Welcome to Neil Armstrong's Birthday Celebration Page
Neil Armstrong got 1015 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Happy birthday Katherine Johnson! During her 33-year career at Johnson\'s contributions to mathematics were c - UCSD CSE (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Who was the first man on the moon? (Neil Armstrong) Which president was Marilyn Monroe singing Happy - maxxx (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Who was the first man on the moon? (Neil Armstrong) Which president was Marilyn Monroe singing Happy - mimi (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

rain mimi
Who was the first man on the moon? (Neil Armstrong) Which president was Marilyn Monroe singing Happy - rain mimi (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

NASA And SpaceX
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong, in full Neil Alden Armstrong, (born August 5, 1930, Wapakoneta, Ohio, U.S - NASA And SpaceX (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sue Green
Neil Armstrong Perfect to share with my husband for his birthday celebrations - Sue Green (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Duchess Lynette
Happy Heavenly Birthday Neil Armstrong. Thanks for being a true modern-age pioneer of space travel - Duchess Lynette (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

For mankind .Allways remembered happy birthday Neil Armstrong - (visionary) (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rehan Kiriella
On a day like yesterday - the 5th of August 1930 - Astronaut Neil Armstrong was born! Since childhood, he had a - Rehan Kiriella (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mayuresh Deshpande
Belated Happy Birthday To Neil Armstrong - Mayuresh Deshpande (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Block Ulrich 1961
Happy 92 th Birthday Neil Armstrong ! - Block Ulrich 1961 (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dennis J Grocki
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong Rest In Peace - Dennis J Grocki (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michaela H. Smalley, M.S.Ed
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong! Guess which astronaut got the W tonight???? - Michaela H. Smalley, M.S.Ed (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

a team of ants doing their best
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong - a team of ants doing their best (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

James Gomez
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong in the stars. He would have been 92 today. - James Gomez (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Friday, you fine people! Looking for a good excuse to raise a glass or a can? Well, it s Neil Armstrong s bi - KingfisherDC (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Amin Dopamine
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong. - Amin Dopamine (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Linus Minimax
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong!! Isn\'t it wild how he just happened to be a dead ringer for the Bad Guys\' spac - Linus Minimax (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

That Guy
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong. (1930-2012) - That Guy (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ruth Cox
Neil Armstrong birthday twin, I\'ll take that... Happy birthday fellow Aug 5th\'s - Ruth Cox (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Fred Dibnah
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong. Gone but not forgotten... - Fred Dibnah (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

National Aeronautic Association (NAA)
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong who was born on this day in 1930! Armstrong was a record setter, 1969 Collier T - National Aeronautic Association (NAA) (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, the man who inspired me to reach the stars. I remember when I got an Astronaut he - Yulia (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

M. Junaid Hossain Shuvo
\"That\'s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.\" - Neil Armstrong. After landing on the moon he said - M. Junaid Hossain Shuvo (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Research at Purdue
Happy birthday to the first man on the moon and graduate Neil Armstrong! His determination and bra - Research at Purdue (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Roberto Gomsil.
Feliz cumpleaños Neil Armstrong (1930-2011) Apolo11. Happy birthday Neil Armstrong (1930-2011) Apollo 11. Godspe - Roberto Gomsil. (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Purdue University
Happy birthday to the first man on the moon and graduate, Neil Armstrong. He paved the way for many - Purdue University (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Manish Mishra
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, born on Aug. 5, 1930. His accomplishments inspired millions when he walked on the - Manish Mishra (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, born on Aug. 5, 1930. His accomplishments inspired millions when he walked on the - Manish (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

BioMedWorks LLC @ biomedworks.substack.com
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong: \"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man\'s desire to understand.\" \"T - BioMedWorks LLC @ biomedworks.substack.com (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

