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Charlie J Shiner
Happy Birthday Alex. Wishing you a Tsunami of happiness and continued sunshine throughout the year..
- Charlie J Shiner (1 month ago)
Donald Ferren
Happy birthday Miranda Lambert
- Donald Ferren (1 month ago)
Kevin Hayden
I always knew that two of my favorites share this day as their Birthday. The United States Marine Corps and Sesame
- Kevin Hayden (1 month ago)
Coti Howell
Happy birthday to the multi-talented
- Coti Howell (1 month ago)
deplorable jimm bob
Birthday happy happy to my leader the great miranda lambert
- deplorable jimm bob (1 month ago)
Kerry ross
Happy birthday to miss Miranda Lambert Happy days
- Kerry ross (1 month ago)
Mayhem, Music & More
Happy 34th birthday Miranda Lambert!!!- Missy
- Mayhem, Music & More (1 month ago)
Wishing my Queen Miranda Lambert a happy 35th birthday. Thank you for being my safe haven for all these years. Your
- Bri (1 month ago)
Happy birthday to the queen Miranda Lambert
- celine (1 month ago)
Alley brown
happy birthday MIRANDA LAMBEhave a good 1
- Alley brown (1 month ago)
Lisa S
Happy Birthday to the best, Miranda Lambert!!! May you have many more!
- Lisa S (1 month ago)
HAPPY Ennio Morricone (90), Bobby Rush (84), Tommy Facenda (79), Donna Fargo (77), Tim Rice (74), Bram
- (1 month ago)
Happy bday to my girl miranda lambert
- Jarrettcanfield (1 month ago)
Celebrating The Queen\'s birthday. Listening to her music for hours now. Happy Birthday! Miranda Lambert Keep kick
- Ida (1 month ago)
Boot Barn
Happy Birthday to Miranda Lambert! To wish her a very special birthday, Boot Barn has donated to a non
- Boot Barn (1 month ago)
SHS Chester County
Happy Birthday, Miranda Lambert! Enjoy her beautiful rendition of The House That Built Me.
- SHS Chester County (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday, Miranda Lambert! Country Karaoke TONIGHT at 9 at Les & Doreen s Happy Tap, 1301 E Susquehanna, Fish
- SingYourLifeKaraoke (1 month ago)
The Wolf
Happy birthday, Miranda!
- The Wolf (1 month ago)
Bryan Houston
Happy 35th birthday to Lindale\'s favorite daughter, . The most honored artist of all time by the Ac
- Bryan Houston (1 month ago)
David E Brown
Happy birthday Miranda Lambert
- David E Brown (1 month ago)
Happy Happy Birthday to one of the coolest, Miranda Lambert! Here is hoping all of the furry four leggers find a ho
- WorldwideShe (1 month ago)
Taste of Country
Happy Birthday to She turns 35 today.
- Taste of Country (1 month ago)
UK Country News
Happy 35th to Miranda Lambert Repost idyllwind is for all the Boss Ladies out the
- UK Country News (1 month ago)
Kare Thompson
Happy 35 birthday to Miranda Lambert. Hope that she has a wonderful birthday.
- Kare Thompson (1 month ago)
Candia Sellars
Just want to wish Miranda Lambert a Happy Birthday and may God bless u with many many more
- Candia Sellars (1 month ago)
Tucker Buchanan
Happy birthday Miranda Lambert
- Tucker Buchanan (1 month ago)
Happy 35th Birthday Miranda Lambert
- JMars (1 month ago)
Doug Lambert
Happy Birthday, Miranda Lambert, born November 10th, 1983, in Longview, Texas.
- Doug Lambert (1 month ago)
lois glenn
Happy Birthday to Miranda Lambert. She is in the very best
Years of her life.
- lois glenn (1 month ago)
Steve Vitale
Tasty Tune of the Day ...
A bad ass never has to tell anyone she s a bad ass.
Happy Birthday to the so bad she s g
- Steve Vitale (1 month ago)
Ed Quoththeraven
Happy birthday! You\'re in great company with my OH, Wilfried Zaha and Miranda Lambert
- Ed Quoththeraven (1 month ago)
Duck Dynasty Fans
We laughed when we found out about Happy birthday to this beautiful & talented singer! Wishing Miranda all the
- Duck Dynasty Fans (1 month ago)
- (1 month ago)
WILDsound LA Fest
Happy Birthday: Miranda Lambert
- WILDsound LA Fest (1 month ago)
WILDsound Festival Review
Happy Birthday: Miranda Lambert
- WILDsound Festival Review (1 month ago)
~~ Kimberly ~~
.....odd expressions!!!! I took my twin daughter
- ~~ Kimberly ~~ (2 months ago)
Amy Hyde
Happy Birthday, Miranda Lambert!!!
- Amy Hyde (2 months ago)
My boyfriend is buying me Miranda Lambert tickets for my birthday and I could cry because of how happy I am!
- kenz (1 month ago)
James A Best -Author
Happy Birthday Miranda Lambert !!
- James A Best -Author (1 month ago)
Ariell Renae Kuriger
Happy birthday Miranda Lambert...hope you had a wonderful day
- Ariell Renae Kuriger (1 month ago)
Don Guerrero
Happy Belated Birthday Miranda Lambert.
- Don Guerrero (1 month ago)
Rae Charles
Happy Birthday, babe. Queen. Gorgeous. Loml. The one & only Miranda Lambert
- Rae Charles (1 month ago)
nikole van chapman
Happy Birthday Miranda Lambert
- nikole van chapman (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Miranda Lambert via enjoy your bday
- jasminebrownlee (1 month ago)
Scott Mair
Happy birthday to the beautiful talented and all time great gal Miranda Lambert. I hope you have a
- Scott Mair (1 month ago)