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Happy 89th Birthday to Michael Dukakis!
- APIC (4 months ago)
Happy birthday Politician Michael Dukakis! Wishing you a day that is as special as you are!
- (4 months ago)
Jacob M Buehrer
Happy 89th birthday to Michael Dukakis. I won t ever forget our conversation on the podcast last month. Someone I l
- Jacob M Buehrer (4 months ago)
john slotkin
Happy birthday
Lois Smith 92
Michael Dukakis 89
Shadow Stevens 76
Lulu 74
Anna Wintour 73
Roseanne Barr 70
Kate Cap
- john slotkin (4 months ago)
Happy 89th Birthday to POTUS Candidate Michael Dukakis who faced against Bush Sr. In 1988 when he was 55 born on November 3, 1933.
- GRPs (4 months ago)
Mel Vaughan Smith
1/3 Happy birthday today to Michael Dukakis (89), Brian Poole (81), Lulu (74), Larry Holmes (73), Roseanne Barr (70
- Mel Vaughan Smith (4 months ago)
Spiro’s Ghost
This incredibly honest & honorable man who should have been elected POTUS in 1988 will be 89 years young tomorrow.
- Spiro’s Ghost (4 months ago)
And naturally everyone remembers Michael Dukakis\' birthday! Happy Birthday Eammon!
You could also say
- Lauren (4 months ago)
World History 101
Happy 88th birthday to former governor of Massachusetts Michael Dukakis the first person I voted for in a preside
- World History 101 (4 months ago)
JOKEOFTHEDAY: Happy Birthday to 1988 Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis, who turns 88 today. He plans
- A BRECKENRIDGE (4 months ago)
Hillary Warned Us About Democracy\'s Death
A very happy 88th birthday to Governor Michael Dukakis!
- Hillary Warned Us About Democracy\'s Death (4 months ago)
Kenneth Barrows
Happy 88th birthday, Michael Dukakis! He summed up what politics is all about: good jobs at good wages
- Kenneth Barrows (4 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOVEMBER 3rd; Actress/Writer Aneta Corsaut(1933-1995)\"88\"; Former Gov. Michael Dukakis(Massachusetts
- BRONX POET (4 months ago)
Consulate General of Greece in Boston
A very happy 87th birthday to Former Governor Michael Dukakis. It is an honor to have met him and we wish him many
- Consulate General of Greece in Boston (4 months ago)
Daisy P-L
Of the well-known people I share my birthday with (Rosanne Barr, Michael Dukakis, etc), this one is my least favori
- Daisy P-L (4 months ago)
Uncle Mike - Wartime Consigliere
Happy Birthday to Michael Dukakis. I cast my 1st vote for President for you on November 8, 1988. I remain proud of that vote.
- Uncle Mike - Wartime Consigliere (4 months ago)
Bless Every One
Happy Birthday, Michael Dukakis and Mazie Hirono
A good day to vote blue
- Bless Every One (4 months ago)
Adäm Had Ëm (Boïls)
Happy birthday, Michael Dukakis!
- Adäm Had Ëm (Boïls) (4 months ago)
Travis Jones
11/3/2020. 56th day of school. 124 to go. Happy Birthday Michael Dukakis 1933
- Travis Jones (4 months ago)
lady in the radiator
Today s the day we ve all been waiting for... michael dukakis s 87th birthday. he may have lost the presidential el
- lady in the radiator (4 months ago)
Melanie VaughanSmith
Happy birthday today to Michael Dukakis (87), Brian Poole (79), Lulu (72), Larry Holmes (71), Kate Capshaw (67), St
- Melanie VaughanSmith (4 months ago)
Richard A. Arenberg
Great fun last night interviewing a great American. Happy Birthday to Governor Michael Dukakis (Nov 3--Election Day
- Richard A. Arenberg (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to enCAST Pro Actor: MICHAEL DUKAKIS
Based in and working in & see more:
- enCAST (4 months ago)
Muddy Funster
November 3
Happy birthday today to
Monica Vitti (89)
Michael Dukakis (87)
Lulu (72)
Anna Wintour (71)
Roseanne Bar
- Muddy Funster (4 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
And Happy Birthday to John Barry (d. 2011), Ken Berry, Jeremy Brett (d. 1995), Aneta Corsaut (d. 1995), Michael Duk
- Teewhy Nyema (4 months ago)
Steve Rogers
Happy Birthday today, in no particular order, to
- Steve Rogers (4 months ago)
Hatty Burpday
November 3
Happy birthday today to
Monica Vitti (88)
Michael Dukakis (86)
Lulu (71)
Anna Wintour (70)
Roseanne Bar
- Hatty Burpday (4 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
November 3
Happy birthday today to
Monica Vitti
Michael Dukakis
Lulu Anna Wintour
Roseanne Barr
- Celebrity Birthdays (4 months ago)
Kracker Jones
Happy birthday Charles Bronson(1921-2003)Larry Holmes(70)Roseanne Barr(67)Kendall Jenner(24)Dolph Lundgren(62)Denni
- Kracker Jones (4 months ago)
Glenn Whidden
Happy 85th birthday to fellow public transportation advocate Michael Dukakis.