David Minton
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong! - David Minton (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Neil Armstrong Wikipedia - am 05.08.1930 geboren . Happy birthday. - Zahlenfetischist (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jim Williams
Happy birthday to a true American hero, who left us too soon... Astronaut Neil Armstrong. Another odd fact about m - Jim Williams (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ankur Sengupta
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon. As far as accomplishments go, that\'s pretty up there - Ankur Sengupta (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Purdue University Press
Happy Birthday to 1st Man and alumnus Neil Armstrong. - Purdue University Press (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Smithsonian 3D
Happy birthday to the late Neil Armstrong- if you\'ve got access to a printer, you can download a file to print - Smithsonian 3D (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday neil armstrong!!!! - Ceej (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Oliver Johnson
I\'m going to have to draw a picture I think. I like the way that Neil Armstrong (happy birthday to - Oliver Johnson (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

S112 Module Team
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong! - S112 Module Team (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

info all the time. #RIPNEWS
YewwFOOD \'In Neil Armstrong\'s life, the world really was his oyster! A very happy birthday t - info all the time. #RIPNEWS (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Masataka Tanimitsu
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong I want to bring music to the moon. - Masataka Tanimitsu (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Scott Smith
Happy birthday to this great man who needs no introduction. Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong - Scott Smith (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

It\'s just impossible until you reach it. Happy birthday Neil Armstrong, the man who took us to the moon, without us - Abarth (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

ÇapaMag Mazi
Happy Birthday 5 A ustos 1930. Efsanevi astronot Neil Armstrong, ABD\'de do du. Ay\'a ayak basan ilk insand . \"Bu in - ÇapaMag Mazi (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Celebrity Born
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong (American Astronaut, Engineer, Businessperson, Pilot & Navy Officer) - Died on 25- - Celebrity Born (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Aguilar
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong - Michael Aguilar (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Graham Bridge
Sharing your birthday with Neil Armstrong. Happy Birthday, Wendy. Have a good un. - Graham Bridge (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Fun Facts Factory
In Neil Armstrong\'s life, the world really was his oyster! A very happy birthday to Mark Strong, - Fun Facts Factory (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Cult Critic
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEIL ARMSTRONG - Cult Critic (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sanjib Acharya
Happy Birthday 1st Man on the Moon - Sanjib Acharya (7 months ago)

94 years old (Born on August 05, 1930)

First Man on the Moon

Neil Armstrong's Best Moments

Happy birthday to one of the greats, Neil Armstrong. The legacy he left behind started with one small step...
Gone but not forgotten. 

Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong. 

