FamousBirthdays: OmgItsHeatherrr Happy birthday! Famous people Mitt Romney, Liza Minnelli, and James Taylor have the same
- Delima Rizky (9 months ago)
Sam Ziegler
Happy birthday Mitt Romney!!
- Sam Ziegler (9 months ago)
Kaylee LaCerda
My dad has the same birthday as Mitt Romney and I am extremely jealous. Happy Birthday to a couple of my favorite men
- Kaylee LaCerda (9 months ago)
Queen B
Gotta say it... Happy Birthday Mitt Romney!
- Queen B (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Mitt Romney!
- NASCAR Fan (9 months ago)
M-Krew TV
Happy birthday to me! Pretty cool I share a birthday with but sadly with Mitt Romney
- M-Krew TV (9 months ago)
Usman Maigana
\" Happy birthday! Famous people Mitt Romney, Liza Minnelli, and James Taylor have the same bday as you!\"
- Usman Maigana (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Mitt Romney who was born today in 1947. Read about his life journey in his illustrated...
- BluewaterProductions (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday According to Dlisted, you share a birthday with Mitt Romney AND Ron Jeremy!
- Monica M. Silva (9 months ago)
Trending Outlet
Happy Birthday \" An Inside Look at the Man and His Politics\"
- Trending Outlet (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Ron Jeremy and Mitt Romney.
- Llama (9 months ago)
Lips Restaurant
Happy Birthday Mitt Romney! You look like a million bucks!!
- Lips Restaurant (9 months ago)
Pump It Up Chicago
Happy Birthday to James Taylor, Liza Minnelli, Pete Doherty, and Mitt Romney!
- Pump It Up Chicago (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Mitt Romney and Ron Jermey
- Kodee (9 months ago)
Anthony Ingham
Happy birthday Mitt Romney
- Anthony Ingham (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Mitt Romney. This cake is for your whole family to share..I think this covers everyone? We...
- jscoombs (9 months ago)
Chase\'s Calendar
. . . and happy birthday Liza Minnelli, Mitt Romney, Darryl Strawberry, James Taylor, Andrew Young.
- Chase\'s Calendar (9 months ago)
Bob Aicardi
Happy 68th birthday to Mitt Romney, who will never be forgiven by the GOP for his failure to defeat their despised President Obama in 2012.
- Bob Aicardi (9 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Mitt Romney will celebrate his 78 years old birthday in 2 months and 25 days! Send your greetings to him now!