This Grammy and multi Emmy award winning star of stage and screen, is best k
- As The World Turns (6 months ago)
- jj (6 months ago)
Primal Astrology (Official)
Happy Birthday to Michael Park whose Primal Astrology sign is the Emperor Tamarin!
- Primal Astrology (Official) (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Michael Park
- topstarbirthdays (6 months ago)
LOVE Michael Park!!! Happy Birthday!!
- Kristine (6 months ago)
⋆ nicoly ⋆ ミ☆
Happy birthday to michael park i hope he forgives me and cara for being gay and i wish him all the best even tho he hates me
- ⋆ nicoly ⋆ ミ☆ (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to the man who always knocks it out of the park on stage, Michael Park ( He was last see
- TKTS By TDF (6 months ago)
Happy belated birthday Michael Park !!! I remember when you was on As The World Turns
- Rana (6 months ago)
Arlene L Isenberg
ATWT cast was a special group of people some say family here\'s proof friends for life, Happy Birthday Michael Park
- Arlene L Isenberg (6 months ago)
Kelvin Pullman
Mr. Michael Park you used to be Jack Snider on As The World Turns a few years ago I want to t
- Kelvin Pullman (6 months ago)
Shelley Sheli Shellè
Happy birthday Michael Park! Still marvelous!
- Shelley Sheli Shellè (6 months ago)
David Roberson
Happy Birthday 7/20: Kim Carnes - 74, Donna Dixon (Sonny-Bosom Buddies) - 62, Mick MacNeil (keyboardist-Simple Mind
- David Roberson (6 months ago)
Photo Larry ®
Happy Birthday RIP Natalia Zakharenko(\"Natalie Wood\" 1938 1981) ; Enid Diana Rigg 81 Kimberly Carnes 74 Carlos Sant
- Photo Larry ® (6 months ago)
(Happy birthday Michael Park!
hope you had a great day.)
- ᴄᴏɴɴᴏʀ (6 months ago)
Take 2 Radio Network
On July 20th - We would like to wish the handsome Michael Park a very happy birthday!
- Take 2 Radio Network (6 months ago)
Ben Platt Fan
Happy birthday to the amazing Michael Park you are so outstanding and I hope you have a fantastic day! T
- Ben Platt Fan (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to community dad michael park
- rhe (6 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
And Happy Birthday to John Tenta, Michael Park and Jo Cox.
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (7 months ago)
Everyone singing happy birthday to Michael Park today made today\'s stage door even better happy last year of your 40s Michael!!
- mac (6 months ago)
Everyone singing happy birthday to Michael Park today made today\'s stage door even better happy last year of your 40s Michael!!
- mac • CUZ IM TAP TAP (6 months ago)
Zoey Stardust
Happy Birthday, Michael Park! Hope it\'s a great one!
- Zoey Stardust (6 months ago)
IMDb. July 20th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Barbara Goenaga, Avital Ash, Michael Park, Elizabeth Ercy, Gracy Singh, Carlos Santana, Patricia Cutts.
- GSmith (6 months ago)
happy birthday Michael park!! Thanks for sharing your talent with the world, you are truly an inspiration have a great day
- gabby (6 months ago)
Joy Rosenthal יוכבד
Happy birthday Mr Park! I\'m so happy you are on Broadway and that I met ya! Thanks again for doing bwaywiz intervie
- Joy Rosenthal יוכבד (6 months ago)
Soap Dude 2
Happy birthday Michael Park
- Soap Dude 2 (6 months ago)
#1 michael stans
Happy birthday to the person who really hits it out of the (michael) park! best wishes to from all of us
- #1 michael stans (6 months ago)
Silvana Breur
Happy 27th to my darling daughter Daniëlle and also a Happy Birthday to Michael Park
- Silvana Breur (6 months ago)
World TurnsTV
July 20 -
Happy Birthday to (ex-Jack Snyder, During his time on Michael Park won two...
- World TurnsTV (6 months ago)
Sunday Park
Happy 1st Birthday to Jaden Michael Park! You are the sweetest baby
- Sunday Park (7 months ago)
North Trenton
And Happy Birthday to the late great John Tenta and Michael Park.
- North Trenton (7 months ago)
Joan Faist
Happy Birthday to MIchael Park. Best wishes sent your way.
- Joan Faist (6 months ago)
Sabrina Bryant
Happy Birthday to me and my fellow 20th Bdays Michael Park and Gisele Bunchen. 43 is looking better and better every day!!!!
- Sabrina Bryant (6 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Michael Park will celebrate his 57 years old birthday in 5 months and 14 days! Send your greetings to him now!