First man to set foot on the moon.
Neil Armstrong would have turned 89 today; first human to walk on the moon. Happy Birthday Neil.
Happy Birthday to the first man to walk on the moon: Neil Armstrong. He would have been 85-years old today.
The first person to walk on the Moon was born on August 5, 1930, in Ohio. Happy birthday weekend, Neil Armstrong.
Room Rater In Memoriam Happy Birthday. Neil Armstrong was born this day in 1930. 10/10
Happy Birthday to the first person ever to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong!
Happy Birthday to my lovely wife! If I were Neil Armstrong you would be my moon! Xx
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong! Apollo 11 Moonwalker Would Have Been 89 Today
Happy birthday to legendary Ohioan Neil Armstrong. He would have been 88 today.
Happy birthday, Neil Armstrong! His heartbeat as orchestration for a sublime John Lennon cover
A very special Happy Birthday to the first man to step on the moon, Neil Armstrong!  Credit:
Happy birthday, Neil Armstrong!
The first man to step foot on the moon was born 85 years ago today. Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong.
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong! Remembering you on what would have been
Una semana antes de que Neil Armstrong pisara la Luna ya teníamos banda sonora. Happy birthday
Happy birthday to the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong. He would\ve been 85 today
Happy birthday, Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon.
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong! The finding aid to his papers is now online.
Happy birthday to the awesome Neil Armstrong! May he rest in peace.
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, who would have been 85 years old today.
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong. We  remember you and follow your steps.
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong, born in 1930! Ryan Gosling played Mr. Armstrong in 2018\s
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong. You never fail to inspire.
This was a man that helped shaped how mankind is today. Happy birthday Neil Armstrong, you\ll always be remembered
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong! Born 1930, first person to walk on the moon
\"The Eagle has landed\" Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong - your story lives on
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong who would\ve been 85 today!
If today is your birthday, you share it with Neil Armstrong! Happy birthday to you!
Wishing Happy Birthday To Neil Armstrong
Belated Happy Birthday To Neil Armstrong
Today would have been astronaut Neil Armstrong\s 85th birthday. Happy birthday, Neil!
Happy Birthday and in loving memory: Moonwalker Neil Armstrong, 1960, after a flight in the X-15 rocket plane.
Happy birthday, Neil Armstrong! His heartbeat as orchestration for a sublime John Lennon cover
Happy Birthday to the late, great astronaut Neil Armstrong! Xx
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the Moon. He would have been 88 years old today!
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong! Your memory and legacy live on at NASA!
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong. Legend!
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong!
\"This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.\"
Happy birthday to American astronaut Neil Armstrong. He was the first person to walk on the moon.
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong! The first human to walk on the moon would\ve turned 90 today. He died in 2012.
Happy Birthday sir Neil Armstrong
Newsflicks: Homage Marilyn Monroe, Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong, Kajol, David Baldacci
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong!
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong. Hope our generation doesn\t waste your legacy & inspiration, and finally gets to Mars.
Happy Birthday to the late Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon!
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, first man on the Moon and all-around pioneer, born in 1930.
Happy Birthday to the late Neil Armstrong. A true hero for mankind.
Take a look at the moon tonight and wish Neil Armstrong a happy birthday. He would\ve been 87 years old.
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong, who would have turned 87 today!
In Memoriam of the late and great Neil Armstrong. Happy Birthday and RIP.
Hero\s Never Die.
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong!
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong, the 1st man on the MOON
Happy birthday, Neil Armstrong. The first man to walk on the moon would have turned 88 today.
\"Research is creating new knowledge\" Neil Armstrong 
Happy Birthday
 Here is my HaSS week dress up. Also happy birthday to Neil Armstrong!
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong!
Do you know the date when he took the first step on the surface of the moon?
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong!
The first man who landed on the !
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong.
A very special Happy Birthday to the first man to step on the moon, Neil Armstrong! Credit:
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, it would\ve been his 91st birthday!
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong!
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong - born August 5, 1930
Let\s also celebrate the birthday of this dearest man! Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong it\s always a pleasure sir
Happy birthday to this great man who needs no introduction.  Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong
Happy Birthday to our first moon explorer in the world, Mr. Neil Armstrong !
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong, who would have turned 85 today!
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong,De 1st man on de moon
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong!
Milestones are made often to be remembered.
Wishing the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, a very Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, one of the raddest dudes to rock this solar system
Happy birthday to the late Neil Armstrong who was born on this day in 1930.  He was the 1st man to walk on the moon
Happy Birthday to the late Neil Armstrong!
Happy Birthday to this guy - Neil Armstrong
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong (1930) Patrick Ewing (1962)
Happy birthday to the 1st man to walk on the moon! Learn more about his life:
