- A BIG 2016 4U (3 weeks ago)
ewan read
can you wish my dear friends a happy 18th birthday please, he\'s a massive fan!
- ewan read (1 month ago)
Nick Clegg wishes Blind Veterans UK a happy 100th birthday -
- PeterboroughLibDems (5 hours ago)
etaG syerotS8
Happy Birthday Nick Clegg - on Wednesday, 07 January 2015
- etaG syerotS8 (1 week ago)
Tim Farron
Happy birthday! Many happy returns!
- Tim Farron (1 week ago)
Ben Carpenter
Happy Birthday,
- Ben Carpenter (1 week ago)
Elizabeth Barnes
Good evening Deputy Prime Minister Clegg, a very fabulous birthday to you, hope it\'s been a wonderful day, Happy birthday!
- Elizabeth Barnes (1 week ago)
Maelo Manning
Happy Birthday
- Maelo Manning (1 week ago)
Tracy C
Happy Birthday to Nick. Hope it\'s been a great day :)
- Tracy C (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday I\'d throw you a party but you already have a failing one.
- LiverbirdLou (1 week ago)
It\'s Nick Clegg\'s birthday today. I\'d say \"Happy birthday\" but, y\'know.
- Jamie (1 week ago)
Billy Kaplan
- Billy Kaplan (1 week ago)
Carla Martin
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday .. So sorry such sad news re: Paris. Hope able to celebrate it with your family at some point!
- Carla Martin (1 week ago)
Anthony Devlin
reacts as party members sing Happy Birthday as leaflet Hornsey
- Anthony Devlin (1 week ago)
Jaedyn Meissner
Happy Birthday Nick! Keep up the good work :D
- Jaedyn Meissner (1 week ago)
Donna Marie Cox
All the best people were born on January 7th (except Nick Clegg lol) happy birthday x
- Donna Marie Cox (1 week ago)
Terry Rowland
Happy 51st birthday to Nicolas Cage. Shares it with your political hero Nick Clegg. Guess you already knew that and have sent cards?
- Terry Rowland (1 week ago)
ems simpson
Happy Birthday to Nick Clegg!
- ems simpson (1 week ago)
A very happy birthday to with rainbow cake for the most gay-friendly leader :D
- HertsLY (1 week ago)
Warren Swaine
Happy Birthday
- Warren Swaine (1 week ago)
Atul Patel
7 January 1967 Happy 48th birthday Nicholas William Peter \"Nick\" Clegg Apology Song: I\'m Sorry (The Autotune Remix):
- Atul Patel (1 week ago)
happy birthday!
- becca (1 week ago)
Chris Middlehurst
happy birthday lad
- Chris Middlehurst (1 week ago)
yes Happy Birthday Nick. Another year wiser!
- mark bateman (1 week ago)
Paul Scriven
Happy 48th Birthday and here are 48 good things Nick Clegg and have done
- Paul Scriven (1 week ago)
Chris Tye
happy birthday. Is he going to wish my wife Carrie a happy 40th, also today?!
- Chris Tye (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Nick! It was your leadership which persuaded me to join the LibDems; now I\'m secretary of my local branch! :D
- auntie_shaz (1 week ago)
Layla Moran
48 good things Nick Clegg has done. Happy Birthday via
- Layla Moran (1 week ago)
Liberal Democrats
Wishing our leader a very happy birthday!
- Liberal Democrats (1 week ago)
Ian Stotesbury
Happy Birthday Nick, keep up the good work and I hope you get some quality time with the family today!
- Ian Stotesbury (1 week ago)
Kirsten Bayes
Happy Birthday, chief! Xx
- Kirsten Bayes (1 week ago)
Liberal Reform
Happy birthday, Thanks for defying Labour and the Tories by giving a tax cut to middle and low income earners!
- Liberal Reform (1 week ago)
ON THIS DAY 7th January 1967:
Happy birthday to Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and MP for Sheffield...
- LiberalHistoryToday (1 week ago)
Glyn Davies
And a very happy birthday to my Coalition colleague, Nick Clegg on his 48th birthday. Dare say he\'ll be wanting his cake and eating it again
- Glyn Davies (1 week ago)
Ian Swales
Happy birthday Nick Clegg, 48 today. A good list here.
- Ian Swales (1 week ago)
Tom Newton Dunn
Nick Clegg is 48 today. Sure he\'d appreciate a happy birthday from Dave and Ed at
- Tom Newton Dunn (1 week ago)
South Central LY
Happy Birthday to leader Stuck for a present idea? How about making sure Nick gets reelected:
- South Central LY (1 week ago)