Happy Birthday to Professor Sir Michael Berry
- Dr Mathematics (10 months ago)
Jack Klaff
Happy 80th Birthday to Sir Michael Berry
Physics Professor at Bristol
He loves this photo
Rainbow over Newton s
- Jack Klaff (10 months ago)
AIP Theoretical Physics Group
Happy 80th birthday to Sir Michael Berry!
A physicist who \"delights in finding the arcane in the mundane\".
- AIP Theoretical Physics Group (10 months ago)
John Preskill
And Michael Berry s contributions to quantum physics are also great. Happy Birthday!
- John Preskill (10 months ago)
Jon Barnard
Happy Birthday Michael Berry - Quantum Mechanic and Great Explorer of the asymptotic limits of the Classical-Quantu
- Jon Barnard (10 months ago)
Graham Farmelo
Happy 80th birthday to the great mathematical physicist Michael Berry. I know of no living physicist who has done
- Graham Farmelo (10 months ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
I wish you a wonderful birthday! Michael Berry (Mathematician), 80 years old.
Happy birthday to one of the few peop
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (10 months ago)
News Radio 105.5 WERC
Michael Berry ( Sons Buy Billboard To Encourage Everyone To Wish Their Dad A Happy Birthday
- News Radio 105.5 WERC (10 months ago)
- KTRH News (10 months ago)
Sons Buy Billboard To Encourage Everyone To Wish Their Dad A Happy Birthday | Michael Berry | KLVI AM 560
- newstalk560klvi (10 months ago)
News Radio 1190 KEX
- News Radio 1190 KEX (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to my baby boy! Lex Michael Berry Lex Man ! Love you blessed baby
- Mike (11 months ago)
Mariah Janes Loft
Happy birthday in Heaven. RIP Kathy. Michael Berry misses you his baby sister sooooooo much. We all miss you. Taken too soon.
- Mariah Janes Loft (11 months ago)
Trip Seven
Going to release every single one of my songs at midnight Happy Birthday to me and thank you for always...
- Trip Seven (11 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Michael Berry will celebrate his 84 years old birthday in 1 month and 11 days! Send your greetings to him now!
English mathematical physicist who taught at the University of Bristol. He became a fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1982 and was knighted the Queen in 1996.