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Paula Margulies
I remember my roommate and I stumbling into a dive bar in San Francisco one night in the early 80s, and there was
- Paula Margulies (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Marty Balin of Jefferson Starship and Jefferson Airplane! We miss you!
We have
- MuseyTV (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Marty Balin 81 Today Marty Balin was born Martyn Jerel Buchwald on January 30, 1942 in Cincinn
- Poindexter (1 month ago)
Robert Wands
Jefferson Starship - Miracles (RIP Marty Balin) via Happy Birthday
Marty Balin <
- Robert Wands (1 month ago)
Keener 13
Happy Birthday to: Joe Terranova (Danny & The Juniors, 1941; Marty Balin (Jefferson Airplane), 1942; Sandy Deane (J
- Keener 13 (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday!
Marty Balin, who co-wrote/lead vocal, Jefferson Starship, NOTHING\'S GONNA STOP US NOW
- sweetrhythms (1 month ago)
The Hi-Fi Hillbillies
Happy Monday, January 30th Today is National Croissant Day. 1962: The Shirelles hit with Will You Love Me
- The Hi-Fi Hillbillies (1 month ago)
Pat Spencer@PatSpencer
Happy Birthday Marty Balin! I love your music and miss you! Heavenly Birthday to YOU!
- Pat Spencer@PatSpencer (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday to Marty Balin, the singer-songwriter and co-founder of the iconic Jefferson Airplane. He was born t
- MagellanMusic (1 month ago)
The Dude
Happy Birthday Marty Balin! singer/songwriter/guitar solo artist - 199
- The Dude (1 month ago)
EdgySay| \" It was a dark and stormy night.\"
Happy Birthday to Marty Balin (1942 - 2018) \"RUNAWAY\" from Jefferson Starship\'s 1978 platinum album, Earth.
- EdgySay| \" It was a dark and stormy night.\" (1 month ago)
Rhino Records
Happy birthday in rock \'n\' roll heaven to the legend Marty Balin We\'re celebrating with a look back at Jefferson
- Rhino Records (1 month ago)
Há 77 anos nascia Marty Balin!!!
O do Jefferson Airplane e Jefferson Starship faria hoje seus 77 anos de idade. In
- Confraria Floydstock / André Floyd (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Marty Balin (* 30. Januar 1942 in Cincinnati, Ohio, als Martyn Jerel Buchwald; 27.
- Bluesanne (1 month ago)
January 30th Happy Birthday to Ruth Brown (1928), Horst Jankowski (1936), Joe Terranova - Danny and The Juniors (19
- TodayinMusicHistory (1 month ago)
Franklin Mount
Happy Birthday Marty Balin, born on this day in 1942.
- Franklin Mount (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday, Marty Balin!
- RACC (1 month ago)
The musical weekend continues with birthday music by Phil Collins and Genesis, Marty Balin and the Jefferson...
- aquariuspapers (1 month ago)
StrengthIn#s Doc
Happy Birthday, Marty Balin! We love you!
- StrengthIn#s Doc (1 month ago)
Sylvester Williams
Happy Birthday Marty
- Sylvester Williams (1 month ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Gregory Benford, Dick Cheney, Tineke Lagerberg, Marty Balin, Davey Johnson, Lynn Harrell, Colin R
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (1 month ago)
Giovanni F7
Happy to singer/songwriter/producer Marty Balin, primary founder of 60s classic rock band Jefferson Airpl
- Giovanni F7 (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday to Martyn Jerel Buchwald. (January 30, 1942) Professionally known as Marty Balin,
- InsideRock.News (1 month ago)