Happy birthday Maureen Johnson, author of the delicate murder mystery YA series, Truly Devious !
- B&N Oceanside (11 months ago)
BN Southcenter
Happy birthday to Maureen Johnson, author of several YA books, most notably the Truly Devious series!
- BN Southcenter (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to writer Maureen Johnson (February 16, 1973), author of \"Suite Scarlett \" (2009) et al.
- Book_Addict (11 months ago)
Writer\'s Relief
Happy Birthday to YA Maureen Johnson!
- Writer\'s Relief (11 months ago)
Friends of WHLibrary
Happy Birthday, Maureen Johnson.
There\'s a creepy new terror haunting London. Fresh from defeating a killer, Rory m
- Friends of WHLibrary (11 months ago)
bing bang bong
Happy birthday to me, christopher ecclestone, the author maureen johnson, kim jong il, and tony from the archers
- bing bang bong (11 months ago)
...we\'ll always have Rent Maureen Johnson.
Happy birthday Maureen!!! I like you better than Rent Maureen.
- Krystina (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Maureen Johnson! Johnson is a writer known for YA novels, including \"13 Little Blue Envelopes\" and t
- MandelPublicLibrary (11 months ago)
North Texas Teen Book Festival
Hey, how about we talk about awesome books releasing? Happy book birthday to (The Hand on the Wall)
- North Texas Teen Book Festival (1 week ago)
Write Now Philly
Happy book birthday to The Hand On The Wall by
- Write Now Philly (1 week ago)
John Barefield
Happy Birthday, young-adult fiction author Maureen Johnson
With love from The Hickory Stump
- John Barefield (11 months ago)
PPLD Teens
Happy Book Birthday to Maureen Johnson! The Vanishing Stair is out today!
- PPLD Teens (1 week ago)
Nikki\'s Novel Niche
Happy to Truly Devious released today!
- Nikki\'s Novel Niche (1 week ago)
Patrizia Giuliani
\"Sono una massa di contraddizioni.\" 13 Little Blue Envelopes
Maureen Johnson Happy Birthday!
- Patrizia Giuliani (11 months ago)
Guy Montcomedy
. happy birthday Maureen Johnson, a true millionaire both in generosity and also financial wealth.
- Guy Montcomedy (11 months ago)
happy bday authors♪♫
Happy birthday Maureen Johnson! writer from the USA
- happy bday authors♪♫ (11 months ago)
American young-adult novelist best known for her Suite Scarlett series and her Little Blue Envelopes series. She also wrote the script for the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video game.