27 years old (Born on January 12, 1998)
American actor; He is famous from Babel.
Everytime he would hear someone swear on the set of `Runaway` he charged them money. According to Nathan he made a lot of money off of Donnie Walhberg! (google.com) Loves comics. His favorites are "Garfield", "X-Men," and "Sebastian Reckless" by Rushton Howard. (google.com) Had an emergency appendix removal, February 2008.(google.com) Two sisters, one older and one younger. Went to Las Vegas for the first time when filming CSI. (google.com)
Nathan Gamble's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Nathan Gamble
Likes to play the Nintendo Wii.
Enjoys playing baseball, soccer and basketball. (google.com)
Favorite TV shows are "The Simpsons" and "The Office" (google.com)
Loves traveling, seeing other parts of the country and meeting different people. (google.com)
While filming The Hole (2010) Nathan had the same set tutor he had when filming Runaway (2006) 3 years previously.
He is friends with Elle Fanning, Andrew Lawrence and Sarah Ramos.
Considers Heath Ledger to be one of his favorite actors. (google.com)