He was a really good vice president to a really successful president. Just
- Andrea W (6 months ago)
Happy birthday beautiful lady.
- CAROL GARCIA (6 months ago)
Happy belated birthday Mr Vice President.
I hope you have a backbone to run against DJT.
- ConfusedAmerican (6 months ago)
Myr. Kai Alexis
Your birthday twin is Mike Pence? Well. I hope you had a happy birthday too.
- Myr. Kai Alexis (6 months ago)
Christina Hoffman
Happy blessed birthday
- Christina Hoffman (6 months ago)
Bobby Sadler
Happy belated birthday.
- Bobby Sadler (6 months ago)
Priscilla W
Happy belated birthday from the
- Priscilla W (6 months ago)
Sahar46 azady
happy birthday for vice president.
- Sahar46 azady (6 months ago)
happy Birthday Mr Pence
- boss (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Mike Pence (born June 7, 1959). He did the right thing on January 6. And was a good governor of Ind
- Hans_Bader (6 months ago)
Nate Semakula
Happy Birthday VP Pence. Do me a favor...if your buddy runs, show his lame behind Whom you serve...Happy Belated Birthday.
- Nate Semakula (6 months ago)
kangndtoumbi Roger
Happy Birthday Mr. President!
- kangndtoumbi Roger (6 months ago)
Gail McKenzie
Happy Birthday!
- Gail McKenzie (6 months ago)
Thankful Ro
Happy Birthday, We miss you!!
- Thankful Ro (6 months ago)
Rod Welch
Happy Birthday!
- Rod Welch (6 months ago)
Lora Rinner
Happy Birthday Karen
- Lora Rinner (6 months ago)
Lysy Georges
Happy birthday We hope we can tell a gain on your help with Président Trump !
- Lysy Georges (6 months ago)
Republican politician who became the 50th Governor Indiana in 2013 after spending ten years in the House of Representatives. He is known for advocating strong national defense and financial restraint.