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☮️ Two For Joy
Is it fair to have given us the memory of what was and the desire of what could be when we must suffer what is?
- ☮️ Two For Joy (1 week ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FEBRUARY 25; Actor/Comic Lee Evans,58; Voice Actress Kana Hanazawa,33; Director Neil Jordan,72; Wres
- BRONX POET (1 week ago)
Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Neil Jordan!
- Mrs. Anne (1 week ago)
Happy birthday Neil Jordan. My favorite films by Jordan (not his best, but the ones I enjoyed the most) are Michael
- jhpcine (1 week ago)
Horror Historian
Happy Birthday to Neil Jordan ! You may remember him from directing such films as The Company of Wolves (1984), Hig
- Horror Historian (1 week ago)
Feo Amante
Happy Belated Feb. 25 Birthday to Director Neil Jordan!
- Feo Amante (1 week ago)
Jason Adams
Happy birthday to underrated horror king Neil Jordan
- Jason Adams (1 week ago)
Mark Fowler
British and Irish film/TV birthdays for 25 February
Happy birthday to Neil Jordan
(born 25 February 1950)
- Mark Fowler (1 week ago)
Just calling to wish Neil Jordan a very happy birthday.
Lá Breithe Shona dhuit!
- Letterboxd (1 week ago)
Cory Heitman
Happy birthday to writer/director Neil Jordan, who turns 71 today.
- Cory Heitman (1 week ago)
Irish Film Institute
Happy Birthday, Neil Jordan! What\'s your favourite film by the Irish filmmaker?
- Irish Film Institute (1 week ago)
Feb 25 Happy Birthday part 1: Tom Courtenay, Diane Baker, Karen Grassle, Kristina Holland, Samantha Phill
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (1 week ago)
Hansi Oppenheimer
Happy birthday Neil Jordan!
- Hansi Oppenheimer (1 week ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 71st Birthday to
- George Schmidt (G) (1 week ago)
Happy birthday, Neil Jordan!
A Deeply Humane Story that Transcends Gender, Race and Nationality: Neil Jordan s THE
- NeoText (1 week ago)
Michael W. Freeman
Happy birthday Neil Jordan, the talented Irish film director whose creative efforts included the gothic horror of T
- Michael W. Freeman (1 week ago)
Éire of Success
Happy birthday to a very man! Neil Jordan, 70 today. The Company of Wolves, The Crying Game, Mic
- Éire of Success (1 week ago)
Diane Warthin
Happy Birthday to You
Neil Jordan via
- Diane Warthin (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday to Oscar winning director Neil Jordan.......71 today!
What\'s your favourite film of his?
- anygoodfilms? (1 week ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Francisco Fernandez Ochoa (d. 2006), Neil Jordan, Nestor Kirchner (d. 2010), Emitt Rhodes, Cesar
- Teewhy Nyema (1 week ago)
Celebrating Film
Happy 70th Birthday to Irish writer/director Neil Jordan.
- Celebrating Film (1 week ago)
Movie director Neil Jordan is 70. Happy Birthday!!
- WhoseBirthdayIsItAnyway? (1 week ago)
ye olde gasse bagge
so the first BOY GEORGE song she plays is \' the crying game \' i didn\'t even know he did that song &
- ye olde gasse bagge (1 week ago)
Jerry Dennis
Happy Birthday Neil Jordan!
- Jerry Dennis (1 week ago)
lebeau\'s Le Blog
February 25: Happy Birthday Neil Jordan
- lebeau\'s Le Blog (1 week ago)
Happy birthday Neil Jordan Okroglih 70. Mona Lisa (1986), Michael Collins (1996), The End of the Affair (19
- filmoljub (1 week ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Francisco Fernandez Ochoa (d. 2006), Neil Jordan, Nestor Kirchner (d. 2010), Emitt Rhodes, Cesar
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (1 week ago)
Joe Sharp
Happy 69th Birthday, Neil Jordan! This Irish film short-story writer, novelist screenwriter and director is best kn
- Joe Sharp (1 week ago)
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to our director Neil Jordan. See the film in theaters this Friday.
- Greta (1 week ago)
Juan Hernández
Happy birthday Neil Jordan. I do love films about history and politics, so I had a great time watching Michael Coll
- Juan Hernández (1 week ago)
Elin Cath
Happy birthday to Neil Jordan, my favourite director, one of cinema\'s greatest chroniclers of gender, class, Irelan
- Elin Cath (1 week ago)
Jack Torrance
Top story: Happy Birthday: Neil Jordan | WILDsound Festival see more
- Jack Torrance (1 week ago)
Adam Pidgeon
Happy 69th birthday to Neil Jordan
\"I\'m fascinated by monsters [and] monstrous people and fascinated with illogic
- Adam Pidgeon (1 week ago)
The Poet\'s Poet
Happy Birthday: Neil Jordan via
- The Poet\'s Poet (1 week ago)
Markham Nolan ☘️
Wrestling legend CBS co-worker former Goonie/hobbit
- Markham Nolan ☘️ (1 week ago)
WILDsound Festival Review
Happy Birthday: Neil Jordan
- WILDsound Festival Review (1 week ago)
spacewoman reporter
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEIL JORDAN - director - 25. February 1950. Sligo, Ireland
- spacewoman reporter (1 week ago)
krešimir zvonarić
Happy birthday to, Neil Jordan!
- krešimir zvonarić (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday, Neil Jordan!
- RACC (1 week ago)
Franklin Mount
Happy Birthday Neil Jordan, born on this day in 1950.
- Franklin Mount (1 week ago)
Melanie VaughanSmith
Happy birthday today to Peter Fonda (79), Bernard Cornwell (75), Shakira Caine (72), Neil Jordan (69), Howard Jones
- Melanie VaughanSmith (1 week ago)
Happy birthday Neil Jordan!
- Elise (1 week ago)
Dave Hollingsworth
Happy Birthday to director Neil Jordan, seen here on the set of:
- Dave Hollingsworth (1 week ago)
Top story: Happy Birthday: Neil Jordan | WILDsound Writing and Film Festival Re see more
- Shute (1 week ago)
Kenneth Johnson
Feb 25 Happy Birthday part 1: Tom Courtenay, Diane Baker, producer Karen Grassle, Kristina Holland, direc
- Kenneth Johnson (1 week ago)
EIN Movie News
Happy birthday, Neil Jordan! Irish filmmaker and writer born on this day
- EIN Movie News (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday, Neil Jordan! The Company of Wolves (1984)
- MadRichard (1 week ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today, Feb 25, 1950 Neil Jordan, Irish director, screenwriter, and author was born....
- Jamie Roxx (1 week ago)
Mekata, Nobuo
Happy Birthday, Neil Jordan 2 25
- Mekata, Nobuo (1 week ago)
IMDb. February 25th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Christopher George, Oliver Phelps, George Harrison, Tom Courtenay, Neil Jordan.
- GSmith (1 week ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Neil Jordan just celebrated his 75 years old birthday 1 week ago. It's still not too late to say happy bday. Send your greetings to him now!