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Hamrin Bakir
Rojbuna te pîroz be û qêbet li sed salan be...
- Hamrin Bakir (4 years ago)
Hamrin Bakir
Rojbuna te pîroz be ey pêşmergeyê qehreman û qêbet li sed salan be... Hertim tu di kêf û xweşiyê de bijî... Li hêvya rojê azadya Kurdistanê ne...
- Hamrin Bakir (4 years ago)
Jîndar Ax
Declaration of a state(Kurdistan) is the legitimate right of the Kurdish nation. This goal should be realized, but
- Jîndar Ax (6 months ago)
Ashqi Zebari
Congratulations on foundation KDP and happy birthday to our president
- Ashqi Zebari (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to one of the greatest leaders of this nation, the peshmerga of peshmergas, the general of the gener
- Shahan (6 months ago)
بنت كوردستان
Happy birthday our president may God bless you for us inshalah
- بنت كوردستان (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to you, Mr. President, and happy birthday to PDK.
- SUAT ŞENGÖL (6 months ago)
salar ☀️
Happy Birthday Mr. President
- salar ☀️ (6 months ago)
Abdulrahman Hamdi
Happy birthday your excellency
- Abdulrahman Hamdi (6 months ago)
Stuff & Things
Happy Birthday to Masoud Barzani.
- Stuff & Things (6 months ago)
And a happy birthday to you father
- Nurshin Almighty (6 months ago)
Nurshin, PhD
And a happy birthday to you father
- Nurshin, PhD (6 months ago)
Hiwa Harki
Happy Birthday Mr. President
- Hiwa Harki (6 months ago)
joe Biden
Happy birthday president
- joe Biden (6 months ago)
Lana Farhad
Happy 75th Birthday to the President born on the day that the was founded. Congratulations to
- Lana Farhad (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to the father of the nation
- (6 months ago)
Happy birthday Politician Masoud Barzani! Just wanted to be the first one to wish you happy birthday so I can feel
- (6 months ago)
Ali Sarbaz Jaff
75 years of struggle, resistance, and sacrifices.
Congratulations to the for the 75th anniversary of establis
- Ali Sarbaz Jaff (6 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday to beloved President Masoud
- ෴SROR෴ (6 months ago)
Jwan Farhad Gallali پابەندین#
Thank you for your sacrifice for our beloved Kurdistan, since a very young age- Happy 75th Birthday Pres.
- Jwan Farhad Gallali پابەندین# (6 months ago)
bawki natawey mucha lebraw, bawki nataway be aw, bawki natawe be balganama w be nawnis
- Tanya (6 months ago)
Mahmoud Sheikh Sulaiman
Happy Birthday Mr President and happy anniversary to
- Mahmoud Sheikh Sulaiman (6 months ago)
Mohammed Brifkani
I was born in the shadow of the Kurdistan flag in Mahabad and I am ready to serve and die for that same flag. [PD
- Mohammed Brifkani (6 months ago)
- Rovyakhaid11 (6 months ago)
Happy 75th Anniversary to every member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party ( and a very happy birthday to His Ex
- ZozanBerwari (6 months ago)
Happy 74th Birthday dear President, may God keep you safe and healthy for our nation.
- Hemn Merany☀ #پابەندین (6 months ago)
September 3rd
Happy Birthday to Bruce Beresford, Lesley Turner Bowrey, Barbara George (d. 2006), Robert Squirrel Lester (d. 2010)
- September 3rd (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday
- Volde (6 months ago)
Can Saplayan
Happy birthday my lord, rojbûna te pîroz be serok, iyi ki do dun kral.
- Can Saplayan (6 months ago)
Arkada lar lütfen profile girip balonlar patlatal m, happy birthday
- Abdullah (6 months ago)
happy birthday canim
- idc (6 months ago)
Khasrow Ajgayi Noori #StayAlert
On the 74th anniversary of the foundation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party many congratulations to
- Khasrow Ajgayi Noori #StayAlert (6 months ago)
Lana Zibari
Happy 74th anniversary to the establishment of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, and a very happy birthday to Sarok
- Lana Zibari (6 months ago)
Today is the 74rd anniversary of the birth of the legend and our president happy birthday our pres
- baybeenofficial (6 months ago)
Shorashgar Bradostî
74 years of living for the independence of Kurdistan
74 years of supremacy and revolution
Happy Birthday President
- Shorashgar Bradostî (6 months ago)
Happy birthday bro
- Peace (6 months ago)
Şev Night
Happy birthday, Serok!!!
Rojbuna te piroz be!!!
- Şev Night (6 months ago)