For Sham and Fly Pie, there\'s no escape from the grim reality of their lives - every day they sort rubbish on the t
- Friends of WHLibrary (9 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Bobbi Humphrey, Donnell Deeny, Steve Ferrone, Peter Hintze (d. 2016), Valentyna Kozyr, Ian McCart
- North Trenton (9 months ago)
Hartlepool Hubs
\"So that s it, really difficult subjects hold the best stories.\"
Happy birthday to Melvin Burgess today!
- Hartlepool Hubs (9 months ago)
McQuade Library (MC)
Happy Birthday, Melvin Burgess, author of Doing It. Doing It was challenged in AR in 2006 for
- McQuade Library (MC) (9 months ago)
Waterstones Leeds
Happy Birthday Melvin Burgess (born 25 Apr 1954) author of fiction, primarily aimed at young adults, best known for
- Waterstones Leeds (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to English writer Melvin Burgess (April 25, 1954), author of \"Nicholas Dane\" et al.
- Book_Addict (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the wonderfully unique and fearless mind that is
- BookTrust (9 months ago)