to the legend that is Martin Tyler
- ron weastly (6 months ago)
Arjun Kannan
Whilst Messi\'s hip dance to floor Boateng was Jaw Dropping on its own, you commentary made it Awwdorable. Happy Birthday, Martin Tyler!
- Arjun Kannan (6 months ago)
Football Association Premier League Commentator of the Decade award winner who was the default commentator for all FIFA video games from 2006 until 2012.