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R. Alex Kling
Happy birthday to Michael Mann who turns 75 today.
- R. Alex Kling (2 weeks ago)
Németh János
Michael Mann is 75 yo today. Thief, Manhunter, Heat, Miami Vice, everything. Happy birthday! Also it is just great that his name is MANn.
- Németh János (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday Michael Mann.
Top 5
1. Heat
2. Thief
3. Collateral
4. The Last of the Mohicans
5. The Insider
- Jim (2 weeks ago)
Mason Daniel
Happy 75th Birthday, Michael Mann.
Miami Vice > Collateral > Heat > Manhunter > Thief > Last of the Mohicans > Ali
- Mason Daniel (2 weeks ago)
Big Papa Pump
Happy birthday Michael Mann. If anyone makes a better crime film than THE THIEF, guys, please let me know.
- Big Papa Pump (2 weeks ago)
Joe Sharp
Happy 75th Birthday, Michael Mann! American screenwriter, producer and director of film and TV. He is perhaps...
- Joe Sharp (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday to Michael Mann, who once shot an \"inside-the-mailbox\" insert on a river because he liked the light
- dan (2 weeks ago)
Hunter Lurie
Happy 75th birthday to Michael Mann
- Hunter Lurie (2 weeks ago)
Happy 75th birthday to the great Michael Mann! From the archives:
- Flavorwire (2 weeks ago)
Simon Byrd
Happy 75th birthday to the great filmmaker Michael Mann: Manhunter, Last of the Mohicans, Heat, Crime Story, Miami Vice.
- Simon Byrd (2 weeks ago)
Triumph & Disaster
Happy 75th birthday, Michael Mann! Seen here with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro on the set of
- Triumph & Disaster (2 weeks ago)
Happy 75th birthday to the king, Michael Mann
- Sam (2 weeks ago)
New Beverly Cinema
Happy 75th birthday, Michael Mann! Seen here with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro on the set of Heat (1995).
- New Beverly Cinema (2 weeks ago)
No Film School
Happy 75th Birthday Michael Mann!
- No Film School (2 weeks ago)
Rialto Pictures
Happy birthday to Michael Mann, director of MANHUNTER, HEAT, and COLLATERAL, among many other great films!
- Rialto Pictures (2 weeks ago)
Adam Nayman
Happy birthday Michael Mann, if only you got more critical attention
- Adam Nayman (2 weeks ago)
Steven J. Lamppost Boy Hern
Wishing a happy birthday to Michael Mann, director of classics such as \"Last of the Mohicans,\" \"Heat\" & \"Collateral\"
- Steven J. Lamppost Boy Hern (2 weeks ago)
Chris Mello
A very happy birthday to my close personal friend, Michael Mann
- Chris Mello (2 weeks ago)
James Healey
Happy Birthday Michael Mann, king of action cinema!!!
- James Healey (2 weeks ago)
Mike Archibald
Happy birthday, Michael Mann!
- Mike Archibald (2 weeks ago)
Sherrick The Creator
Happy Birthday to the great Michael Mann. Collateral is his best movie in my opinion.
- Sherrick The Creator (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday to filmmaker Michael Mann (February 5,1943). Screenplays include: Heat (1995).
- Book_Addict (2 weeks ago)
Old School 80s
Happy Birthday to Bobby Brown(49), Jennifer Jason Leigh(56), GnR\'s Duff McKagan(54), Dream Academy\'s Nick Lair
- Old School 80s (2 weeks ago)
Little White Lies
Happy 75th Birthday Michael Mann! Here he is with Ashley Judd and Robert De Niro on the set of 1995 s Heat
- Little White Lies (2 weeks ago)
JC Allen
Happy 75th Birthday Michael Mann~~~An Evening with Michael Mann, moderated by critic Bilge Ebiri via
- JC Allen (2 weeks ago)
L\'un de mes réalisateurs préférés. J\'espère que le biopic sur Enzo Ferrari avec finira par se fair
- Yanis (2 weeks ago)
Richard Luck
Happy Birthday, Michael Mann! Here you are chatting about the coffee shop scene in Heat.
- Richard Luck (2 weeks ago)
Happy 75th birthday Michael Mann,
Directed Heat and one about Last Mohican.
- D:Rhyme (2 weeks ago)
Ovidi D.
Un dels millors autors del moviment \'neo-noir\' i un director capaç de fer autèntiques obres d\'art gràcies a una nar
- Ovidi D. (2 weeks ago)
️☠️ JAMIE ☠️
Happy 75th Birthday to Michael Mann
- ️☠️ JAMIE ☠️ (2 weeks ago)
Albert Galera
Happy birthday to the great Michael Mann!
- Albert Galera (2 weeks ago)
Filmbug Movie Stars
Happy birthday! To Laura Linney, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Barbara Hershey, Christopher Guest, Michael Mann, Jordan Nag
- Filmbug Movie Stars (2 weeks ago)
Mekata, Nobuo
Happy Birthday, Michael Mann 2 5
- Mekata, Nobuo (2 weeks ago)
Ring Wars
Happy Birthday to WAW Referee & Ring Announcer, the legendary Michael Mann who turns 68 today. Hope you have a...
- Ring Wars (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite filmmakers. Every Michael Mann frame a painting.
- Christian (2 weeks ago)
The Movie Freak
Happy birthday Michael Mann !
- The Movie Freak (2 weeks ago)
Choam Nomsky
Happy birthday to Film message legend Michael Mann
- Choam Nomsky (2 weeks ago)
Isaacs Haunted Beard
Happy Birthday to Michael Mann.
- Isaacs Haunted Beard (2 weeks ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Don Cherry, Hank Aaron, Kaspar Villiger, Roger Staubach, Michael Mann, Mark Fuhrman, Kenji Ohba and David Wiesner.
- North Trenton (2 weeks ago)
Nick Michalak
Happy birthday to filmmaker Michael Mann. Watch my recent review of HEAT.
- Nick Michalak (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday Michael Mann, from me & these painfully tragic non-blurays
- Lissa (2 weeks ago)
Josh Hains
Happy Birthday Michael Mann!!!
- Josh Hains (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday, Michael Mann
- svea (2 weeks ago)
Aaron Stewart-Ahn
Happy birthday Michael Mann, who you all know I worship, directed this 80s music video with exact plot of Miami Vice
- Aaron Stewart-Ahn (2 weeks ago)
\"By the time I was 21, I knew what I wanted to do, and that was to direct films.\" Happy birthday, Michael Mann !
- Fandor (2 weeks ago)
Deny Fear
Happy birthday Michael Mann
Pacino - De Niro - Heat, 1995
- Deny Fear (2 weeks ago)
Calum Marsh
Happy birthday Michael Mann, to whose glorious cinema I pay loving tribute every time I hand out one of my business
- Calum Marsh (2 weeks ago)
Ryan Swen
Oh, happy birthday Michael Mann, you beautiful genius.
- Ryan Swen (2 weeks ago)
Joseph Earp
Happy birthday to Michael Mann, the director of one of the best goddamn scenes in modern cinematic history:
- Joseph Earp (2 weeks ago)
Sean Armstrong
Happy Birthday Michael Mann. Redefining the tough guy for the end of the 20th century.
- Sean Armstrong (2 weeks ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Michael Mann just celebrated his 82 years old birthday 2 weeks ago. It's still not too late to say happy bday. Send your greetings to him now!