Happy Birthday Matt Serra If you\'re a fan of their work then Like, Share and join us in wishing the Hall of Fame
- Against The Fence (9 months ago)
Sportskeeda MMA
Happy birthday to former Welterweight Champion, The Ultimate Fighter winner, and UFC Hall of Famer, Matt Serra
- Sportskeeda MMA (9 months ago)
UFC on BT Sport
The first-ever fighter to win both The Ultimate Fighter and UFC Championship Wishing a very happy birthday to UF
- UFC on BT Sport (9 months ago)
Ohhhh shit! I want to hear Matt Serra sing me happy birthday now. Thanks, Mac! Them boys gonna drop
- QAR (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to my old school Jiu-Jitsu Brother Matt The Terror Serra Love U Bro!!! Here s a classic old photo o
- HarleyFlanagan (9 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Lydia Lunch, Rineke Dijkstra, Kyle Petty, Tony Hadley, Dez Cadena, Caroline Link, David Wheaton,
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
Hannibal Kid
Happy birthday Matt Serra. Love this dude and the podcast him and are awesome together. =)
- Hannibal Kid (9 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to David Wheaton, B-Real, Beetle Juice, Mr. Walt, Wayne Brady, Gata Kamsky, Matt Serra and Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira.
- North Trenton (9 months ago)
Mark La Monica
Happy birthday to East Meadow\'s
- Mark La Monica (9 months ago)
Truck Gordon
Happy bday to my friend my coach and one of the best husbands and dad walking the earth no other then Matt Serra
- Truck Gordon (9 months ago)
MMA King
Happy 43rd birthday Matt Serra ( - have a great day from everyone at !
- MMA King (9 months ago)
Tony Quagliata
It\'s a Serra-bration. Happy Birthday Matt Serra. We started the party without you!
- Tony Quagliata (9 months ago)
MMA King
Happy 41st birthday Matt Serra ( - have a great day from everyone at !
- MMA King (9 months ago)
Shirley C Salvatera
Happy Birthday to raylongomma !!! With us, the former UFC Welterweight Champ, Matt Serra
- Shirley C Salvatera (9 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Matt Serra will celebrate his 51 years old birthday in 2 months and 21 days! Send your greetings to him now!