Happy Birthday Nancy Pelosi, enjoy family time
- Favorz (9 months ago)
Nancy Pelosi
A Sweet and Happy Birthday to our fearless leader, who is always working For The People! -
- Nancy Pelosi (9 months ago)
Deborah Fisher
Wishing a Happy Birthday to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Praying that you continue to stay strong through the difficult ti
- Deborah Fisher (9 months ago)
Nancy really got all these Republican boys mad cuz she s making more money than their faves.. a true baddie of our
- syllium6 (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the hero that saved our country during the dark days of tfg. My daughter ha
- Pamela (9 months ago)
Dex Sexton
Happy Birthday to the most powerful, the most fearless, the most smartest, the .out br
- Dex Sexton (9 months ago)
Antonio Terry
- Antonio Terry (9 months ago)
Kosay AL-Azzawi
Happy birthday Mrs speaker Nancy Pelosi with best prosperity and success for our Democratic administration
- Kosay AL-Azzawi (9 months ago)
Jason “Outreach King” Park (He/Him)
Happy birthday to our Speaker of the House, our very own Nancy Pelosi! While I personally may not agree with her i
- Jason “Outreach King” Park (He/Him) (9 months ago)
John D Sejas-Cordova
Happy Birthday to Nancy Pelosi. She served as the first female speaker of the house in US History.
- John D Sejas-Cordova (9 months ago)
Susa Esther Jordan
Happy Birthday Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi Now that you\'re 39, we need to talk about your
- Susa Esther Jordan (9 months ago)
Lover of honesty.
Happy birthday Madame Leader of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi!!!!!
- Lover of honesty. (9 months ago)
Scarlett Spooner
Happy birthday speaker Nancy Pelosi
Thank you for your service and labor of love for our great nation .
- Scarlett Spooner (9 months ago)
Marilyn Colli
Happy birthday Nancy Pelosi
- Marilyn Colli (9 months ago)
The first female speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, was born on this day in 1940, at Baltim
- Chisanga Puta-Chekwe (9 months ago)
Susan Santry
Happy Birthday Nancy Pelosi . Thank you for all you do.
- Susan Santry (9 months ago)
Jack Padula
Happy Birthday Nancy Pelosi!
- Jack Padula (9 months ago)
It is time to wish Nancy Pelosi a Happy Birthday
She is a strong woman
She is a leader
She has empathy and
- Connections Peace Love Hope (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Nancy Pelosi, the crappy Speaker of the House and unapologetic insider trader who is working to h
- Devil23 (9 months ago)
Mattie Scott
Happy Birthday! Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Our 1st Women Congressional Speaker of the House. We honor you and all
- Mattie Scott (9 months ago)
Not so happy birthday to Nancy Pelosi
- Fredomia (9 months ago)
Unsung History Podcast
Happy Birthday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, born in 1940 in Baltimore, Maryland. Pelosi was the first
- Unsung History Podcast (9 months ago)