IMDb. July 3rd. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Jay Tarses, Kinji Fukasaku, Michele Soavi, Vincent Lacoste, Justin Dreyfuss, Jane Allsop, Gabriel Tigerman.
- GSmith (8 months ago)
Gothic Vampire
Happy birthday to film director, Michele Soavi!
- Gothic Vampire (8 months ago)
James Ferguson
Michele Soavi is responsible or has contributed to many an Italian movie I love. Happy Birt
- James Ferguson (8 months ago)
Shameless Films
Happy Birthday Michele Soavi, an icon of Italian fright!
- Shameless Films (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to one of the greats of Italian cinema, Michele Soavi!
- GeezerHatesYou (8 months ago)
Sarah Jane
Happy Birthday to Michele Soavi! His STAGE FRIGHT (1987) is one of my favorite films ever made. Also made CEMETERY
- Sarah Jane (8 months ago)
Così Perversa
Buon compleanno a Michele Soavi, ha sessanta anni oggi! Happy birthday Michele, a star in and director of many
- Così Perversa (8 months ago)
The Midwest Monsters
Happy Birthday Italian horror maestro Michele Soavi
- The Midwest Monsters (8 months ago)