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong! (1930-2012)
HuffPostScience: Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong who would be 85 today.
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong! He\s an iconic Mogul 8 who showed the world what happens when you dare to achieve.
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong! -
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong!
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong r.I.p
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong,1st. man to walk on the moon 1969
Happy birthday, Neil Armstrong (1930-2012), aerospace engineer, test pilot and, of course, first to walk on the moon.
\" Today would have been astronaut Neil Armstrong\s 85th birthday. Happy birthday, Neil!
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong!
Happy Birthday to the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong.
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, who would have been 85 today. I highly recommend his biography by James Hansen.
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon! (1930-2012)
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong born on this day August 5th, 1930
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong. Purdue grad and the first man to walk on the moon, he would have been 85 today.
Happy birthday, Neil Armstrong. The ultimate bearded man of adventure.
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong who would have been 85 today.
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong!!!
Happy 85th Birthday to Neil Armstrong!
\"Mystery creates wonder & wonder is the basis of man\s desire to understand.\"
Happy Birthday to the always humble, Neil Armstrong.
Happy birthday, Neil Armstrong!! The man of giant leap for humankind ..
Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong.
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong. I think of you every time I look at the moon (and I wink in tribute)
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong and thank you for encouraging us to wonder!
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong 1930 2012.
By \"Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, who
  Today is birthday of our dear Neil Armstrong, Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong! May his legacy live on with future missions to explore our solar system.
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong!  You took your giant leap, now you led us to take our journey to make ours.
Happy Birthday to first man to walk on the moon-Neil Armstrong. He would have been 85 today
Happy Birthday to us!The 1st man to walk on the moon Neil Armstrong officially opened on this day in 1977
Did you know, I am related to Neil Armstrong? Happy Birthday Neil!
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong! Thank you for taking that giant leap. And for beating the Moon aliens.
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong , He was a man, first man foot print on the moon
 Happy Birthday Chris!  You ARE another Neil Armstrong EXCEPTIONALLY from Canada.
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong
Happy birthday to the First Man who landed on Moon - Neil Armstrong and that one small step created history.
My says Happy Neil Armstrong\s Birthday! -
That\s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. 
Neil Armstrong
Happy Birthday
87th BirthDay of Neil Armstrong! NASA Happy BirthDay Daughter
Happy birthday  Aug. 5 1930
A big Happy Birthday to Neil Armstrong!
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong . Tonight we will see the moon, we will cheer you .
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong
 can you say happy birthday to my brother neil Armstrong 40 today the wee fruit
I learned your name in elementary school Happy birthday Mr. Neil Armstrong
  Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong!!
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong
Happy Birthday to American astronaut Neil Armstrong who was the first person to walk on the moon!
Happy Birthday to the incomparable Neil Armstrong! We\re delighted to share with you!
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong!
It was a giant leap for mankind indeed! Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong!
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong! We love you to the moon and back!
12 of the most inspiring words of our time! Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong!
Happy birthday to , born while Neil Armstrong touched the lunar\s soil.
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong....
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong!
Happy late birthday to Neil Armstrong, you ve inspired me sm
Happy Birthday to the first person on moon!
Neil Armstrong
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong !
Happy Birthday American Astronaut
Neil Armstrong
Happy Birthday to the late Neil Armstrong
Happy birthday Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the Moon! He was born on in 1930, in Ohio.
Happy 90 birthday to Neil Armstrong in heaven. May he Rest In Peace.
Happy Birthday to the Great Neil Armstrong who would have been 82 years old today!
Remembering the First Man, Neil Armstrong on what would be his 90th birthday.
Happy Birthday Neil!
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong. If you don\t get the connection, do some research.
Congratulations to Neil Armstrong Happy Birthday, Space Cowboy
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong, born this day in 1930!
The late Neil Armstrong would have been 90 years old today. Happy birthday to the first man on the Moon!
5 Aug
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong
Happy 90th birthday to Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)!
Happy Birthday to the first person on moon, Neil Armstrong
 That s one,small step for man..one giant leap,for mankind happy 90th birthday Neil Armstrong!!
 Wow ! So we share our Bday with Neil Armstrong. Happy Bday to you !
Happy birthday *Neil Armstrong*
Happy 91st Birthday to Neil Armstrong!!
Happy Birthday 
1st Man on the Moon
Happy Birthday Neil Armstrong
Happy birthday to Neil Armstrong in the stars. He would have been 92 today.
Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong! Guess which astronaut got the W tonight????
neil armstrong on the moon 0
neil armstrong moon landing 1
neil armstrong on the moon with flag 2
neil armstrong moon landing 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Neil, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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