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Bhumika Mitra
Happy Birthday Michael! May the Power Protect you!
- Bhumika Mitra (9 months ago)
IMDb. April 29th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Federico Castelluccio, Vincent Ventresca, Reb Brown, Michael May, Marc Clotet, Phillip Noyce, David Belle
- GSmith (9 months ago)
Cary Cartter
Happy Birthday to my nephew Michael - may the Lord bless you with guidance, direction, and a purpose!
- Cary Cartter (9 months ago)
Penny Polimenakos
A BIG Shout out and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my husband and \"MR PA\" Michael. May all your wishes and dreams come your...
- Penny Polimenakos (9 months ago)
Lori Clark
Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Michael - May all your dreams come true! \"Blessings ~ N ~ Miracles\"
- Lori Clark (9 months ago)
marilyn nagle
Happy Birthday, Michael. May all your dreams come true
- marilyn nagle (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Michael!
May you receive the best bday gift ever!!!
- Sandy (9 months ago)
Debbie Schumacher
Happy birthday Michael! May you have as much joy and love as you have brought to me and my life!
- Debbie Schumacher (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to my sweet baby Michael. May you have a fantastic birthday floating with the
- Theresa (9 months ago)
happy birthday Michael, may God bless you with many more to come
- LANA (9 months ago)
Amanda Sowards
Happy birthday, Michael. May your hockey team and your candidates always win, now and forever more. (Esp. the latter.)
- Amanda Sowards (9 months ago)
Happy belated birthday Michael. May you enjoy many more to come. God bless.
- ALISON (9 months ago)
Michael Bathurst
Happy Birthday Michael! May you have a wonderful holiday weekend.
- Michael Bathurst (10 months ago)
Cassidy Simmons
Happy birthday, Michael! May your day be filled with lots of love, joy, treats, and wishes!
- Cassidy Simmons (10 months ago)
Kenneth M. Pizzi
Happy Birthday, Michael! May you continue to enlighten and educate us all for years to come!
- Kenneth M. Pizzi (10 months ago)
This a Moncleezy
awwwww happy birthday Michael may God bless you and I hope this ones for the books. Have the best birthday boo
- This a Moncleezy (10 months ago)
IG: @OyoCorpers
Happy Birthday Michael.
May God continue to uplift you day by day.
Wishing you all your heart
- IG: @OyoCorpers (10 months ago)
Loretta Alessi
happy birthday Michael. May your birthday in Heaven be serene and happy. You are a special angel
- Loretta Alessi (9 months ago)
Dominic Gudis
Happy birthday Michael ! May 1 in the office :P
- Dominic Gudis (9 months ago)
teresa munday
Happy Birthday John Michael ! May God Bless You very everyday !
- teresa munday (9 months ago)
Tim Crank
happy birthday Michael may you have a blessed day.
- Tim Crank (9 months ago)
OC Ukeje
Happy birthday Michael. May the good Lord increase you on every side & strengthen you for more ahead! Have a blast!!
- OC Ukeje (9 months ago)
Steven Bain
Happy birthday michael, may Moshni give you all the love and luck in your future life
- Steven Bain (9 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET MICHAEL!!! May Your Special Day be Filled with SURPRISES & Overflowing with BLESSINGS!! XO
- Y&RDeeVa (9 months ago)
Dr. Rakesh Mittal
Happy Birthday Michael! May God bless you with a healthy life.
- Dr. Rakesh Mittal (9 months ago)
happy birthday to my boy Michael may God be with you all day turn up today
- Young_Millz (9 months ago)
Sandra Maddix
Happy birthday Michael. May you receive many presents and blessings on this your special day . Sx
- Sandra Maddix (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Manong Michael!
May all your wishes come true :)
- shelly (9 months ago)
☆Leslie Ann☆
Oh man! I missed this. Im truly sorry. Happy belated birthday Michael! May God continue to smile on ur life.
- ☆Leslie Ann☆ (10 months ago)
John Burton
Happy Birthday Michael. May God bless you with many more!
- John Burton (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Michael! May all your dreams and wishes come true!
- FraniB (10 months ago)
Iris Dunivent
Happy Birthday!!! Michael. May you have many, many more blessed ones!!! Love you, dear one. (HUGS)
- Iris Dunivent (10 months ago)
Happy birthday michael!!!! May today be full of amazing adventures and remain as a joyful memory! YOU\'RE LEGAL TURN UPPPP
- ❁Karlita❁ (10 months ago)
Kaliope Μeris
Fuck dude, life\'s too short... Happy birthday Michael, may your memory be eternal
- Kaliope Μeris (10 months ago)
Margaret Cerbone
Happy 18th birthday to my sweet, angel Godson Vito Michael. May the good Lord always hold you in the
- Margaret Cerbone (6 months ago)
Rachel A Griffith
Missed this, sorry. Happy Birthday, Michael, & may God continue to bless you with gifts - the most important being Love
- Rachel A Griffith (6 months ago)
C. Maxine Rodney
Happy Birthday Michael! May God bless you with many more.
- C. Maxine Rodney (6 months ago)
Linda Goodridge
Happy Birthday Michael. May God continue to richly bless you. Hope u enjoy this.Warmest wishes. Triniluv
- Linda Goodridge (6 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Michael May will celebrate his 26 years old birthday in 2 months and 21 days! Send your greetings to him now!