- Glenn Whidden (4 months ago)
Stephen Kinzer
Happy 85th birthday Michael Dukakis! He is our Cincinnatus--lives modestly, campaigns for immigrant rights and an
- Stephen Kinzer (4 months ago)
Today\'s the birthday of ComedySportz player Eric Kearns, ComedySportz alumnus Steve Purnick, and former Massachuset
- CSzLA (4 months ago)
Boston Global Forum
- Boston Global Forum (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to politician Michael Dukakis (November 3,1933), author of Creating the Future: the Massachusetts
- Book_Addict (4 months ago)
Ocean 100
Happy Birthday to Dolph_Lundgren (61), Adam Ant(64), Kate Capshaw(65), SNL\'s Dennis Miller(65), Gimme a Break\'
- Ocean 100 (4 months ago)
Old School 80s
Happy Birthday to (61), Adam Ant(64), Kate Capshaw(65), SNL\'s Dennis Miller(65), Gimme a Break
- Old School 80s (4 months ago)
Matt Erickson
Happy birthday, Michael Dukakis.
- Matt Erickson (4 months ago)
MA Democratic Party
Wishing a very happy birthday to former Gov. Michael Dukakis! Thank you for all you\'ve done and continue to do for
- MA Democratic Party (4 months ago)
Katie Dillon
Happy birthday to one of the best. \"Say it with me, Michael Dukakis is so cool.\"
- Katie Dillon (4 months ago)
NorthSouth Rail Link
Happy Birthday to our wonderful leader, Gov Michael Dukakis! Thank you for all you have done & continue to
- NorthSouth Rail Link (4 months ago)
Joe Paulson
Happy Birthday, Michael Dukakis!
- Joe Paulson (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Governor Michael Dukakis! 84 and so much more...
- DonInLowell (4 months ago)
Caroline Coughlin
Tonight I sang happy birthday to Michael Dukakis and heard and Nancy Gertner discuss the Supreme Court. Thanks
- Caroline Coughlin (4 months ago)
Jeff Thorne
Happy Birthday, Michael Dukakis!
- Jeff Thorne (4 months ago)
Bob Bark
A very happy Birthday, to my onetime ivied halls professor, Michael Dukakis. Long in the tooth you\'re flying. -BB
- Bob Bark (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to my fellow November Thirders! (with honorable mentions for Dolph Lundgren & Michael Dukakis)
- Scott (4 months ago)
Chase\'s Calendar
Happy Birthday! Adam Ant, Ken Berry, Kate Capshaw, Michael Dukakis, Colin Kaepernick, Kathy Kinney, and . . .
- Chase\'s Calendar (4 months ago)
Tom Bullington
Happy Birthday to my first vote for president - Michael 82 today.
- Tom Bullington (4 months ago)
IMDb. November 3rd. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ben Fogle, Zbigniew Cybulski, Michael Dukakis.
- GSmith (4 months ago)
Nguyen Ha Quan
Happy Birthday Governor Michael Dukakis
- Nguyen Ha Quan (4 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Michael Dukakis will celebrate his 92 years old birthday in 7 months and 19 days! Send your greetings to him now!