Many more happy birthday dear sir JDS party State Minority President Janab Nasir Hussain Ustad Next
- RisingStar Mahmadsa Dhalayat ಮಹ್ಮದಸಾ ಢಾಲಾಯತ್ (1 year ago)
Pandit Vinod Kumar BaldevRaj Sharma
Feb 3 is Shree Hari Jayanti.Groundhog comes out at Spring time.Japan Setsubun Spring starts.India Spring from20Marc
- Pandit Vinod Kumar BaldevRaj Sharma (12 months ago)
Khusro Najeeb
On your birthday, I\'m proud to call you my leader. Thank you for everything and happy birthday.
Happy birthday Bhai
- Khusro Najeeb (8 hours ago)