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What the Shot?
Born on this day, Michael Madsen turns 65. Happy Birthday! What movie is it? 5 min to answer!
- What the Shot? (4 months ago)
Perjési Ilona
Happy Birthday Michael Madsen!
- Perjési Ilona (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to michael madsen !! you\'ll always be my mr.blonde
- cléo (4 months ago)
Happy birthday, Michael Madsen!
- cinesthetic (4 months ago)
Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Will Smith, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michael Douglas, Bridgette Wilson-S
- Jennifer Long ☮️ (4 months ago)
Duke CNA
Bestsellers/Blockbusters is wishing actors 54, 78, Michael Madsen 65 and Niger
- Duke CNA (4 months ago)
Films to Films
Happy birthday to Michael Madsen!
- Films to Films (4 months ago)
Code of Bretts
Happy birthday Michael Madsen
- Code of Bretts (4 months ago)
Mike Mazda
Happy Birthday to
Michael Douglas
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Mark Hamill
Donald Glover
Heather Locklear
Christopher Re
- Mike Mazda (4 months ago)
john slotkin
Happy birthday
Barbara Walters 93
Jimmy Sturr 81
Robert gates 79
Michael Douglas 78
Cheryl Tiegs 75
Mimi Kennedy 74
- john slotkin (4 months ago)
Today is 25 of September and that means we can wish a very Happy Birthday to
Catherine Zeta-Jones who turns 53 t
- MovieFit (4 months ago)
Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Michael Douglas ( Catherine Zeta-Jones ( Mark Hamill (
- Dvd Daddy (4 months ago)
My Movie Obsession
Happy birthday Michael Madsen!
My 4 favorite Madsen performances are:
1. Mr. Blonde in Reservoir Dogs
2. Jimmy in
- My Movie Obsession (4 months ago)
Happy birthday Movie Actor Michael Madsen! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
- (4 months ago)
Mel Vaughan Smith
1/2 Happy birthday today to Brian Murphy (90), Michael Douglas (80), Felicity Kendal (76), Mark Hamill (71), Michae
- Mel Vaughan Smith (4 months ago)
Peter North
Happy birthday Michael Madsen
- Peter North (4 months ago)
Encourage your kids\' artistic side. Toughen up everything else.\"
Michael Madsen, a damn great character actor and
- anthonySC (4 months ago)
Nicole Grant
Happy Birthday Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Donald Glover, Heather Locklear, Mark Hamill, Christopher Ree
- Nicole Grant (4 months ago)
You know, every movie you make can\'t be great, no matter who you are. Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie
- Lidia (4 months ago)
Mr Natural.
Happy Birthday Actor Michael Madsen
- Mr Natural. (4 months ago)
Prayer List For Rock stars
Happy Birthday Michael Madsen
- Prayer List For Rock stars (4 months ago)
James Kenney
Happy 61st birthday to the lovely and talented Virginia Madsen. I wonder what it was like to have Michael Madsen as
- James Kenney (5 months ago)
Zanuck Family Entertainment
Happy Birthday Michael Madsen , born September 25, 1957. played Eddie Hall in g
- Zanuck Family Entertainment (4 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEPTEMBER 25...TV Producer David Benioff,51; Actor Tate Donovan,58; Hip Hop T.I.,41; Actress Heather
- BRONX POET (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Mark Hamill, Donald Glover, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michael Madsen, Heather Locklear, and Christoph
- Happy Birthday (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to actor, producer, director, writer, poet and photographer Michael Madsen born on September 25, 1957
- Space-reporter-news (4 months ago)
Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Michael Madsen!
- Mrs. Anne (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Michael Madsen
- topstarbirthdays (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to Michael Madsen!
- Exterminator6000 (4 months ago)
Douglas Browning
Happy birthday to Michael Madsen!
- Douglas Browning (4 months ago)
Kornél Va
September 25 - Happy birthday to Michael Madsen, Robert Miano, Mark Hamill, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Dougl
- Kornél Va (4 months ago)
Sept 25 Happy Birthday part 1: Robert Walden, Michael Douglas, Jane Houd
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (4 months ago)
Barry Kowal
September 25:Happy 64th birthday to actor,Michael Madsen (\"The Hateful Eight\")
- Barry Kowal (4 months ago)
Richard C. Kraus
Happy birthday to every actor who plays one of my favourite characters, including: (Luke Skywalker)
- Richard C. Kraus (4 months ago)
Virginie Pronovost
Happy birthday to Michael Madsen!
- Virginie Pronovost (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the Legend: the original badass of the silver screen, Mr. Michael Madsen! Always & forever an ins
- JUSTINE WARRINGTON (4 months ago)
Happy 63th birthday to michael madsen !!
- jojo (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Michael Søren Madsen
Sin City | \'Loose Ends\' (HD) - Bruce Willis, Michael Madsen | MIRAMAX
Thomas “Hollywood” Manning
Happy birthday to Mr. Blonde himself, Michael Madsen. Throwback to January, when we were lucky to bump into him at
- Thomas “Hollywood” Manning (4 months ago)
Aaron D\'Errico
Happy Birthday, Michael Madsen! Thank you for being a personal hero
- Aaron D\'Errico (4 months ago)
lena •
Happy birthday to the coolest man Mr. Michael Madsen
- lena • (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to michael madsen you gorgeous, hot man
- minerva (4 months ago)
Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy? Or are you gonna wish Michael Madsen happy birthday?
63 years old today
- PopHorror (4 months ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Michael Madsen
- Solo Juan (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to Michael Madsen!
- twodollarlatefee (4 months ago)