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Happy birthday to Michael Moore
- ijcsly (10 months ago)
My husband and I watch your show every day. He was so happy to learn that you share the same birthday
- CherylKGraham (10 months ago)
virginia dark,drinking from the cup of humiliation
Happy Birthday, Michael Moore.
- virginia dark,drinking from the cup of humiliation (10 months ago)
David Hollingsworth
\"The purpose of art actually is, in many cases, to make you feel quite uncomfortable. Or at least to go to that pla
- David Hollingsworth (10 months ago)
Perspicuous Dragon
Happy birthday Michael Moore!
- Perspicuous Dragon (10 months ago)
Karin, Not a Karen
Happy birthday to Michael Moore who gave us ALL a helluva joke today!! (And about had a heart attac
- Karin, Not a Karen (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to people whose work has made my life better.
My father in law snuck Michael Moore passes into the
- CULT #90 POPCORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to the legendary Michael Moore!
- Wikingo (10 months ago)
Happy 69th birthday to Michael Moore! American filmmaker (Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, Sicko), born in F
- Alien-vs-Paddington (10 months ago)
Ariel Hand
To a stalwart in our Democratic party, a fair partisan, he sometimes make us mad. Producer, filmmaker, author and O
- Ariel Hand (10 months ago)
Keener 13
Happy Birthday To:
1928 Shirley Temple (d. 2014)
1936 Roy Orbison (d. 1988)
1939 Lee Majors
1942 Sandra
- Keener 13 (10 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Filmmaker Michael Moore turns 6 9 today.
- ABC12WJRT (10 months ago)
Happy 69th birthday to Michael Moore!
- Emerald_FM (10 months ago)
big Tommy
# Michael Moore,
Happy birthday to u sir
Many more years to celebrate
- big Tommy (10 months ago)
Dave Hollingsworth
\"Yeah, I think of what I do as a work of journalism. It\'s more like the op-ed page, though. These are my opinions.
- Dave Hollingsworth (10 months ago)
Tex Shelters
Happy Birthday Michael Moore, forever known as the man who warned us about a Trump victory and was laughed at. We\'r
- Tex Shelters (10 months ago)
Happy 68th birthday to Michael Moore, the groundbreaking documentary filmmaker, author, and activist!
- CK Philadelphia (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Michael Moore
- topstarbirthdays (10 months ago)
Scott Smith
Happy Birthday to this fabulous American. Happy birthday to Michael Moore, a Director and a liberal political act
- Scott Smith (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Director Michael Moore! Happy Birthday! I m sending you this ironic birthday wish because I know you
- (10 months ago)
Nicole Grant
Happy Birthday Gigi Hadid, Valerie Bertinelli, Dev Patel, Jaime King, George Lopez, Lee Majors, Michael Moore, Joan
- Nicole Grant (10 months ago)
Honduras para los Hondureños..
Happy bday, Mr Michael Moore!!
- Honduras para los Hondureños.. (10 months ago)
Kathryn Tessier
Happy Birthday Michael Moore! Keep on truckin\'!
- Kathryn Tessier (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Michael Moore !!
- froggy (10 months ago)
Suzanne Zeedyk
Today is the birthday of filmmaker Michael Moore Look at the brilliant baby photo he\'s given us, of his
- Suzanne Zeedyk (10 months ago)
susan b
Happy Birthday Mr George Lopez!!!!
Hey share your day wit
- susan b (10 months ago)
Zebra Trucks
Wow, happy birthday WS, Haldor Laxness, Lee Majors, Roy Orbison, Joan Lingard, Max Planck, Michael Moore, Taio Cruz, and JWM Turner.
- Zebra Trucks (10 months ago)
Primal Astrology (Official)
Happy Birthday to Michael Moore whose Primal Astrology sign is the Kangaroo!
- Primal Astrology (Official) (10 months ago)
Walter McBride
Happy 67th Birthday ... Born: April 23, 1954, Flint, MI
Michael Moore attends the Off-Broadway Opening N
- Walter McBride (10 months ago)
Filmwax Radio
Ep 565 (in July of 2019) celebrate the then upcoming Traverse City Film Festival & the premiere of the vital enviro
- Filmwax Radio (10 months ago)
Happy BIrthday to filmmaker and author Michael Moore born on April 23, 1954
- Space-reporter-news (10 months ago)
Scott Westerman
Happy Birthday To:
1928 Shirley Temple (d. 2014)
1936 Roy Orbison (d. 1988)
1939 Lee Majors
1942 Sandra
- Scott Westerman (10 months ago)
Joaquín Aldeguer
Happy Birthday, Michael Moore!
- Joaquín Aldeguer (10 months ago)
Movies Now
first film \'Roger & Me\' launched his career as one of America\'s best-known controversial documentar
- Movies Now (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Michael Moore
- 帰ってきたパンク (10 months ago)
Emily Carver
When Michael Moore messages Happy Birthday Karl Marx. You were right , I can t help but wonder which of his nine lux
- Emily Carver (11 months ago)
BSC Glasgow FC
Happy Birthday to First Team Coach Michael Moore (AKA Mr Stranraer) who turns 4 0 today!
- BSC Glasgow FC (11 months ago)
Derik Schneider
The only people who celebrate birthday, are and who look up to them as their G
- Derik Schneider (10 months ago)