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Levonne Morgan
Yesterday I missed getting to wish Gov Mitt Romney a happy 71st birthday! So, here\'s hoping you had a wonderful...
- Levonne Morgan (9 months ago)
Avery Pereira
Happy belated birthday to former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney! Wishing you many years of good health and suc
- Avery Pereira (9 months ago)
Rose Van Guilder
Happy Birthday to Mitt Romney. All the best always.
- Rose Van Guilder (9 months ago)
Shelby Mustang
Ahhh shit, I forgot to wish Mitt Romney a happy birthday yesterday. Oh well, I\'ll just have to get him something extra nice next year.
- Shelby Mustang (9 months ago)
joe noia
Happy Birthday to my good friend Mitt Romney
- joe noia (9 months ago)
Today the House Intelligence Committee shut down the investigation and issued a bogus report - all wit
- Pocahontas (9 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Al Jarreau (d. 2017), M.A. Numminen, Shabnam Shakeel (d. 2013), Jimmy Wynn, Ratko Mladic, George
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
Freitfart News
Just think, Willard \"Mitt\" Romney: You were once just a flip-floppy little zygote spirit baby sent to Earth from Ko
- Freitfart News (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Ron Jeremy oh and Mitt Romney and Henry Jack
- Lara (9 months ago)
Nate Tovornik
Happy birthday to a group of people I d watch in a reality show: Ron Jeremy, Mitt Romney and Jack Kerouac. (Me too
- Nate Tovornik (9 months ago)
Paul Ryan
Happy Birthday to my good friend Mitt Romney!
- Paul Ryan (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Henry Jack, who\'s lucky enough to share a b-day with Mitt Romney and Ron Jeremy.
- John Fugelsang (9 months ago)
Mohamed Seleh
Happy birthday To Former Governor Of Massutus You Are Very Bold And confinet Republican Happy 71st Birthday Mitt Romney.
- Mohamed Seleh (9 months ago)
Silvio Canto, Jr.
We say a very happy birthday to Mitt Romney, one of the finest men who ever ran for president.
Overall, a first
- Silvio Canto, Jr. (9 months ago)
So i\'m washing my hands to the tune of happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear mitt romney happy birthday to you
- molly cool (8 months ago)
Happy birthday !! Hope you parT hard Mitt Romney xxx
- Banksy (9 months ago)
Doc History
2012 Republican Party Nominee: Mitt Romney. MA Governor. Led health care reform in MA. Happy 163rd Birthday
- Doc History (9 months ago)
I\'m Noor Kahn & I turned 20 on March 4th so Today I want to wish You a Happy 70th birthday & a Blessed
- Singh Noor Zafa Kahn (9 months ago)
Ryan T. Green
Happy 70th Birthday Mitt Romney. Still think you would\'ve been a great president.
- Ryan T. Green (9 months ago)
has anyone wished y\'all happy birthday yet? sorry you have to share one with me and mitt romney
- Kenny (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to me, Jack Kerouac, Mitt Romney and
- kelly (9 months ago)
Me and mitt romney have the same birthday so happy birthday
- stephanie (9 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Barbara Feldon, Johnny Rutherford, M.A. Numminen, Frank Welker, Liza Minnelli, Mitt Romney, James Taylor and Bill Payne.
- North Trenton (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to mitt romney and also me!
- z0ey (9 months ago)
Adrian Ancajas
Happy 70th Birthday to Mitt Romney! We will continue to believe in you and Believe in America!
- Adrian Ancajas (9 months ago)
Michael Adeyemi
Happy 70th Birthday to Mitt Romney
- Michael Adeyemi (9 months ago)
happy bday authors♪♫
Happy birthday Mitt Romney American businessman and politician
- happy bday authors♪♫ (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Mitt Romney! Wish he was celebrating in the Whitehouse
- Emma (9 months ago)
Tommy Hockey
Happy birthday, Mitt Romney.
- Tommy Hockey (9 months ago)
TidalWave Comics
Happy 69th birthday to Mitt Romney! Republican politician who served as the 70th Governor of Massachusetts from...
- TidalWave Comics (9 months ago)