Fun fact: 3/26 is Nancy Pelosi s Birthday. Happy Birthday, Nance!
- Cheryl Ellison (9 months ago)
Put the pressure on in Nancy Pelosi......... Go in fool fool fool Aires mode Happy Birthday......... Aggressi
- HAHA ZODIAC (9 months ago)
Marsha Sahadi
Happy birthday to you both!!!! (I believe I share my bday with Nancy Pelosi !) Enjoy your day...
- Marsha Sahadi (10 months ago)
The Democratic party & Nancy Pelosi. Thank you For voting against President Donald Trump. Every chance YOU get .
Happy birthday
- Dneil (10 months ago)
- DeThomasoPanthr (10 months ago)
DAUK Women\'s Caucus
Wish a happy birthday to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, sign our card! -
- DAUK Women\'s Caucus (10 months ago)
Johnny Argent
The other day I saw \"poor\" Nancy Pelosi stammer thru a talk where she wished us all a Happy Thanksgiving - on Valen
- Johnny Argent (10 months ago)
Ciarán Butler ن
Happy Birthday Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI!!! I remember the day he rebuked Nancy Pelosi!!! holi...
- Ciarán Butler ن (9 months ago)
Let\'s all take a moment to wish nancy pelosi a happy birthday.
- AZROLLTIDE (9 months ago)
Charley Root
Happy Birthday Mr Brown sir, you look good for 80, and at least you are still 250 years
- Charley Root (9 months ago)
Matt fischer
Happy birthday Nancy pelosi you 200 year old democratic
- Matt fischer (9 months ago)
Floyd Ciruli
New prediction: If Dems take back control of the House in 2018, an arrangement will be made to let Nancy Pelosi tak
- Floyd Ciruli (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to James Caan, Nancy Pelosi, Richard Dawkins, Lella Lombardi (d. 1992), Erica Jong, Mustafa Kalemli,
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
- eztempo (9 months ago)
Georgia Atkins
FLASHBACK: The Day of Bread & Roses (aka Happy Birthday, Nancy Pelosi!)
- Georgia Atkins (9 months ago)
Zesty Liberal News
Happy 78th Birthday, Nancy Pelosi Your Present Won t Be Here Until November But It Is
- Zesty Liberal News (9 months ago)
Jerry Barrett
Happy 78th Birthday, Nancy Pelosi! Your Present Won t Be Here Until November But It Is This Gavel | Wonkette
- Jerry Barrett (9 months ago)
Nara Alivia
Happy Birthday to Nancy Pelosi. I am sure you Nancy had a great time celebrating your Birthday on your special day.
- Nara Alivia (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday and thank you Nancy Pelosi for your work for the American people.
- Deanna (9 months ago)
John Harmer
Happy 78th Birthday, Nancy Pelosi! Your Present Won t Be Here Until November But It Is This Gavel via
- John Harmer (9 months ago)