Happy Birthday Morris Day!
- Jimmy Moore (3 months ago)
Happy birthday, morris day
- Ventris (3 months ago)
Brad Farberman
Happy birthday, Morris Day! ICYMI, here s my interview with Day from last week.
- Brad Farberman (3 months ago)
Brad Porter
A Happy 65th Birthday to a true legend of funk Came to fame in the Prince movie Purple Rain. A tru
- Brad Porter (3 months ago)
LizzLocker (on Mastodon)
This dance ain\'t for everybody... only the sexy people....
Happy Birthday, Morris Day!!
- LizzLocker (on Mastodon) (3 months ago)
TRS - Tiny Robot Superheroes™️
Happy Birthday to Morris Day!
One of my fav artists! Don t Wait For Me - Morris Day
(This has one of the best gu
- TRS - Tiny Robot Superheroes™️ (3 months ago)
Ben Fulkman
Happy birthday to the one and only Morris Day.
- Ben Fulkman (3 months ago)
The Music Nation
Happy Birthday to Morris Day of The Time.
- The Music Nation (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to a trio of icons: Taylor Swift, Morris Day, & Dick Van Dyke!
- Shawn (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday!
Morris Day, DON\'T WAIT FOR ME via
- sweetrhythms (3 months ago)
Moon\'s Daughter
Happy Birthday Morris Day
- Moon\'s Daughter (3 months ago)
Happy belated birthday to you singer & actor Morris Day ! I hope you had a wondeful & blessed day . Icon .
- Rana (2 months ago)
J Presidente
Happy Birthday to the most famous man born in Springfield, IL: Morris Day!
- J Presidente (2 months ago)
Sterling Stewart
Salute to Morris Day! Thank you and happy belated birthday anniversary
- Sterling Stewart (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Morris Day
- thehartofthings (2 months ago)
Lawrence Lang
Dayton_show: TheFunkCenter: Happy 64th Birthday to Morris Day lead singer of Morris Day & The
- Lawrence Lang (3 months ago)
TheFunkCenter: Happy 64th Birthday to Morris Day lead singer of Morris Day & The Time photo
- TheDaytonSceneRadioShow (3 months ago)
Happy 64th Birthday to Morris Day lead singer of Morris Day & The Time photos Gloria Barber
- TheFunkCenter (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Morris Day
- Car (3 months ago)
HAPPY 64th BIRTHDAY Morris E. Day, musician, composer, and actor. He is best known as the lead singer of the R&B/fu
- Space-reporter-news (3 months ago)
I see sounds.
Happy Birthday Morris Day!!
- I see sounds. (3 months ago)
Marc McVey
Happy birthday Morris Day!
- Marc McVey (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Morris Day.
- Ave (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Steve Buscemi, Jamie Foxx, Wendie Malick, Dick Van Dyke, Morris Day, Tom DeLonge, Taylor Swift, a
- Happy Birthday (3 months ago)
Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society
Happy Birthday to the legendary Morris Day from the Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society.
- Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society (3 months ago)
Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday to legendary musician & actor Morris Day!
- Gary Lutz (3 months ago)
Vintage Los Angeles
Happy birthday Morris Day. Oh! (oh we oh we oh)
- Vintage Los Angeles (3 months ago)
Reel Talk Films
We wish Morris Day a very happy birthday as we celebrate him with a memorable scene from the 1984 classic
- Reel Talk Films (3 months ago)
Abbey Birthday
What time is it? Birthday time!! Happy Birthday Morris Day!!
- Abbey Birthday (3 months ago)
BMB Empower Network
Happy Birthday Morris Day! He Is 64 Today!
- BMB Empower Network (3 months ago)
Tony Sellars
You know what time it is. Happy Birthday, Morris Day!
- Tony Sellars (3 months ago)
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I\'m sixty-four Happy birthday to Morris Day who turns 64 today.
- Housequake (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to Morris Day who coincidentally enough sent me to the emergency room 3 years ago almost to the day
- TrishTheDish (3 months ago)
Leroy Maxwell 2nd
December 13th Famous Birthdays:
December 13th: Sagittarius ( )
Happy Birthday 2:
Jamie Foxx, Morris Day, NeNe Lea
- Leroy Maxwell 2nd (3 months ago)
Parsons MusicLibrary
Happy birthday to American musician, composer, & actor Morris Day! Born in 1956, Day is best known as the le
- Parsons MusicLibrary (3 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Morris Day will celebrate his 68 years old birthday in 9 months and 0 day! Send your greetings to him now!